Does going to the salon= longer hair???


Well-Known Member
Kinda a spinoff of the ATL ladies thread: What i gathered is that there are better salons in ATL hence more women with longer hair... My question to you ladies is:

is your hair longer now that you take care of it yourself?


Does going to the salon frequently= longer hair for you?

If you go to the salon, do you go weekly or just for touch ups??
I've had periods where I go to the salon religiously and other periods where I do my hair at home. My hair is always longer and thicker when I do it at home and get one of my sisters to trim my ends.

However, I do think that you can have long healthy hair and go to the salon regularly. You just have to frequent the right salon/right stylist. I see too many women paying good money to these stylists but their hair stays short. :ohwell:
I cant answer from experience, because i've only been a handful of times in my life--i've got turned off from being burned by irons, rough combing with rat tail combs, long waits, and huge huge trims ( even when i didnt know a drop about hair)

But i think longer hair will be the result of knowing how to do your hair your ownself, because you can damage your hair between salon visits, and always if the stylist moves away, if you know how to do your hair & care for it, you can get the same results as your stylist as far as growth

But, if you have a stylists thats good and caring, and you dont know anything about hair, then a think going will reslut in longer hair for the indiviudal
My hair is way longer now that I dont go to the salon. When I do go because I dont feel like doing my own relaxer I tell them cutting...I haven't trimmed my hair in a year and half and I plan to do one at the end of this year but I dont think my ends are too terrible. My daughter goes to the salon faithfully and I swear her hair is the same length it was 2 years ago.
Kinda a spinoff of the ATL ladies thread: What i gathered is that there are better salons in ATL hence more women with longer hair... My question to you ladies is:

is your hair longer now that you take care of it yourself?


Does going to the salon frequently= longer hair for you?

If you go to the salon, do you go weekly or just for touch ups??

Nope but it depends on what your stylist is doing and what you're doing at home. It;s a combination of the two. But even if I'm going to the salon and she's doing everything right, if I'm not covering my hair up at night or curling my hair every day it's not going to grow. Any hair that is taken care of will grow whether you're going to the salon or taking care of it at home. I've been to stylists who took good care of my hair and it grew nicely. And I've been to stylists who tore my hair all up.
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I go to the (dom.)salon one a mother does my touch-ups:grin:. I wouldn't say going to the salon equal longer hair but its when you leave the salon How you take care of your hair. My hair has grown b/c i do more then just wrap it up at night. I seal my ends, massage my scalp with oils (if dry) and less combing. HTH:spinning:
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No it doesn't..been there done that. Have been doing my hair consistently for 4 years now and my hair has never been this long, except for once, when I use to frequent the beauty schools.. Away from that, my hair never left my neck/nape.
:nono: I believe most of the women on this board with much longer hair do NOT go to the salon. Too many scissor happy stylists out there.
I don't necessarily think it's going to the salon..
Though, I must say, I see plenty of heads, that once they start getting those weekly wash and sets, their hair does a complete 360 ! I think it's the frequent washing, deep conditioning, trimming and low manipulation that achieves this. I think sticking with this regimen and rotating the same products yeilds good results on your hair.
I've had periods where I go to the salon religiously and other periods where I do my hair at home. My hair is always longer and thicker when I do it at home and get one of my sisters to trim my ends.

However, I do think that you can have long healthy hair and go to the salon regularly. You just have to frequent the right salon/right stylist. I see too many women paying good money to these stylists but their hair stays short. :ohwell:

ITA. If you take good care of your hair, it will be healthy. If your stylist takes good care of your hair, it will be healthy. If you don't take good care of your hair, it will not be healthy. If your stylist doesn't take good care of your hair, it will not be heathy. Sorry for the repetion, but IMO, it boils down to the TLC hair is receiving, whether from you or your stylist. . .

I have yet to find a stylist who takes good care of my hair, so I've been doing myself for years now it is absolutely the longest, heathiest its ever been since I was child. Mom didn't necessarily know anything special about hair care, see, I was kid with very nappy hair and she didn't have time to deal every day, so I got it wash and braided once a week and that's it. My Mommy was the best stylist I ever had . . .
I don't know about going to salons, I've gone there once and they COMPLETELY turned me off. They overprocessed me. Also my sister is a "stylist" and when she used to do my relaxers she use to say "It's OK if you don't have a neutralizing shampoo":perplexed. Also a lot of them have no patience when it comes to detangling hair, no knowledge or moisture/protein balance.
So I'm done with them. I am totally self sufficient, I can trim,wash,DC,and rollerset hair myself. I am trying to learn how to relax now.
My hair grows longer when I do it myself.
I don't plan on ever going to a stylist EVER AGAIN!!!
or at least not until April 2008 for an annual trim.
In my opinion going to the salon doesn't equal longer hair. There are lots of people with long hair that don't go to the salon.
I've had periods where I go to the salon religiously and other periods where I do my hair at home. My hair is always longer and thicker when I do it at home and get one of my sisters to trim my ends.

However, I do think that you can have long healthy hair and go to the salon regularly. You just have to frequent the right salon/right stylist. I see too many women paying good money to these stylists but their hair stays short. :ohwell:

THis is precisely what I experienced. My last experience started with me returning to a stylist that my hair flourished under previously. When I returned after maybe 3 years because I was frustrated with my limited styling capability it was the complete opposite. My trims were only in the back so my bangs and hair forward of my ear stayed raggedy and the back and crown starting breaking from too many chemicals and frequent retouching. The cutting began and when I left after a year of weekly visits, I had little more than nape length. I'd started with 2 inches past shoulder length.
I think that Someone Competent Doing Your Hair=Longer Hair.

The setting you are in doesn't matter. If the person doing your hair(a stylist or you) knows what they are doing, then your hair will thrive.
Stylists...jacked my hair up! :nono: That's when I found this board. I'm not kidding. I had nice, thick hair and I decided that I needed to pamper myself and start getting it done professionally. Yeah right!:lachen: Just cause their licensed doesn't mean they know a thing about healthy hair.

One stylist used a brush on my natural hair to "comb through" the conditioner. I felt my hair ripping out of my head and stopped her and she gave me attitude. :nono: She said "I do all my clients like this!" Well maybe that's why they don't come back.

Anyways since I have found LHCF, my hair is officially, the longest, thickest and healthiest it's EVER been in my life. :grin: I wash, deep condition, style and repeat weekly or twice a week. My hair is thriving. So my answer is "No, going to a stylist does not a healthy head of hair make."
Thanks ladies for your input:yep:

I'm just thinking about how some women go to the salon faithfully every week and have GORGEOUS hair. I personally have never been lucky with stylists, so i just stopped going. I will not pay for soemone to detangle/ rip my hair out of my head!!! Anyways, My goes every week and her hair always outgrows mine, she has SHS "trim" her hair all the time and she retains lots of length... Her hair has gone from just below APL to BSL twice this year alone (and she's 5'9')

I know i take good care of my hair and this puzzles me. She doesnt put ANYTHING in her hair between washings (no creme, moisturizer) and relaxes ever 10-12 weeks.. she wraps and pin curls her hair every night too.

I agree with all the ladies who say that ANYONE who cares for you hair can help you achieve longer lengths... i just havent been lucky enough to find a good stylist and i dont feel like going through the trial and error.
Thanks ladies for your input:yep:

I'm just thinking about how some women go to the salon faithfully every week and have GORGEOUS hair. I personally have never been lucky with stylists, so i just stopped going. I will not pay for soemone to detangle/ rip my hair out of my head!!! Anyways, My goes every week and her hair always outgrows mine, she has SHS "trim" her hair all the time and she retains lots of length... Her hair has gone from just below APL to BSL twice this year alone (and she's 5'9')

I know i take good care of my hair and this puzzles me. She doesnt put ANYTHING in her hair between washings (no creme, moisturizer) and relaxes ever 10-12 weeks.. she wraps and pin curls her hair every night too.

I agree with all the ladies who say that ANYONE who cares for you hair can help you achieve longer lengths... i just havent been lucky enough to find a good stylist and i dont feel like going through the trial and error.

My mom goes to the salon every two weeks and her hair grows like a weed. Her hair dresser is very good with hair care but sucks at styles. That's why I stopped going to her. My mother always gets the same old wrap with a part in the middle but her hair is healthy.

The stylist we both went to for years before her was good and did great styles but she didn't do anything extra for the condition of your hair until she started seeing damage. I don't remember her ever giving us DC's and stuff like that. Like for instance, she had me do a short cut to get rid of damage (after we tried different reatments for breakage, shedding etc. and they didn't work) and my hair grew back in about a year and a half beautifully.

