Does Megatek REALLY work?

OK, I've read tons and tons of threads on Megatek, as well as youtube videos and blog entries. After months of research I decided to buy it out of desperation for more growth, so I finally purchased some in January this year. Now, I've been using it quite consistently for nearly 5 months now, but I don't seem to have had that growth spurt I'd been hoping for, it's just growing at it's usual slow pace :ohwell:

So, what I want to know is, what's the deal with Megatek? I've read some people say it doesn't even work? Does it actually work or not? Or am I just unlucky? Let me know what you know in this thread :yep:
Are you sure your experiencing growth and just not realizing it because of hairbreakage? I ask because I've read alot of posters comment about increased breakage.

I use mega-tek from time to time, and I always obtain great growth. I make sure I use EVCO along with it,for added moisture.

How often were you using the mega-tek? Do you massage it in, or just 'grease ur scalp' and go?

Alot of times people won't notice growth if their hair is breaking off in the process. It gives the illusion that your hair isn't growing..or is just a slow grower.
well, it worked for me, i still use it. i dont use it as a scalp grease though, i use it as a deep coditioner with castorl oil&wheatgerm oil. i leave this overnight and rinse out in the morning. or just leave for a few hours then rinse out. dont know why it wont work for you, I belive it got me to APL :yep:, how are you using it?
Are you sure your experiencing growth and just not realizing it because of hairbreakage? I ask because I've read alot of posters comment about increased breakage.

I use mega-tek from time to time, and I always obtain great growth. I make sure I use EVCO along with it,for added moisture.

How often were you using the mega-tek? Do you massage it in, or just 'grease ur scalp' and go?

Alot of times people won't notice growth if their hair is breaking off in the process. It gives the illusion that your hair isn't growing..or is just a slow grower.

Some weeks I use it everyday, some weeks I use it every other day. I've had a few breaks of a few weeks as well. And yes, I do make sure to always massage it in, it take me a while to apply and massage so I do it whilst watching TV or a video on the computer. I'm not too sure about breakage, I will have to check up on that carefully.
well, it worked for me, i still use it. i dont use it as a scalp grease though, i use it as a deep coditioner with castorl oil&wheatgerm oil. i leave this overnight and rinse out in the morning. or just leave for a few hours then rinse out. dont know why it wont work for you, I belive it got me to APL :yep:, how are you using it?
I apply to my scalp by parting my hair (or just applying between braids like now), and then rubbing it in and massaging. I make sure to take my time for maximum benefits. That's how I've read to use it as a growth aid.
Straight up, you're going to get different answers on this. There are people who love it (like me) and people who think it's a scam. There are people who use it on their scalps and people who have to use it as a DC to see results. Whatever the answer, I just want to tell you that the growth will come. Don't let your desire for long hair consume you and your wallet!
well, it worked for me, i still use it. i dont use it as a scalp grease though, i use it as a deep coditioner with castorl oil&wheatgerm oil. i leave this overnight and rinse out in the morning. or just leave for a few hours then rinse out. dont know why it wont work for you, I belive it got me to APL :yep:, how are you using it?

Renibell, how were you using it when you first began using it initially? I haven't tried your method, but I might. My hair has been thinning around the hair line due to some medication that I'm taking and I want to get the hair to grow back.

@lilsparkle: you are so right!
Personally, I like Mega-Tek. It has worked great for me.:grin: When I first got it, I had a bald patch the size of a 50 cent piece back in February '09, by April of '09, you would never had known it was there.

I use it in 2 week intervals, by applying lightly to the scalp.

I've never had any massive 'shedding' etc....but I do have a slight 'tenderness' of scalp, which is why I'll use it 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.

But so good. I believe what alot of other posters have said, you notice an overall 'thickness' first before the length.:yep:
Some weeks I use it everyday, some weeks I use it every other day. I've had a few breaks of a few weeks as well. And yes, I do make sure to always massage it in, it take me a while to apply and massage so I do it whilst watching TV or a video on the computer. I'm not too sure about breakage, I will have to check up on that carefully.
Gotcha! So, how often are you shampooing/co-washing your hair? I never do the "apply at night rinse in the morning' When I was heavy on my MT, I was cleansing my scalp 1-2x a week.

When I do use MT, I use it 4-7x a week for about 2 months..then I take about 3 weeks off then restart the cycle all over again. I dont use MT as often anymore, but I plan on using it 2-3x a week this summer. HHJ
I use this and so far I like it. Like Tee said I have noticed more thickness than length initially which is fine with me as I have very fine hair.

I do not use this stuff neat, instead I cut it with other oils. I add some (about 10%) to my scalp oil mix which includes coconut oil, JBCO and apply it a couple of times a week when I remember. This is usually anything from 2-4x a week (I am currently in the JBCO challenge).

The second way I use it which I feel is more effective is by adding a teaspoon of JBCO, Megatek and Coconut oil to 2-3 tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel and any essential oils I like. I then apply this to my scalp and then apply my DC to my hair (I DC on dry hair) and then sit under my steamer for 20-30 minutes.

I also think that Megatek works in different ways for different people i.e. for some it promotes length and for other thickness.
Gotcha! So, how often are you shampooing/co-washing your hair? I never do the "apply at night rinse in the morning' When I was heavy on my MT, I was cleansing my scalp 1-2x a week.

