Does Healthy Hair Shed?


Well-Known Member
My dilemna: I have been airdrying in rollers with great results. I love the way my hair feels and looks. It is soft, the ends are the smoothest that they have ever been.

However, I noticed that I have been getting a lot of shedding. Before when I used a blowdryer, I never shed as far as I remember, but I did have a lot of little pieces breaking off.

And even now with my healthy hair regimen, I still get a little breakage but a LOT OF SHEDDING (daily). Is this normal????????

I would think that if I am doing all the good things to my hair, I would not see any hair in my comb. Help!

My regimen: ( I wash 2x a week) 1x week moisturizing shampoo, 1x week light protein shampoo/1x week deep moisturizing conditioner/1x week moisturizing & protein conditioner.
then... headdress and rollerset, air dry. when hair is damp, coconut oil mixed with African Pride Braid Sheen Spray. On my ends, a light protein spray and more coconut oil, I wear my hair in a ponytail.
I beleive your hair sheds regardless if it's healthy or not. The healthier your hair the less it sheds. Your suppose to shed about 100 strands a day or something close to that. As long as it's not a lot of shedding I wouldn't worry about it.

Hair grows in three phase cycles. The growing phase can last anywhere from 2 to 6 years and, at any one time, 87% of your hair on your scalp is in this phase. The next phase is a two-week transition period that involves about 1% of the hairs. The last phase is the resting phase that usually lasts 3 months and is the end of hair growth. This includes less than 12% of your hair.

It is normal to shed 50 to 100 hairs per day since the hair on your scalp is continuously in different stages of growth. Your hair will grow an average of .35 millimeters per day or 1/2 inch per month for about 6 years. After that, it will stop growing for 4 months and then fall out leaving room for new growth. The new hair comes from the same follicle and the growing cycle starts again. As you age, the rate of hair growth slows down.

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Ditto on what Webby said. Shedding is normal. Some people shed very little while others shed constantly and more heavily. Fall is also a season when people shed the most, so you could be seeing those effects as well. As long as you aren't shedding handfuls of hair I wouldn't worry. /images/graemlins/Rose.gif
no such thing is healthy hair...all hair that grows out of our head is dead! /images/graemlins/wink.gif

...but shedding is a normal hair phase that our hair goes through. if you are continuously shedding non-stop or something, then there might be a problem.
no such thing is healthy hair...all hair that grows out of our head is dead! /images/graemlins/wink.gif

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alright poohbear /images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Thank ladies /images/graemlins/bouncy.gif. I guess it is fine, it is about 10-15 hairs each time I comb.
no such thing is healthy hair...all hair that grows out of our head is dead! /images/graemlins/wink.gif

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*high five*