Does God Care About Exercise?


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I've been really struggling these past few months with my diet and exercise. I've been trying so hard to shift my focus from myself to God. This article was encouraging to me so I thought I would share for anyone else struggling with working out.

Does God Care About Exercise?

February 18th, 2008 by Stephen Altrogge

Exercise is one of those subjects that seems to divide people into three groups. First, there’s the health nuts, whose idea of a good time is strapping on a backpack full of bricks and doing wind sprints up steep hills. Then there’s the couch potatoes, whose idea of a good time is a bag of chips, an industrial sized tub of French onion dip, and a king sized Slurpee. Then there’s the rest of us, who know we should exercise, and even own several pieces of exercise equipment, but never quite find the time to do it.​
Everywhere you look, people are telling us we should exercise. But does God care about exercise? Does it really matter to God if I step onto my treadmill?
Nowhere in the Bible will you find a scripture that says, “You must exercise three times a week ( and make sure one of those days is a good cardio work out).” But we do read in 1 Corinthians 10:31, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” Every minute of our lives is to be lived for the glory of God, and exercise is a wonderful means of helping us live for the glory of God. How? By extending our years of service to God, and by making us more effective in serving the Lord.

Exercise Extends Our Years of Serving God
Have you ever considered that exercise could be the difference between serving God for 60 years or serving God for 75 years? Think about this for a moment. Maintaining a healthy body could result in God giving you many additional years to care for your spouse. Staying in good shape could result in God allowing you to share the gospel with hundreds of additional people. Those endless miles on the treadmill could result in many additional years of faithfully serving your church. Yes, I understand that God has numbered our days. In his sovereignty, God knows exactly how many days we will live upon this earth. But God uses means, and exercise is a means of adding years of fruitful labor to our lives.

Exercise Makes Us More Effective In Serving The Lord
Not only does exercise extend our years of serving the Lord, it also makes us more effective in serving the Lord. The truth is, an unhealthy body can limit our capacity to serve the Lord. Being unhealthy leads to less energy and less stamina, which ultimately limits our service for the Lord. Those who exercise regularly and are in good health are able to serve the Lord and others consistently, and for longer periods of time.
Charles Spurgeon said, “A mouthful of sea air, or a stiff walk in the wind’s face would not give grace to the soul, but it would yield oxygen to the body, which is next best”
These truths should dramatically affect our approach to exercise! We don’t ultimately exercise for the purpose of losing weight or so that we look good. We exercise for the glory of God. We lace up our running shoes and pound the pavement so that we can serve God effectively for years to come. We lift weights so that at age 65 we can share the gospel with our grandchildren. We go to the gym so that we can lovingly care for our spouse for many years.
So let me encourage you to exercise. Not because it’s a good thing to do, but because God’s glory is at stake. Think of the future as you go out and jog.

Yes, exercise helps us take care of the temple he gave us. I feel so much better after I exercise it really gets the blood moving in the body so it can feed the organs.
Yes He does!

I'm on my 2nd full day of doing a fresh fruit and vegetable fast and it's been good. I will be doing this for the next 30 days and I'm praying and studying the Word as I go. I'm doing it because I know that my body needs to detox and to gain new energy and strength...most importantly to be healthier.

I'm excited about seeing myself at the end of the 30 days. I know that God is pleased.

I also have changed my exercise routine and now I've incorporated walking into my routine - 3 days a week and I'm doing, right now, 3 miles each day. I will gradually go further as time goes on.

Thanks for starting this thread!