Does hair need air to thrive?


Well-Known Member
I know it sounds silly but I've noticed that I have a habit of always covering my hair. Scarves, bonnets,.beanies etc. Its a habit, soon as I get home, my hair is on lockdown. So I wonder does hair need to breathe so to speak. Just leave it out uncovered and free. Thoughts?
I think the scalp really needs regular "breathing room" for good health of it. Maybe not as necessary for the hair, except to not allow odors to accumulate.
As soon as hair comes through the skin and we can see it, it's dead. It doesn't need air . I personally don't think the scalp needs air either since it's just skin, and our skin cells get the oxygen needed through our blood.
The fabric you're covering your hair with may be absorbing the moisture from your hair. That in addition to friction from the fabric rubbing against your hair throughout the day may be causing damage to your hair.
Thanks all. Lots of great points.
I do make sure to use materials that wont rob me of moisture. I did wonder about the scalp needing to breathe...but I dunno.
Absolutely. The scalp needs to breathe the same way a plant needs air on top of water and sun in order to maximize its potential.
I doubt if your scarves are air tight and have such a tight seal that it's preventing air from getting in. The fibers of the material allow for air flow. You can see thru a lot of scarves.
My scalp needs a good circulation of air, more than what my bonnet lets through. The 8 hours it is on while sleep is enough. Having the top of my head covered for extended periods of time tends to cause my scalp to feel tender.

My hair prefers to be covered. Being exposed the air dries it out faster. But my scalp takes precedent over my hair.

Scalps are different, just like skin.
Good air circulation is just as important for your scalp as the rest of the skin on your body. Constantly keeping it covered can trap dirt and moisture on the scalp, which can lead to the growth of bacteria and fungus on the scalp, which can lead to bald spots. I have seen this on women before; it is real and it's not pretty. :nono: