Does MSM revert your hair?

Does MSM revert your hair after you stop taking it?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 6 85.7%

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Active Member
I read posts where people were saying that MSM makes your NG softer and looser. I'm just curious, if you decide to stop taking MSM, does the softer/looser texture that has already grown out revert back to your normal texture?
I don't know about looser texture but when I was taking MSM before my hair got really soft. Then I ran out and wasn't able to get more right away. My hair did return to it's coarser state. It even seemed even more coarser than it originally was. Anyway, I'm back on the MSM and looking forward to the incredible softness again. Hope that helps.
I don't know about looser texture but when I was taking MSM before my hair got really soft. Then I ran out and wasn't able to get more right away. My hair did return to it's coarser state. It even seemed even more coarser than it originally was. Anyway, I'm back on the MSM and looking forward to the incredible softness again. Hope that helps.

Thanks for answering. And oh ok. Your hair got coarser? That's kinda scary...
I have sooo wanted to take MSM for the longest.. but the side effects (messing with cycle and the "vivid" dreams) scare me. I know this does not happen to everyone but I'm just scared that I would be the one that gets ALL the side effects. :sad:
I'm scared to but I'm going to go ahead and try some. I read that it detoxes your body and you might get breakouts and stuff in the beginning. But that just means that the toxins are getting flushed out of your system. Yeah, I'm trying it. I'll let you guys know how it turns out in a month. :)
I'm scared to but I'm going to go ahead and try some. I read that it detoxes your body and you might get breakouts and stuff in the beginning. But that just means that the toxins are getting flushed out of your system. Yeah, I'm trying it. I'll let you guys know how it turns out in a month. :)

That explains why I got random break outs when I started like a month ago, Thanks!
I have had a little looser texture not by much.... and my "nappy patch" got nappier :lol: I stopped then started and the only difference was my skin broke out a little bit.

I love it because it's helped with my allergies. You might break out but just drink more water to flush out the toxins. You can combat the breakouts with a little tea tree oil (if you're not allergic to it.) Mario badescu makes a zit zapper but I forgot what it's called. Works great.
I have had a little looser texture not by much.... and my "nappy patch" got nappier :lol: I stopped then started and the only difference was my skin broke out a little bit.

I love it because it's helped with my allergies. You might break out but just drink more water to flush out the toxins. You can combat the breakouts with a little tea tree oil (if you're not allergic to it.) Mario badescu makes a zit zapper but I forgot what it's called. Works great.

Thanks for the information! :)
MSM made my hair texture tighter. I don't know why mine did the opposite of LHCF reports. I went from 4a to 4c/d. I was taking it for about 6 mos. When I decided to stop taking it about two months ago my hair started growing in at 4a again.
MSM made my hair texture tighter. I don't know why mine did the opposite of LHCF reports. I went from 4a to 4c/d. I was taking it for about 6 mos. When I decided to stop taking it about two months ago my hair started growing in at 4a again.

Whoa, that's different.
I stopped taking MSM after 7 months because of the thread about MSM possibly causing bloated belly.

2 months later I noticed that the hair coming out from my roots was more defined.

I'm not sure if it was MSM or if I have 7 months of "scab hair" but I think that MSM might have loosened my hair and made my frizz worse.

I don't know but if it is MSM my frizz is not reversing...

And I'm laying of the MSM for a while.
I took MSM for about 6 months. I've just run out. MSM made my hair texture looser - from a 4a/3d to a definate 3c. When it ran out, the growth that came in while I was taking MSM stayed at 3c, but the new growth came in at 4a/3d again. And don't worry too much about the side effects - everything has side effects! Just start with a small amount first. I noticed more growth and clear radiant skin alongside a looser curl pattern when I took it. I'll definately be buying some more!
Nope I haven't noticed this and I have been taking it for the past 2 months. However I have noticed my face breaking out from time to time and I usually have very clear skin. I just suggest drinking lots of water with this product.
I have never understood the loosening of the hair with MSM because I remember reading that hair that has more sulphur/sulfur in it is curlier. Which would explain why some people's hair seemed tighter when they increased the sulfur/sulphur in their body by taking MSM.

Why is your hair curly and why are there different types of curls?

Hair curls based on the chemical bonds it has. The protein keratin makes up the hair shaft and it is made of amino acids. Long chains of amino acids form a helical structure. These structures will wrap around each other forming the hair shaft. One of the amino acids within the chains is called cysteine, which carries a sulphur group. These groups create sulphur bonds between the chains, causing bending of the protein. And the more sulphur bonds a hair shaft has, the more bending there will be and the more curly it is.

Different parts of your scalp can grow hair with more or less sulpher bonds, creating more than one hair type on your head. The texture of the curl depends on the contents of the hair cortex. The cortex is made of ortho cortex and para cortex. Para cortex is strong, durable and shiny. Ortho cortex is more porous, less durable, and more bendable. Curly hair has more ortho cortex, and the amount present can greatly affect the hair type. The more ortho cortex the hair has, the more textured it is and the more fragile it is. This is why curly hair needs more TLC and can be easily damaged.

For the record, MSM didn't seem to have any effect on my hair. Now my nails got stronger and whiter.
I stopped taking MSM after 7 months because of the thread about MSM possibly causing bloated belly.

2 months later I noticed that the hair coming out from my roots was more defined.

I'm not sure if it was MSM or if I have 7 months of "scab hair" but I think that MSM might have loosened my hair and made my frizz worse.

I don't know but if it is MSM my frizz is not reversing...

And I'm laying of the MSM for a while.

OMG!!! That's what's up!!! I look 3 months pregnant and it's not due to my cycle either! Thank you thank you thank you! I'm most certainly going to stop taking this.