Does flat ironing new growth cause breakage


New Member
Okay i am about to try a long stretch. I want to do roller sets to help. My question is can using heat to straighten roots cause damage and breakage.

I know we focus on protecting our ends from breakage, but what about our roots.
Here's a bump...
I know that pressing the new growth can cause breakage at the line of demarkation. At least people here have said that.
Nope, well at least not for me. Around week 12 or so I start flat ironing my NG after my weekly wash, dc & rollerset. This method keeps me from having breakage at the line of demarcation and it also aids in moisture retention because my 4b roots are straighter, therefore my natural oil is able to flow down the strands easier.
Thanks everone

Nope, well at least not for me. Around week 12 or so I start flat ironing my NG after my weekly wash, dc & rollerset. This method keeps me from having breakage at the line of demarcation and it also aids in moisture retention because my 4b roots are straighter, therefore my natural oil is able to flow down the strands easier.

So I am assuming you use the flat iron on your newgrowth once a week?

How long do you usually stretch?
Thanks everone

So I am assuming you use the flat iron on your newgrowth once a week?

How long do you usually stretch?

yeah, starting at or around week 12, I will flat iron my NG weekly. I normally stretch for 4-6 months.

I've noticed that I loose less hair this way while stretching. :yep:
yeah, starting at or around week 12, I will flat iron my NG weekly. I normally stretch for 4-6 months.

I've noticed that I loose less hair this way while stretching. :yep:

I am experiencing a lot (well, to me at least) of breakage at the line of demarcation as I am 6 months post. I think I may try this for one week to see if the breakage is to buy a good heat protectant...any suggestions Charmtreese? I've been stalking your fotki btw....:grin: