Does Infusium (oops...Fantasia) Leave In=dry hair?

Okay this is wierd but true and I can only attribute it to the Leave In at the moment.

I've had no problems with my hair coming out soft and moisturized after rollar sets (I use either Porosity Control or Motions Moisture Plus, Hummectress, Redkens Heavy Cream, and use Kiehls Silk Groom too as a leave in -you get the picture). Anyway, over the past 3 weeks since having the colourshines in my hair, I've noticed my hair ends are dry. I look at the ends and I don't see any splits but as I smooth my hand over hair from top to bottom, the bottom area is rougher. I used to OCCASIONALLY get this before but usually it was a conditioner or product that my hair didn't like for whatever reason & after another rollar set with the usual conditioners the roughness disappeared, but this time (past 3 weeks) its after each and every rollar set /images/graemlins/confused.gif The only new thing I've added to my routine product wise is the Infusium Leave In Hair and Scalp Treatment (watery formula).

Do you really think that's it? Anyone ever not had Infusium Leave In 'agree' with them or do I just have wierd hair? /images/graemlins/tongue.gif

I'll not use it for the next wash and see the results but I thought I'd see anyway if anyone ever had a similar after affect with the Infusium.
Re: Infusium Leave In Treatment dried out your hair?

Hey brownrelaxed, when my hair was relaxed last year and i used Infusium, i did notice that it made my hair drier..and i think a few other ladies on the board have experienced this...there may be a high protein content, but im not exactly sure...hope this helped
Re: Infusium Leave In Treatment dried out your hair?

Thanks. I'll stop using it and see then. Esp. now you've mentioned this.

It doesn't list the ingredients either.

I'll watch and see how my hair 'performs' with out it.
Re: Infusium Leave In Treatment dried out your hair?

I have heard that Infusium can dry your hair out if you use it too much b/c of the high protein content. I try and switch it up with other leave ins. It has lots of Amino acids (protein building blocks) in it and pretty high on the ingredient list.
Re: Infusium Leave In Treatment dried out your hair?

Dang I made a mistake! I didn't mean Infusium I mean't the IC Fantasia Leave In Hair and Scalp Treatment!!!

Sorry ladies. Its the Fantasia I"ve been using and wondering if its been drying out my hair /images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Sorry for the confusion. God I feel stupid /images/graemlins/blush.gif /images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Re: Infusium Leave In Treatment dried out your hair?

BRH /images/graemlins/grin.gif

I say do take out the Fantasia Leave In. I find that I have to switch it up occasionally with Motions or something because it can begin to make my hair feel a little heavy. And sometimes crispy. I go back after laying off for a while and it's good as new...

Sorry I didn't warn you....I really had forgotten. And I used Motions today.... /images/graemlins/crazy.gif
Re: Infusium Leave In Treatment dried out your hair?

Well I tried a little sample size of this. I think it is the same one Fantasia IC leave in Hair and Scalp Treatment in the brown bottle? This stuff made my hair soooo dry. I only used it once and my hair was big and poofy. I thought it was my mom's hard water but she has very soft water. I really think it was this b/c that is the only thing I used differently. I think this may work better on relaxed hair than natural hair. And they don't list the ingredients on the bottle either..I hope it didn't have alcohol in it?
Oh well It was only 99 cents for the sample size and I got two. I have half a bottle left that I will probably just throw away.

Re: Infusium Leave In Treatment dried out your hair?

Valleygirl! that's how my relaxed hair came out ! Dry and a bit poofy and fly away. Not nice!

Okay that's it. I'm stopping it. Thanks Tracy for the um..warning? /images/graemlins/mad.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif (kidding).
Re: Infusium Leave In Treatment dried out your hair?

Sorry again BRH - it does make my hair a little crispy -but I have to say my experience has never been quite as negative as you are describing. I'm suprised too - because the very first time you ever tried it you seemed to love it....

If I had ever had such an awful experience I would never have reocmmended it to anyone.

On me, it just tends to build up sometimes...nothing major...

Sorry... /images/graemlins/frown.gif
Re: Infusium Leave In Treatment dried out your hair?

When I would go to the Dominicans, my hair would come out fine with the Infusium 23 Leave in Treatment, but when I tried it at home, my hair came out CRISPY and HARD. I had to spray another leave on conditioner and wrap my hair.
Re: Infusium Leave In Treatment dried out your hair?

I would have to agree regarding the Fantasia Leave-In. The first time I used it my hair came out very bouncy and lite but in between washes I noticed more shedding and a bit more breakage. The next time I used it got worse. My hair was a bit dry and shedding like crazy.

