Does MTG Make Your Head Itch???


New Member
I got my bottle of MTG yesterday. As suggested by the many users on this board, I applied about 3 Tbsp. to my scalp, massaged it in, put a plastic cap and scarf on and went to sleep. I dont know if i'm just being paranoid or what but my head is constantly itching! Please tell me this is a normal sensation and NOT that i'm having an allergic reaction.

Also, it's been nearly a full day and i can still smell this stuff on my head. No one has said anything so hopefully i'm the only one smelling it. I'm off to get some essential oils 'cause I dont think i can stand it much longer.
My hair never itched using the MTG..... but I tend not to have sensitive scalp.

Yeah, that smell is something else. :lol: Diluting it w/essential oils will be cool..... although I take my straight to the head.
KiniKakes said:
My hair never itched using the MTG..... but I tend not to have sensitive scalp.

Yeah, that smell is something else. :lol: Diluting it w/essential oils will be cool..... although I take my straight to the head.

:lol: lol do I.

ETA: MTG does not make my scalp itch. I use very little and I do not use a plastic cap.
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Yes girl- Mine itch till Kingdom Come, but I know it's the hair growing. I can literally feel it pushing out the pores. Dilute with essential oil like KiniKAkes said. She has an awesome Fotki to look and learn by the way. I personally have rosemary and lavender in mine along with a lil surge and cayenne pepper. It cuts the smell and it tingles.
It doesn't make my scalp itch. I don't mix either... The smell isn't that bad to me. I mean, it's not pleasant, but I've smelled worse. Reminds me of the Sulpher 8 my kin-folks used when I was little.

I take mine straight to the head too. :D
It will itch my scalp if I leave it on my scalp for longer than 2 or three days. I make sure to use it when I know I will have time to co-wash or shampoo. Its not an unbearable itch, usually just one spot has a constant dull itch all day.
I never used to itch before. But I've recently applied it this week for the first time since summer started and I have the same type of itch seeminglysweet described. It's not bad and it's very infrequent, but it's something I have noticed.