Does he give you full financial access?


Active Member
I have the pin no for all my SO's Bank/ Credit cards and his email pass words.

I decided to ask this cos i have been checking his email a lot lately (we need to respond urgently to an important email, and he's too busy)
and i just do it at will.

No man has ever had that kind of trust in me before (probably because they all know i'm shopping freakaholic )

Have you been given this kind of sensitive info from an SO, Ex SO or DH?
Yes he has. When he went to basic training for the military he gave me his atm to handle some business and for me to use for the favors I did for him. If we do get married, I know that I will have to handle the money side of things bc some people just are not good with money and need help.
No, I don't have full access, cause he knows that most of the bill money would be spent on decorations. If you saw this house, you'd understand. We have a deal, he pays for the outside and I pay for the inside (read he=mortgage/I=decor).
I am a pest so yeah I have all of his info, bank info, credit card passwords etc. because I opened the accounts, we both mutually have our own bank accounts but I have all the info too, at home we use ms outlook so all his emails i see.....well except for work so who knows what he's getting there. I try to make sure that I keep some trust in the relationship but I don't trust anyone honestly but my moms. So i just like to have access to everything.

My mom didn't have access to her hubbys stuff when she was married and he was making fake paystubs because he didnt want to give up his money for her to budget for the bills and stuff. He was so secretive that we thought he was paying the rent but he wasn't and we got evicted lol!! ok not funny but it's funny now when I look back at it.

A bf I don't expect to have access to everything but a husband yes, both of our stuff should be accessible to one another.

My aunt doesn't have any access to her hubby's stuff and he controls all the money, guess it depends on the man and if he's willing to let you into his stuff. Some men have an issue with it some don't
that's a fair deal what you and your guy have.

No, I don't have full access, cause he knows that most of the bill money would be spent on decorations. If you saw this house, you'd understand. We have a deal, he pays for the outside and I pay for the inside (read he=mortgage/I=decor).
Yes. He might not be aware, but I have a steel trap memory for numbers, so I have his PIN number (not that it really matters, as it's a shared account). I know his email password (because he always uses the same one for everything) but he leaves himself permanently logged into his email, anyhow. :lol: It's trust - he's got nothing to hide, and I rarely pry. ;)
Heck, I used to hack into my ex's email accounts (I was young and hateful) all the time. :lol: :look: Once you know someone, getting their info is EASY. :look:
I have access to everything including his business accounts. I TOLD him my PIN number once, and its the code to our home security system so he has it. That's all. I THINK he knows about all of my bank accounts. LOL. a few weeks ago, I was switching wallets and he was like "I didnt know you had a navy federal account" I said "for real, oh." LOL

He said "well whats in it?"

Me: "just a little money"

Him: "mmm hmmmm"

We both started laughing...he doesn't care about "my" money as long as I make my car payment. *shrugs*
Yes - I do. :yep: Partially because he told me, and partially b/c he's so predictable! He uses a variation of the same password for everything! :grin:

I've also had to forge his signature on occasion (for the business) but I always tell him...afterward.

My BF (now my DH) called up his credit card company and got me put on his AMEX account (so I had my own card). I was like :shocked: and then :eek2: and then :pullhair: and finally :2inlove:

I don't know why!!

I guess it was because though we had talked about marriage, it made me realize that it was for real . . . I know him and he would have never done it otherwise. 2 months later we got engaged, 8 months later married. During that time he gave me access to everything.

ETA: Maybe its because he knows I HATE shopping :)

My BF (now my DH) called up his credit card company and got me put on his AMEX account (so I had my own card). I was like :shocked: and then :eek2: and then :pullhair: and finally :2inlove:

I don't know why!!

I guess it was because though we had talked about marriage, it made me realize that it was for real . . . I know him and he would have never done it otherwise. 2 months later we got engaged, 8 months later married. During that time he gave me access to everything.

ETA: Maybe its because he knows I HATE shopping :)


I have to force myself not to go crazy with his card...i do shop, but i ask first, or tell him straight after the deed is done:grin:
No, I don't have full access, cause he knows that most of the bill money would be spent on decorations. If you saw this house, you'd understand. We have a deal, he pays for the outside and I pay for the inside (read he=mortgage/I=decor).

I can soo understand this.
I'm gaga about interior design and he isnt, so trying to get him to see that that ornament is peeeeeeerrrrfect for the house is like trying to swim in sand
Yes. I wouldn't trust a man or take our relationship seriously otherwise.
One of my ex's, when he asked me to move in and I said yes he said okay you're going to need xyz and handed over the check book, cc and atm card without me asking. I can't have it any other way.
SO gave me his credit card info, but I didn't keep it. To be honest I thought it was too weird and was surprised he even gave it to me. Guess it's not that weird after all!

It was for this online college application, and I was like, "You'll need to log into my account to enter the info..." And he said, "Why can't you do it yourself?" And I'm sitting there like, "I thought you wouldn't want to give me your info." Then I corrected myself and said I'm not sure why I thought that since we are dating and all.

I was sitting there thinking, "He probably thinks I'm gonna go on a shopping spree now since I even mentioned it." :laugh:
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