When I do use MT, I use it 4-7x a week for about 2 months..then I take about 3 weeks off then restart the cycle all over again. I dont use MT as often anymore, but I plan on using it 2-3x a week this summer. HHJ
I always shampoo once every week, and sometimes do a cowash as well in the week. I don't rinse the MT either, not until the nest regular wash anyway. My regimen for MT is very similar to yours as well :yep:
WHEN I USED IT, I first applied it every day. cause i thought that would be the best way to get the results. i would apply after a shower to my scalp after putting moisturizer in my hair (in case any got on the hair it wouldnt dry it out completely) i would rinse it the next day religiously. it grew but i noticed that when i applied it every other day, allowing the mt to sit in there for an extra day without rinsing or applying more i got even more growth. @ first i thought it was just a lil, but when i straightened my hair it was unmistakebly longer fuller and thicker. i just wasnt able to tell with my natural shrinkage. r u natural? if so if you straighten you might be supprised!
This stuff REALLY worked for me, with my thinning edges, and desperate for length I went hardcore! straight out of the the bottle, no chaser:grin: Just massaged it in and tied my silk bonnet on. I started Nov. 09 and by Jan 10 my edges are thickly filled in; my overall thickness and length have dramatically improved:lachen:
This stuff REALLY worked for me, with my thinning edges, and desperate for length I went hardcore! straight out of the the bottle, no chaser:grin: Just massaged it in and tied my silk bonnet on. I started Nov. 09 and by Jan 10 my edges are thickly filled in; my overall thickness and length have dramatically improved:lachen:

This is exactly what I did. Applied very lightly.

One last thing: Make sure you keep your Moisture Levels at their Optimum.

It is Animal Keratin and it's very strong. So, your moisture has to be on point.:grin:
Thanks for the answers ladies :yep:. You know what, I forgot to mention that I mis my MT with castor oil, because of the advice I'd read as it's supposed to help prevent headaches, and also castor oil is supposed to be a growth aid itself as well. do you think I would get better growth just using the MT staight without mixing anything?
The only way to find out is to seriously...just use it. It didn't do a thing for me but my BFF's hair took off with it. An inch in like three weeks.

MN worked wonders for me though...Everyone is different.
I love MT. it boosts my hair growth by 0.25 inch. (usually get 0.5 inch per month)

and I dont use alot (about 1.5 capfulls per application). the bottle of MT I had lasted a good year. I mix it with several things, but the best has been sulphur oil.

as many ppl have sed before, it just may not be right for u.
Renibell, how were you using it when you first began using it initially? I haven't tried your method, but I might. My hair has been thinning around the hair line due to some medication that I'm taking and I want to get the hair to grow back.

@lilsparkle: you are so right!

Sorry for the late response Justice, havent been on line for a few days. when i first started i did grease my scalp with it, but then i have an itchy scalp that gets build up easily, so i felt it was building up on my scalp. :nono:. i started deep conditioning with it, and i liked the way it felt. you still get that tingling when its applied, and i can leave on for a while or even overnight. i now add oils and sometimes even egg yolk for hard core protein treatment and my hair loves it. i think if u have fine hair that loves protein , you will love megatek. if you have thick strands and dont need much protein i think you should be careful with it .
I apply to my scalp by parting my hair (or just applying between braids like now), and then rubbing it in and massaging. I make sure to take my time for maximum benefits. That's how I've read to use it as a growth aid.

i think it will evetually work for you, you need to stick with it for a while and find a method of application that you can stick with. i only use it once everytwo weeks, and thats okay for me. i think the hair strands get thicker before they get longer, i definately saw thickness before lenght.
Let me get in on this. I was like you at first regarding the MT and it not giving any results. I too read all of the positive threads about the growth and thickness it gave but did'nt see them for myself. That's bc I was not consistent with it the way I should've been.

That was back in 2008. I ranted about it not working for me and the responses I rec'd were ladies here telling me not to give up. But me with my impatient self said forget it and try something eles.

Nov 09 I installed my yarn braids and decided I still had some MT laying around so why not give it another try. Low and behold I started using it again in Feb 2010, and yes Houston it has taken off!:yep:

This time my routine was different. Since I had the yarn braids I knew it would be alot easier for me to keep up with the MT. I don't care for the cw thing, so all I did was mist my hair first with the Avocado mist, oil my scalp with the MT every night, massage it in, mist again and baggy! This has been my routine ever since. I only wash once a wk. But you better believe I make sure my hair and scalp is well moisturized all the time. I also after my weekly wash spray in Infusium 23 once a week for added protection. I keep my braids in up to a month and a half. When I take them down and detangle you would not believe how small an amount of shedded hair I have after combing all the tangles out before washing.

Like one op mentioned not every routine will work for everybody. Oh forgot to mention I do not use the MT straight! I add about a tablespoon of Rosemary oil and a tablespoon of pepperment oil (Essential) to the Mt mix in a applicator bottle and shake it up well.

So you see I was the biggest skeptic you could ever meet regarding the MT. But now from tweaking and finding a routine that suited me and my hair needs it does in fact works! It actually works wonders! EXCUSE THE GREY!!!!!! Btw the last picture is of my bc in Dec 08

I am here to testify to that!:lick::spinning:


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When I was using MT hardcore, it gave me tremendous growth. Although, I have to be honest, it did not give me length. My hair is already thick, it made it 20x thicker!!! No lie. Perhaps I wasn't using it correctly, perhaps I was using too much, or maybe I didn't use it long enough. Who knows. I went through about 3 bottles in 8 months. I'm rather heavy handed with product too. I' using it again on my edges after a snafu with some kinky twists.

My advice is to try it!
Will using MT twice a day get me better growth than using it once a day?

My suggestion, start off slowly and see how your hair/scalp reacts. You already mentioned you only shampoo once a may need more cleansing sessions (at least more co-washing) sessions if you decide to apply it 2x a day.

My suggestion, apply 1x a day daily..or at least apply 3x a week. I really believe in letting the mega-tek marinate on the scalp lol. Continue to experiment and see what works for you.