Does essential oils really make your hair grow?


New Member
Ladies I finally found pure essential oils in Egypt they already had the indian oils but I found rosemary,lavender,peppermint.tea tree and ylang ylang I brought all of them :grin: yay!!!!!!! but I really want to know does it really make your hair grow or just make it healthier?

If so please tell how much growth you achieved and how long it took for you to first start seeing results?

I am unsure but I dont think they grow ya hair....But they do help with growth like peppermint stimulates whatever ur using it with to help the hair growth. And I wouldnt advise you to put pure peppermint oil on ya scalp cause I heard its very strong on the skin by itself. I hope this makes sense.
The oils that you have are great for hair!
They are not designed to "make your hair grow" per se, but because of the ant-fungal properties and abilities to penetrate the skin to clear deposits from the follicle bed as well as improve scalp condition, it makes a "healthy" environment for you hair to grow better. So in a way, it does help hair grow thorugh promoting a health scalp inside out.

Im a true believer in essential oil. I use rosemary in my ACV rinses, tea tree oil on my scalp. Alot of LCHF members also put add to topical growth aid treatments.

Ladies I finally found pure essential oils in Egypt they already had the indian oils but I found rosemary,lavender,peppermint.tea tree and ylang ylang I brought all of them :grin: yay!!!!!!! but I really want to know does it really make your hair grow or just make it healthier?

If so please tell how much growth you achieved and how long it took for you to first start seeing results?

Thanks ladies
I also 4got to add that I already had Amla,castor,aloe,vit E,mink,jojoba, alomond, cocoanut and vitika I didnt mention these b/c I was just only telling about the new ones I found. But thanks again

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Thanks ladies
I also 4got to add that I already had Amla,castor,aloe,vit E,mink,jojoba, alomond, cocoanut and vitika I didnt mention these b/c I was just only telling about the new ones I found. But thanks again

Bumping for more answers:bump:
You have some good stuff on ya hands. You will get great growth with what you have all together.
I too ponder this. I think it’s more so the act of MASSAGING the oil/s into YOUR SCALP that really stimulates the growth. B/c on this forum I’ve heard of so many different kinds and mixes of oils that members have used and say gave them more growth.
And is it alright to mix them all together????????????????

Yeah, i think you wanna mix the carrier oil (one of your choice) with the essential oils. I also agree with Vivacious that it helps stimulate the scalp to promote growth.
I just started using them again. I am going to do a nightly scalp massage with them :yep: So far I've just used Jasmine oil. I know Jasmine oil is good for your hair but honestly I just LOVE :love: the smelllllllll. It's intoxicating.
I havent bought any EO's alone but wondered if I have to mix them with an oil or can the EO's be mix with water kow to make a hair rinse :look:. What do yo all think about that?
:grin:i also have all those oils listed in the first response. I use them when i wash my hair. i put rosemary and lavendar directly on my thin edges (jus started doin this... use to mix with moisturizers)

As for ylang... I put it directly on my ends. It helps my trims to last longer and I hardly see split ends after taking down 2 month old tracks.
Therapeutic grade oils do! the essential oils you find at Whole Foods arnt really essential oils. They have lost all the healing properties through being processed, althought they do smell great.
Real essential oils are extremely healing..not just for hair. I got turned on to a specific brand-Young Living Oils, although any brand thats therapeutic grade will do. If they are therapeutic grade, you can eat them, they are so pure. I've used pure lavander on my edges after having them in braids for years, and they have filled up very nicely! and i havent been applying them consistantly..Ive been mainly using them for health issues. They are expensive, but worth it :grin:
some EO's stimulate the scalp, and like someone else said they can be anti-fungal, creating a healthier environment for hair to grow in, do i think they will make your hair grow??? no, but they do aid in the growth process...and EO's (like peppermint) have to be mixed with a carrier oil like EVOO, jojoba, coconut, etc, or else they can cause burns
I personally think that it's an individual experience. I'm still learning my hair but I've just determined that my scalp does not like any oils that linger. However, there are many people on here that thrive with oil usage. :)
Therapeutic grade oils do! the essential oils you find at Whole Foods arnt really essential oils. They have lost all the healing properties through being processed, althought they do smell great.
Real essential oils are extremely healing..not just for hair. I got turned on to a specific brand-Young Living Oils, although any brand thats therapeutic grade will do. If they are therapeutic grade, you can eat them, they are so pure. I've used pure lavander on my edges after having them in braids for years, and they have filled up very nicely! and i havent been applying them consistantly..Ive been mainly using them for health issues. They are expensive, but worth it :grin:

Thanks for this information. While searching for Therapeutic grade oils I came across this web site that gives information on which oils to avoid while pregnant and oils that can possibly be skin irritants.