Does Human Hair Tracks and Protein go 2gether?


New Member
Okay I did it... I got my hair relaxed last Friday and got 4 tracks sewn in the next day. It looks BEAUTIFUL!!! Yes, I am tooting my own horn and have been since I got it done
. My boss calls me Aaliyah
, he is such a friggin' comedian. But my question is this, since I got the relaxer put in a week ago today, can I still get a protein treatment (Aphogee) put in my hair 2nite when I give myself a wash 'n set? Thanks in advance.
Congratulations, CaramelHonee!!
Girl, you better post some pictures!!

Now, if you didn't already have a protein treatment done at the time of your relaxer, you can do one tonight, you should be fine. Do you have something other than Aphogee? I usually like to save that for extreme breakage only, and since you have tracks in your hair, I'm concerned that you may not get all of it washed out. Can you use Nexxus Keraphix or something more mild instead?
I will, I promise
. Scouts honor, although, I am not sure that counts b/c i was never a scout

I do have keraphix so I will use that instead. or should I use the GPB? Decisions, dilemnas ...
Ummmm... i should be shot b/c i can't think of the proper name for it
. I know I got it from The Vitamin Shoppe and it's called Aubrey Organics GPB (it's an all natural product). All the ladies that tried it on this board rave about it and it's cheap to boot.
I like it because it's creamy and the smell is to not overpowering like some products.
CaramelHonee said:
Thanks Pebbs

[/ QUOTE ]

You're welcome, CH!!

GPB=Glycogen Protein Balencer
My concern would be whether or not you are able to soften the human hair back up. When I used to weave, many years ago, it was always difficult to get the hair softened up if I used a heavy duty conditioner. But of course, back then I really did not know much about hair care and products...which I suppose could have been the problem.

Caramel, I'm so happy for you! Isn't weaving fun?!!!!


Does your bf like it? I'm sure he does, even if he doesn't say so outright.

I wouldn't do anything involving heavy duty protein while you're wearing them, just to be on the safe side. I only say this because I'm not really a protein fan. If there's some in the shampoo, that's fine, but I definitely wouldn't do any protein conditioning.
Hey K -
I thought he wouldn't like it but he said it looks very nice on me and the length is my goal (and his
). He said he initially thought it was my hair so he had to pat it down
. And yes, girl.... I LOVE ME SOME WEAVE!!! I'm hooked. I don't think I want to ever take it out and wear my natural hair again
no really i do. i wanna see pics from all angles AND i want a post describing your experience with Kay (this was the stylist right?), how much it all ended up costing, and how you maintain it.
CaramelHonee said:
Hey K -
I thought he wouldn't like it but he said it looks very nice on me and the length is my goal (and his
). He said he initially thought it was my hair so he had to pat it down
. And yes, girl.... I LOVE ME SOME WEAVE!!! I'm hooked. I don't think I want to ever take it out and wear my natural hair again

[/ QUOTE ]

I told you weaves are fun!
People don't understand why I wear them, but I keep telling them, weaves are not just for women with short hair! You know I had a hairdresser who when I told her I wanted some tracks, practically told me off! Talking about some, "Karonica, you don't need no daggon weave and I don't do no weaving! That's for people with short or thin hair!"

And men.....they are something else.

I have my curly one back in too because it's getting cold in DC and I'm not in the mood to be wetting my hair every daggon day. I hope your hair grows well underneath it. Just remember to treat it like your own, and you should be fine.
Have fun! Bring out the curlers! And you don't have to worry about scorching your own hair!