My mother goes back to our old stylist on occasion when she wants a real style. She had her do her color around Christmas time. But everytime she goes back the stylist comments on how healthy my mom's hair is. The first time she asked where she had been going and what products she was using. Sure our hair grew with our old stylist but never like it does now with the new stylist. The new stylist does get huffy when my mother comes in with a style from the old stylist though. She always has something to say about it. I think she's just bitter because she knows she can't do styles good and that's why she loses customers.

If you're really interested in going to the salon, I would suggest you go to someone based on a reccomendation. And on your first visit be sure you talk to the stylist and tell them what you want and express any concerns you may have. Also don't do anything intricate on your first visit. Do a wash and set or something like that and watch how the stylist interacts with other clients and their hair.
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Thanks ladies for your input:yep:

I'm just thinking about how some women go to the salon faithfully every week and have GORGEOUS hair. I personally have never been lucky with stylists, so i just stopped going. I will not pay for soemone to detangle/ rip my hair out of my head!!! Anyways, My goes every week and her hair always outgrows mine, she has SHS "trim" her hair all the time and she retains lots of length... Her hair has gone from just below APL to BSL twice this year alone (and she's 5'9')

I know i take good care of my hair and this puzzles me. She doesnt put ANYTHING in her hair between washings (no creme, moisturizer) and relaxes ever 10-12 weeks.. she wraps and pin curls her hair every night too.

I agree with all the ladies who say that ANYONE who cares for you hair can help you achieve longer lengths... i just havent been lucky enough to find a good stylist and i dont feel like going through the trial and error.

One of the most important things I've learned on this board (and in life, really) is not to measure myself against others cuz what works for one, will not necessarily work for me. When it comes to hair, sooooo many things come into play, genetics, rate of growth, hair type, etc.

Not ANYONE can care for my hair. I know this. Only someone who will be gentle, use no heat and take time to detangle. Now, there are ladies on this board whose hair are off the hook and they use heat regularly. I cannot do that and have long healthy hair. I accept that. Shoot, I don't have no choice but to accept it cuz its just a fact. Soooooo, all this to say, find your OWN method/regimen that works for your hair. Learning from others don't mean you gotta do what they do, it means take from them what works and make it your own . . . .
One of the most important things I've learned on this board (and in life, really) is not to measure myself against others cuz what works for one, will not necessarily work for me. When it comes to hair, sooooo many things come into play, genetics, rate of growth, hair type, etc.

Not ANYONE can care for my hair. I know this. Only someone who will be gentle, use no heat and take time to detangle. Now, there are ladies on this board whose hair are off the hook and they use heat regularly. I cannot do that and have long healthy hair. I accept that. Shoot, I don't have no choice but to accept it cuz its just a fact. Soooooo, all this to say, find your OWN method/regimen that works for your hair. Learning from others don't mean you gotta do what they do, it means take from them what works and make it your own . . . .

I understand your point... i ALWAYS keep this in mind when on the boards. BUT this is my momma lol .... i just dont get it, her hair is not too far off of mine and it looks like black shiny silk ALL the time. She doesnt get the tangles i get though, so thats the major difference in handling. sometimes i wish i could just sit back and let a stylist do my hair for me without all the worry
I understand your point... i ALWAYS keep this in mind when on the boards. BUT this is my momma lol .... i just dont get it, her hair is not too far off of mine and it looks like black shiny silk ALL the time. She doesnt get the tangles i get though, so thats the major difference in handling. sometimes i wish i could just sit back and let a stylist do my hair for me without all the worry

I hear you, girl. But sounds like your mother got a good regimen going by being consistent and not messing with her hair in between visits. You say she doesnt put ANYTHING in her hair between washings (no creme, moisturizer) and relaxes ever 10-12 weeks.. she wraps and pin curls her hair every night too. Well, those 3 things are prolly her secret:

1. don't mess with hair too much in between washes. If I moistures and oil and my good on wash days, I don't need to put anything else in 'till I wash again. No need to "handle" too much in between . . .
2. strectch relaxers as long as you can (10 - 12 weeks is pretty good. I know I use to relax every 6 weeks til I found this board and now I stretch to 12 weeks)
3. put hair up at night. She pin curls. Shoot, I'm still learning how to pincurl cuz that gives bounce in the morning without heat.

