Does it matter when you measure your hair?


Active Member
This is probably a stupid question. I'm wondering, though, because I am 10 weeks past my relaxer (getting one this week!) and I have at least one inch of new growth, possibly 1 1/2 inches. I never really measure my hair much, but I decided to the other day. I'm wondering if I am getting an accurate read. What do you think?
i never measure my hair either. i just let it grow and then one day i saw that it was past bra strap. that's good enough for me. but i still haven't reached my goal:(
You know what butterfly7.....I never measure either. With different body shapes and head sizes one persons shoulder length could be anothers midback. I just look at mine and go. I site measure all the time. Right before a relaxer is usually the worst for me. Usually never true cause you got an inch of new growth right?
Yeah. I tried stretching it out and measuring it, but I just didn't have enough hands.
I haven't been able to accurately measure my length I just measure my new growth which is probably still not accurate!
I use a tape measure (that would go around your waist or arm or something) and pick some sample strands on different parts of my head. I hold one end of the tape at the root of those strands and stretch my hair along the tape until I reach my ends. Since my hair is natural, and I don't get trims anymore, my hair length varies from one part of my head to another. I'm just measuring once a month (like on the 3rd of every month). It shouldn't matter if it's right before or after your touch-up unless you got a trim. HTH
At 10 weeks past the relaxer, it's probably not an accurate measurement. The new growth makes the hair go out then down, plus you have to account for the shrinkage in the new growth. With a fresh re touch or a few weeks after, you should get a pretty good measurement.
NAY007 said:
i never measure my hair either. i just let it grow and then one day i saw that it was past bra strap. that's good enough for me. but i still haven't reached my goal:(

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This has happened to me at various times in my life. One day it was noticeably longer after I just let it grow. I don't know what my exact measurements are and it's ok.
i12sitonmyhair said:
I use a tape measure (that would go around your waist or arm or something) and pick some sample strands on different parts of my head. I hold one end of the tape at the root of those strands and stretch my hair along the tape until I reach my ends. Since my hair is natural, and I don't get trims anymore, my hair length varies from one part of my head to another. I'm just measuring once a month (like on the 3rd of every month). It shouldn't matter if it's right before or after your touch-up unless you got a trim. HTH

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This is a great way to measure. I usually do this after my relaxer along with a few more variations. I always measure the same areas (front right, front left, side right, etc.)and I use a ruler (this way I can make sure it is stretched on a hard surface, which makes it more accurate. I relax every 3 to 4 months so that is when I make notes to the changes (including trims.)
As you chart your progress, it keeps you motivated.
I never measured my hair until I came to this board! Now, I have to remind myself that a watched pot never boils!