Does cholesterol work for anyone?


New Member
Has anyone liked this for there hair I don't have any money to try different deep conditions and I haven't found any that work for my hair but I have a unlimited supply of this at my cosmetology school do I was thinking of trying it while I'm in my see in what do you all think?


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I like LeKair's Cholesterol Plus and one of the Lustrasilk cholesterols. I didn't like the Queen Helene kind.
To me, they're not all created equal.

I've tried the Lekair and Lustrasilk ones and my hair hated them. I love Queen Helene, it's been my staple since the beginning of time. It does make my hair poofy but I like poof.

I use it as my base for both my moisturizing and protein DC mixes. I use it alone right before installing extensions.

GL! :)
MzSwift said:
To me, they're not all created equal.

I've tried the Lekair and Lustrasilk ones and my hair hated them. I love Queen Helene, it's been my staple since the beginning of time. It does make my hair poofy but I like poof.

I use it as my base for both my moisturizing and protein DC mixes. I use it alone right before installing extensions.

GL! :)

What do you mix with yours?
I LOVE Lustrasilk cholesterol but more for a leave-in treatment.

I have never tried Queen Helene but I would bet it would not make a good deep conditioner. Cholesterol is more lightweight then regular conditioner.
I'm a mixed-mostly type 4- and my hair loves the lekair cholesterol-only. It seems most people's hair likes one of the three kinds. I will always keep some lekair on hand and I use kenra, loico, etc., but with lekair I can never go wrong, especially with honey and oils added, but even without.
I hated Queen Helene and Lustrasilk, liked Lekair and LOVE Hollywood Beauty Cholesterols.

As MzSwift said, whatever one you choose and whatever one works best for YOU, they make an excellent base for DC mixes, especially if you are "balling on a budget!"

I've mixed mine with EVOO, EVCO, honey, agave nectar, glycerin and whatever else you feel your hair needs.
Wow, that's weird b/c I thought it was meant to be a DC. To me, cholesterol to be MUCH thicker than most conditioners..which is why I like to use it as my DC base. Do you mean lightweight as in conditioning properties?


My moisturizing DC mix = QH + EVOO + honey + a little sea salt
I've just started adding hibiscus to it and I like it a lot!

My protein is either an egg + QH or a few dollups of full fat yogurt + QH. Sometimes, I'll just add either one to my moisturizing mix.
candy626 said:
I LOVE Lustrasilk cholesterol but more for a leave-in treatment.

I have never tried Queen Helene but I would bet it would not make a good deep conditioner. Cholesterol is more lightweight then regular conditioner.

What do you mean by light weight it's so thick to me?
MzSwift said:
Wow, that's weird b/c I thought it was meant to be a DC. To me, cholesterol to be MUCH thicker than most conditioners..which is why I like to use it as my DC base. Do you mean lightweight as in conditioning properties?


My moisturizing DC mix = QH + EVOO + honey + a little sea salt
I've just started adding hibiscus to it and I like it a lot!

My protein is either an egg + QH or a few dollups of full fat yogurt + QH. Sometimes, I'll just add either one to my moisturizing mix.

What does the salt do? All these at home ingredients has me balling out of control! Hehe
To me, they're not all created equal.

I've tried the Lekair and Lustrasilk ones and my hair hated them. I love Queen Helene, it's been my staple since the beginning of time. It does make my hair poofy but I like poof.

I use it as my base for both my moisturizing and protein DC mixes. I use it alone right before installing extensions.

GL! :)

That's interesting how our hair liked/disliked the opposite cholesterols!!! :blush:
LeKair I remember using and loving but now I can't seem to find it anywhere. I purchased and used Silk Elements Mega Cholesterol this past weekend and I'm in love! (Mineral Oil is the second ingredient. I use what works for my hair). Hair is swanging and soft! $3.99 at Sally's. Add a fourth one to the list. :lachen:
I've used LeKair as a relaxed head and natural- probably for 8 years total now. I love it and it's only $1.90 at Walmart. I've tried the other brands and didn't like them.
I use Hollywood Beauty Olive cholesterol, and it works pretty well for my purpose. I just needed a thicker base for my conditioner mix. The label says 'deep shine and moisture for damaged hair' but I don't have any damage or anything. I was just looking for any cholesterol at the time and came across this one first. I mix in my oils, honey, and use it whenever I co-wash. I make sure to keep a couple jars stocked since I use it frequently.
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Wow, that's weird b/c I thought it was meant to be a DC. To me, cholesterol to be MUCH thicker than most conditioners..which is why I like to use it as my DC base. Do you mean lightweight as in conditioning properties?

I think LUstrasilk's Cholesterol is pretty light.

But I will say, I did try a random cholesterol brand in the past and I do remember it being very very thick. I didn't like it that much from what I remember either because it made my hair greasy :ohwell:
Hell nawl!!!! Everyone seems to get great results when they use a cholesterol conditioner...oh but not ya girl! It leaves my hair a hard and tangled mess...and I have tried several different brands all with the same results. Can't do it.
Queen Helene has been a staple for my hair since I was a little girl. I have only used it a few times as a DC but I use it on my roots when I co-wash and detangling is a breeze!
What does the salt do? All these at home ingredients has me balling out of control! Hehe

For me, it makes my hair super soft! I only use about 1 tsp though. I'm too scared to add any more than that. I first tried it after a henna tx when nothing else would work. I haven't looked back since and that was a little over 2 years ago.

That's interesting how our hair liked/disliked the opposite cholesterols!!! :blush:

I know! Isn't that cool? That's one of the great things about this hair journey. I tend to use someone else's suggestion and tweak it to fit my hair.
I love Lekair Cholesterol. The Queen left residue on my hair, but go to youtube and check out shorty2sweet59 channel Queen Helene's is all that she uses and she has thick waist length hair.
I got this tip from another person on the board. I generously oil my hair first then apply the cholesterol all over like a thick relaxer from the root to the tip. I let it sit in my hair for one to 2 hours. It's fantastic, my hair is supple and I have less ssk's. I say use it.
i love cholesterols...but like someone else mentioned...they are not all created equally,,i love lekair's! queen helene did nothing for me...i always mix my cholesterols with oils..and sometimes another conditioner(if i need to stretch it)
Has anyone liked this for there hair I don't have any money to try different deep conditions and I haven't found any that work for my hair but I have a unlimited supply of this at my cosmetology school do I was thinking of trying it while I'm in my see in what do you all think?

I like it, I haven't used it recently but when I do use it I add castor oil to it.
I love cholesterol ive so far only used the Queen Helen one but I have the Silk Elements version in my stash now:)
When I was younger and before I became relaxed, this was my hair stylist's staple deep conditioner. It worked wonders on my hair. IMO, it is an excellent conditioner for natural and relaxed hair.