Does itchiness=growth?


On the Grow and Keeping it Simple
I'm transitioning and been cowashing daily. I follow up with a surge/wgo combo on my scalp, Infusium 23 leave in and Garnier Long and Strong leave in. I also take Biotin and a multivit. My scalp continues to itch (not badly, but its annoying) with this routine. I tried taking out the wgo, but nothing has helped. A friend of mine suggested that its because of growth. Is this possible?
I heard that your hair itches when it grows and I started believing it until I had the itches for almost a year but no growth. Maybe I just wasn't retaining any length. All I know is the way my hair has been itching me my hair should be up to my butt by now. :lol:
i dont know about itchies, but i heard that your scalp hurts when your hair is growing....ive had some painful/sore scalp days, but im captain unobservant, so i dont know if i got any growth at those times :)
I heard that too. But whenever my scalp itches, which is rare, it just means that's it dirty and needs to be washed. I don't think it means your hair is growing, could be wrong.
I've noticed that when I'm slack on drinking 8 or more cups a day of water, my scalp itches terribly.
Usually, my scalp doesn't itch, but, it does at times when I use Surge and the Generic Infusium 23. Hmmm...
My scalp itches, aches a bit, feels like something is "crawling" on it, all kindza crazy stuff when it's growing.... (( especially when I'm consistent on my vits )).
I remember when I was a little girl, they use to tell me to stop scratch my scalp because if it itches it's because my hair is growing. I never read anything about this but I think that some ladies here said that surge made their scalp itchy
For me itching means my hair and scalp are dirty and need to be washed.

Your hair is always growing. Itching or not. Otherwise, we'd all be bald.
I have been co washing daily, so I know it can't be dirty. When I started my head felt great, but now it doesn't. i can't remember when it started. The only thing I've done different is the WGO/Surge. I just let the surge go, so I should know in a few more days.
I get the itchy sore scalp when I im overdue on my relaxer, In the past I usually relax every 4-5 weeks...but if Im 8 weeks post relaxer my new growth is outta control, and here comes the itchy sore scalp.