So, sounds like you Mom doing what we advocate here on this board, in general and also sounds like she doesn't use heat alot, prolly only when she goes to the stylist.

I know you may not want to hear this, but you could pick up some tips from you Mom. LOL!
I understand your point... i ALWAYS keep this in mind when on the boards. BUT this is my momma lol .... i just dont get it, her hair is not too far off of mine and it looks like black shiny silk ALL the time. She doesnt get the tangles i get though, so thats the major difference in handling. sometimes i wish i could just sit back and let a stylist do my hair for me without all the worry

I hear you, girl. But sounds like your mother got a good regimen going by being consistent and not messing with her hair in between visits. You say she doesnt put ANYTHING in her hair between washings (no creme, moisturizer) and relaxes ever 10-12 weeks.. she wraps and pin curls her hair every night too. Well, those 3 things are prolly her secret:

1. don't mess with hair too much in between washes. If I moistures and oil and my good on wash days, I don't need to put anything else in 'till I wash again. No need to "handle" too much in between . . .
2. strectch relaxers as long as you can (10 - 12 weeks is pretty good. I know I use to relax every 6 weeks til I found this board and now I stretch to 12 weeks)
3. put hair up at night. She pin curls. Shoot, I'm still learning how to pincurl cuz that gives bounce in the morning without heat.

So, sounds like your Mom doing what we advocate here on this board, in general and also sounds like she doesn't use heat alot, prolly only when she goes to the stylist.

I know you may not want to hear this, but you could pick up some tips from your Mom. LOL!
I don't think that going tot the salon nessesarily makes your hair longer. Sometimes it can but it really depends on the stylist and your at home regimine.

I, for one, do not go to the salon and my hair has grown the longest it has every been in my adult years.
Its the regimen thats important whether you go to a salon or do it yourself. You have to make sure what you are putting on your hair is best for your hair and your hair type. And of course deep conditioning, washing often, avoiding heat etc. And also a tip that a came across was if you wash your hair often or have very dry hair, you may want to consider using only conditioner to wash it on occasion. If your hair isn't very dirty the conditioner will easily rinse away surface contaminants while allowing you to avoid daily use of the harsher solvents found in shampoo.hats what will determine succesful hair growth.
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It depends.
I had hard water for the longest time and couldn't understand why my hair was always dry and crispy when I washed it myself. I went for a wash n' set every week for the last few years however my hair hovered at the same length. Since switching to a new salon that is more delicate in combing the hair as they rollerset my hair grew tremendously and I attribute it to my better diet and to the new salon.
I think going to a "good" hair salon can equal longer hair.
The same results can be acheived at home, but not everyone has the same time or skills with their hair so I think sometimes a salon is a better option.

In my case, I mix both at home care with salon visits. Thanks to the board I have a better understanding of my hair, I've become a lot more precise and the results have been excellent. I'm fairly certain that I could grow my hair much longer without the salon at all (except for relaxers). When I want my hair trimmed I do it myself, when I want a cut (as in layers, style or a drastic change in length) I go to a professional salon. I will not do pro cuts or relaxers at home.
For me, going to the salon regularly = shorter hair. When I was a teenager, I went faithfully every two weeks and never had hair past my shoulders. When I started taking care of my own hair, my hair flourished. I do think that it depends on the person doing hair, whether it be at home or at the salon. I guess, for me, my hairstylist was too rough and scissor happy. I always had breakage and would have to get hair cuts faithfully when I went to her.
i go to the salon only for touchups. i think if you find a good stylist it could equal longer hair, and i do have a good stylist. but i just don't have that kinda money!! so i'm trying to do everything myself, i'm going to self-relax next time around.
For me going to the salon did not equal longer hair:

1.The same products that they used on the prev clients the stylist would use on my hair.
2. When you need a trim/dust they instead cut.

I luv and appreciate doing my own hair b/c I know and if I don't the ladies on LCHF know what my hair may need :grin::grin: You guys are the bomb. My hair thrive so much better when I do it and for that I have no reason to go to a salon...
For me, salon meant having extremely dry, horribly broken off, traumatically damaged hair and this was between 2 dominican hairdressers and 1 russian, you can read the story on the oldest post on my blog at the bottom of the page..... since taking care of my own hair its healthy thick thriving and growing , for me salons suck