Okay, I'm starting to ramble.
@ Cara...
okay you are now about to enter CH's weave experience

Of course I was late, and that's a
when you are going to see Kay because there are ALWAYS people sitting around with half their head done b/c she has soo many clients and LOVES to overbook. They are not that organized and that's bad for business but people don't seem to mind sitting there all day long. In any event, I called and let them know i'd be there around 11:30, didn't get there until 12:30. She started on me right away (thank Goodness and I was very surprised that it wasn't crowded...i don't think people realize she is back from maternity leave :
) In any event, she sat me down and braided the bottom portion of my hair but note that I told her I wanted to be able to wear my hair in a ponytail and she said fine - we'll get into that later. The braid was TIGHT but she added a little fake hair to re-enforce the braid which was fine by me. She said she had to do it a little tighter b/c my hair seems as if it'll come right out. She put in 4 tracks (the one on top is so high that I am not happy about it... I have to go back so that she can re-do it. I keep touching it and making sure the track doesn't show, combing the darn thing all day
). After that she washed it - so it would 'blend' with my own hair - she rollerset it. After sitting under the dryer until i caught a booty cramp (im not playing) she finally took the rollers out. Than she wrapped my hair in a doobie (sans pins) and put a heating cap on my head for about 20 minutes. I swear I caught a hemmorrhoid
. I think she was trying to kill time b/c she was putting cornrolls in another client's head and she wanted to be completely done with her before she started me. In any event, she flat ironed my hair and when she was done, i was looking like a dang MOVIE STAR!!! Seriously, she did that good a job and it all cost me $125.00 (baring in mind that I bought my own hair from Bronx Hair Supply and paid $100.00 for 5 oz. of 3-blend - i think that's what she said - which is perm, european and very little yaky). The only downside was that I didn't get out of there until about 6 and I should have been out of there no later than 4pm. I will try to get my bf to take a pic 2morrow (after i go to the salon) so it'll b fresh.
Back to the ponytail, I told her as she neared the front that I didn't want it so close to my hairline and she said no problem but she had to do the 3rd track a little close b/c she wants it all to fall right (which is understandable and correct). To make my pt story even shorter, I cannot gather it all back and put it in a pt b/c u will see the track unless I take about 10 minutes to get it right and I don't have that kind of time in the morning. DAMN, THIS IS A LONG POST

All in all, I am 95% satisfied with the job she did. But next time, I am going to buy a pair of shoes with the 125 that i'll be saving b/c my homie is gonna do it for me next time
To answer the last part of your question:
I maintain it like it's my own hair (heck, you should see it blowing in the wind and every window or mirror I pass I am looking in it like DIZAMN girl... u r wearing that hair
), I comb it wayy more than I do my own hair b/c for some reason the yaki seems to make my hair 'crackle' when im running the comb thru it.
To wrap at night, I take the right side and pin it to the left and vice versa. If I want want my part on the side I do the same thing and slap a scarf on it. When I wake up, the hair just falls as I laid it. It's so easy. I LOVE IT!!!
You know CH, I was battling with whether or not I wanted to do a weave instead of braids. I will consider it even harder after reading your thread. Of course I will be doing it myself!
I'm glad you like it, I'm getting one too, I'm bored with my hair and I want use my new flat iron more often, so a weave would be perfect. One question, what products do you use on the weave on a daily basis?
Absolute nothing. I was told to put serum on it (no spray, no gels, no hairdress) just serum. I haven't done it yet because I don't need it.
CH what do you normally have done at Kay and Oneika's? I secretly think Kay is a better braider than Oneika but I started going to Oneika first do I'll stay with her.
only if i am having something serious done like a straw set (yes, to me that is serious
) i'll go to kay. The first time i went there i was supposed to see oneika to get some big cornrolls with the corkscrew curls at the tip. I went 2 the wrong spot (african place next door) and asked the chick was she oneika and she was like yeah. i called my cousin, b/c she knows oneika, so she could refresh the braider's memory b/c she just had her hair done like that. When my cous came back on the phone she was like THAT IS NOT Oneika...
. It's funny now but at the time i was pissed b/c i was in there for like 2 hours waiting to get my hair started. when i went next door, only kay was there. So she did my hair. That is always how they remember me at the shop b/c i only go there like 2 times (if that many) a year.
LOL. Tha has actually happened to me before. I called this one place to get a relaxer and spoke to a lady that was very knowledgable and sounded like she knew what she doing. I get there and ask for her and this other chick pretends to be her and mucks up my hair. Talk about overprocesing. I was sooo mad. In the middle of it in walks the lady that I spoke to on the phone.