I wish they listed their ingrdients on the bottle. It's a product that'll only use ocassionally. I'm not giving up on it entirely b/c I loved the results I got the first time I used it.
Re: IC Fantasia Leave In

Are these comments about the new Fantasia leave-in product with aloe vera, and that has been recommended to seal the cuticles?
Re: IC Fantasia Leave In

Its the same Fantasia. However the one I used that dried out my hair is the non aloe one. So I don't know if the aloe is better.

All I know is for now, I"m avoiding it like the plague!
Re: IC Fantasia Leave In

BRH I also used the non-aloe one. I am also not going to try it again.
PS Do you want to edit the title of your post since you made a mistake with the name of the product? I see that someone responded to Infusium not drying out their hair at the Domican salon....just a suggestion so people don't stop using Infusium!!!
Re: IC Fantasia Leave In

Hi Valleygirl. I just tried editing the first title but apparently I've expired my editing time so its stuck there! arrrghh!!

Hopefully everyone will read my correction post afterwards /images/graemlins/blush.gif God knows WHY I had Infusium in my mind when I meant Fantasia /images/graemlins/tongue.gif Brain fart I think.

Anyway, the point is, no more Fantasia Leave In!!
Thanks for sharing your experience of it too so I'm not thinking I"m the only one.
Re: IC Fantasia Leave In

Kasey - this is the one that seals the cuticles. And it does do that quite well.

Like we always say: everyone's hair is different. I have used this on and off for years. It sometimes builds up a little (much like a conditoner or something you love but have to switch up on occasionally) but nothing that wasn't easily corrected by a simple switch for a short time.

I find that to be true of most products when it comes to my hair.

I actually thought about it and I would still highly recommend it to anyone who asked me. I might warn them of the possible drawback tho. Just in case...Don't want to be responsible for anyone's bad experiences - you know? /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: Infusium Leave In Treatment dried out your hair?

I recently purchased this product (mentioned it in another post). I have the one with the aloe complex in it. I haven’t experienced any problems with it. My hair seems to really like it, and I love the fact that it seals the hair (which is a good thing to me). I know some people who love it, and I know some people who hate it. I guess Tracy and I are two people that love it. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: IC Fantasia Leave In

Hey girls don't throw out that Fantasia yet!!!

Here is some info on the product from the Sally web site.

The full name for the leave-in is <font color="blue"> Fantasia IC High Potency Leave-In Hair &amp; Scalp Treatmen </font color>. There is an extra dry treatment with more aloe called <font color="blue">Fantasia IC High Potency Leave-In Aloe-Extra Dry Treatment</font color>.

According to the web site the product is described as a continuous hair and scalp treatment enriched with aloe, vitamins &amp; minerals.

<font color="blue">
Potent conditioners soothe &amp; invigorate the scalp
Encourages new hair growth
Smoothes damaged hair and seals the cuticle for tangle-free combing
Repairs, restructures, rebonds hair for a healthy shiny look
Ideal for blow dryer styling
</font color>

The suggested use is <font color="blue">"After all chemical services, work in and comb to porous ends. Leave in hair to counteract the alkalinity of waving, tinting, bleaching, relaxing."</font color>

So ladies that is why it dried your hair. It must be an intense low pH protein leave-in that seals cuticles for use after chemical services like relaxing and coloring. It doesn't sound like it is to be used as a daily leave-in conditioner. Perhaps the dry hair, extra aloe version has a little less of the protein acids and more aloe vera. I am not sure why the ingredients are not listed on the bottle. I have the Fantasia strengthener and Deep Penetrating conditioner and they both list the ingredients. If anyone wants to take this further we can e-mail the company. Their contact info is at

So VALLEYGIRL you might have more success when you use after you color, and BHR you might have more success if you use it after your next touch up.

I don't relax or color, but still may get it to use on my ends. I am due for a trim and trying to wait until I get some more growth. If I get it I will probably dilute 50/50 with aloe vera gel or a light moisturizing conditioner. I hope that I can find a 99 cents trial size bottle of the aloe version.

Thanks Tracy for the recommendation and thanks VALLEYGIRL and BRH for your experiences.

Re: IC Fantasia Leave In

/images/graemlins/wink.gifwell done Kasey! u taught us a lesson or two about READING the label carefully instead of blinding using it based on a perception. many a times we blame products for damage, when in fact the methods used to apply are inappropriate!
Re: IC Fantasia Leave In

Just so you know I did read the label. I ALWAYS read labels and look for ingredients. I went against my better judgement with this and purchased a product that doesn't list ingredients.
I did NOT blindly use it based on perception as I never do with any product.
Sorry if I am taking this so personally but I am so very anal when it comes to buying products and reading labels that I will oftentimes pass on a product that is highly reccomended on one of these hair boards b/c I don't like one or more of the ingredients.
I think this thread is a perfect example of how one product can work well for one person and be a disaster for another....not that anything is wrong with the person who it didn't work for or that we didn't use it correctly...everyone's hair is just different!

Thank you Kasey for posting the directions on the back of the bottle. But I suspect that this product has some form of SD alcohol in it b/c when I've used other alcohol based leave in's such as Hask my hair reacted the same way. I will still be throwing this product away.
PS The back of the bottle also says "For Use by Licensed Cosmetoligists Only"
Re: IC Fantasia Leave In

OK I just called Fantasia. I spoke with Amy who told me that the product does not contain any alcohol and not a high amount of protein and no mineral oil either. She says it's mostly vitamins in a water base which are supposed to coat your hair and seal the cuticle. I told her my experience and she said that it probably had a rougher feel to it b/c of the coating it gives. (Still doesn't explain the poofyness that happened)
She says it is so pure and gentle that their sales reps will drink some of the product during a presentation to show how gentle and pure it is. She also said they don't list their ingredients b/c it is considered a trade secret and they don't want anyone to copy the product.
But I still (and probably never will ) understand why my hair didn't like this product
If anyone else is interested in calling Fantasia the phone # is 201-261-7070
Re: IC Fantasia Leave In

I have the version with aloe and the bottle says in addition to using it after chemical services it can be used as a daily conditioner. The first time i used it my results were phenominal, the only thing I noticed is that it made combing my hair as I roller set it more difficult b/c it dries very quickly.

When I used it the second week that's when i began to have problems with the extreme shedding and a little breakage. So I'm definately on the fence with this product. I will use it ocassionaly.

Happy Growing
Re: IC Fantasia Leave In

I wouldn't be surprised if a Fantasia product dried your hair out. I used their gel w/ aloe vera and it really dried my hair out, compared to other gels like Pro-Style.
Re: IC Fantasia Leave In

Okay just so there isn't rampant confusion about this product....

1. It can be used as a leave in. That is how I and everyone else (and there are many) people I know who have used this product have used it. The application involving perming, tinting waving etc. is only one of the ways it can be used. There are several other application options on the back of the bottle. Although I thank the the poster that mentioned it because it can also be used this way - i.e the night before a relaxer application - which I have done with success - of course you let it dry first...

2. Valleygirl - I also called Fantasia (and that was before I saw your post - great minds think alike... /images/graemlins/grin.gif) and got the same story. I was also told because of the Trade Secret issue they wouldn't release ingredients without a doctor's note faxed from a doctor's office. While this was a bit of a put off (for me at least) I'm not really too much of an ingredient stickler - I am not at all knocking anyone who is, I'm just not.

To be honest, I really don't think this is a matter of ingredients or usage or any of that to be honest - I think people's hair really just responds differently to things. Some people post about ORS Hair Mayonnaise (or let's see what else - Motions CPR, Cathy Howse's Conditioner and many more I can't think of right this minute) being like a God Send for them - it makes my hair rough and hard and it breaks when I use it. If I used these products more than once, I am sure that I would have damaged my hair irreparably.

Doesn't make them bad products - it just means they don't work for me. I think we have the same thing going on here.

I hope this doesn't come across as defending Fantasia /images/graemlins/laugh.gif LOL! cuz that's certainly not what this is about - I just don't want people, generally , to take a few people's experiences (and some of them directed at the wrong product completely) so literally. OF COURSE, I'd hate for anyone to use this product and have a bad experience - but I'd hate it equally as much if someone who could benefit from this product gets the impression that it's like liquid hair remover...LOL!

One things' for sure tho - you ladies are a tough crowd...! LOL! /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: IC Fantasia Leave In

Wow! I can't believe how much this thread grew from when I started it!! (thanks to whoever re-corrected the thread heading /images/graemlins/tongue.gif )

I feel like I've learnt alot more about Fantasia Leave In. I agree with Tracy in that for me, as well as some others, it doesn't work well on their hair. In the same respect there are others for whom it works very well. It just depends on the individual's hair.

For now, I'm not going to use it. I want to get my hair back to being smooth and moisturized after each rollar set and I'll use other leave in products to attain that.

I know for me, I have to be very wary of any type of conditioner/leave in with proteins because it dries my hair out alot. This one is no exception.

What's good for one is may not be good for another.

Happy Hair Growing!