Does biotin make hair more resistant to relaxer?


I went to the salon today for a relaxer. After the hairdresser put it in and started smoothing the relaxer she told me that my hair was not straightening. I normally use Affirm lye relaxer for dry hair and scalp and I have had no problems before. Could taking biotin be the culprit? I am taking 5mcg.
It's hard to say; I take 7.5 mcg of biotin (well, I actually upped it 15 mcg recently; Walgreens has a new product called Sundown Naturals Super Potency biotin that is 7.5 mcg per tablet), and didn't have trouble relaxing. I have the kind of hair to where my stylist has to put it on, and then smooth it; if not, it won't take well, and it takes even longer if I stretch.

Maybe some others that use biotin can chime in?

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For me, biotin wasn't the culprit, but my hair would become resistant to relaxer. So every once in a while (maybe once a year), my stylist switches relaxers and I have no problems.

Just like you can become resistant to meds, I think your hair can be resistant to relaxer from time to time.