Does nail growth and hair growth go together?


New Member
My nails grow so fast. I sware I have to cut them every 2 weeks. Im just wondering if hair and nail growth go together. Or does it still have to do with how you treat your hair. I hope this isn't a silly question. What do you guys think?
both my hair and nails grow fast, but my hair is stronger. even though i take vitamins my nails warp as they grow longer cuz they're so thin.

i'm sure there are things i could do to make them stronger but i don't care to... i just keep them short. if i had money to waste i'd get acrylics every few weeks... those things were awesome :grin: but they just end up making my weak nails even weaker. :nono:
I have wondered this too.. I just thought about this the other day...My nails grow really fast always have and I do absolutely nothing to them. My sisters nails don't grow as fast but her hair grows really fast. Same for my cousins they have extremely short nails but BSL or WSL hair and it grows extremely fast.

My hair grows slow but my nails can go from nub to really long in a really short period and they are thick and strong. I just want the same for my hair...
My nails grow faster than my hair because I have 2 trim them every 2 weeks because they get too long. I wish my hair would do that.
My nails grow so fast. I sware I have to cut them every 2 weeks. Im just wondering if hair and nail growth go together. Or does it still have to do with how you treat your hair. I hope this isn't a silly question. What do you guys think?

I've always heard that, but I don't know if I believe that. I've known people who have had short nails their entire life, but who have some fast growing hair. Another example is my nails. My nails have always grown ridiculously long, but my hair has not done the same.

I think nail growth is an indication of hair health(strong new growth) not of a faster growth rate.
Not for me:nono:

My hair continues to grow like wild fire, but my nails never grow long...well, they grow, but eventually break :wallbash:
I don't think so, but maybe for some. My nails grow like crazy. I can cut them all the way down in week 1 and by week 3 they are growing to the tip of my finger :( Maybe it's my vitamin intake or something, I don't know. I used to always want nail growth like this, but while I am trying to grow my hair long it's not a good idea for me, and my husband hates long nails anyways.
Hair, nails and skin are all apart of the same organ system. The integumentary system. Whatever your hair needs to grow, you nails need practically the same thing. Since I've been using all of this coconut oil and other natural stuff in my hair, my nails have gotten longer and stronger. It's because they're always soaked in the oils from me applying to the hair or just feeling around in my hair. Look it up ladies, you'll be amazed. That's why what I make and use on my hair I also use on my skin and nails.
Hair, nails and skin are all apart of the same organ system. The integumentary system. Whatever your hair needs to grow, you nails need practically the same thing. Since I've been using all of this coconut oil and other natural stuff in my hair, my nails have gotten longer and stronger. It's because they're always soaked in the oils from me applying to the hair or just feeling around in my hair. Look it up ladies, you'll be amazed. That's why what I make and use on my hair I also use on my skin and nails.

Beauty and brains--that's what I'm talking about! Thanks naturalgurl!:yep: