New Member
I have these two textures: 3c on my crown and in the back and 4c around my edges in the front and on my temples. This erks me sometimes because the 4a hair grows a lot slower than the 3c hair. I use the same products on all my hair cuz duh...that would only make since. Do you find it (beautiful but) frustrating that you have two different textures or more? Do you end up using several different products to acommodate? I need help with this 4a hair around my edges it just doesn't like to grow. I have to literally force it. LOL (LIKE THAT MAKES SINCE) I told yall yesterday that I put my order in for MTG maybe that will help with the growth around my edges/temples. I am transitioning with braids right now and my homemade concoctions are doing wonderfully but I am so greedy... Sometimes I just want all my hair to make a decision on what type it wants to be and stick to it. Please, any advice will be appreciated!!