Does believing in aliens contradict the christian faith?


New Member
I know aliens are not mentioned in the Bible at all (unless you believe those folks who have tried to use Ezekial's wheel as an example).

I'm just wondering if it's okay to believe in them (to you).

I have noticed hollywood has been trying to push aliens on us for awhile now with all these movies and crop circles on the news.

I have a gnawing suspicion (that if you are a believer in the rapture - pretribulation) that they will use aliens as the reason if suddenly christians disappear off the face of the earth.

I hope this doesn't seem like a silly thread, it's just something that I thought of in light of a news article I just read.

I won't post it hear because I don't want anyone to think I'm bashing that particular group.
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I think that there is a uniqueness in our humanity. After hearing many astronomers and astophysicists talk about the conditions under which we exist, and how if any one of our existing conditions were altered even minutely, it would completely upset and even destroy us. I believe we are unique or at least extremely RARE, PURPOSEFULLY created by God. When I think about how incredibly huge the universe is, and how God exists infinitely even outside of that, it is not far fetched to consider other life.

Maybe the Bible doesn't mention other life on other planets because it isn't for us. IDK.

I imagine that once Christians disappear, they will use even truths to supports lies (they do this even now). The Scripture does say that God will give the people a delusion so that they will believe a lie because they want to continue in their evil ways. So just because they might blame the Rapture on aliens doesn't make aliens any more or less likely to exist, IMO. Sorry so lengthy!
I think that there is a uniqueness in our humanity. After hearing many astronomers and astophysicists talk about the conditions under which we exist, and how if any one of our existing conditions were altered even minutely, it would completely upset and even destroy us. I believe we are unique or at least extremely RARE, PURPOSEFULLY created by God. When I think about how incredibly huge the universe is, and how God exists infinitely even outside of that, it is not far fetched to consider other life.

Maybe the Bible doesn't mention other life on other planets because it isn't for us. IDK.

I imagine that once Christians disappear, they will use even truths to supports lies (they do this even now). The Scripture does say that God will give the people a delusion so that they will believe a lie because they want to continue in their evil ways. So just because they might blame the Rapture on aliens doesn't make aliens any more or less likely to exist, IMO. Sorry so lengthy!

That's not lengthy at all. Thank you for your input!
I don't think it contradict's the christian faith if someone chooses to believe in it. As long as they're not worshiping it, I don't see how it negatively affects their relationship with God. If anything, it just shows how much more amazing God is.

As for myself, I don't know if they are around. It's quite possible, after all God did say there are somethings that we don't know about...
I dont think it contradicts either. If God can put elephants, praying mantis, komodo dragons, hammerhead sharks, lizards, roaches, ants and all these other interesting creatures on earth, then why not aliens?

Take a minute to look around at all the NON humans on earth and ask yourself why God couldn't create alien. I saw a grasshopper the other day that looked straight alien. If God can create that ugly, weird looking thing then why not a 3 eyed alien with purple skin?
I don't think so. Maybe there are aliens but they are not called aliens in the bible? Who knows but I find it hard to believe that God created the universe and Earth is the only planet with living things. I just think there are some things that we do not understand yet which will become crystal clear later.
I dont think it contradicts either. If God can put elephants, praying mantis, komodo dragons, hammerhead sharks, lizards, roaches, ants and all these other interesting creatures on earth, then why not aliens?

Take a minute to look around at all the NON humans on earth and ask yourself why God couldn't create alien. I saw a grasshopper the other day that looked straight alien. If God can create that ugly, weird looking thing then why not a 3 eyed alien with purple skin?

See you're scaring me. :look: I'm fine if he created other beings but I hope they stay where they are. I guess I just feel like with all the warnings God gave us in the Bible, he'd tell us if there was an alien invasion in our future (and that sure seems to be what the government (not necessarily our governement)/media is pushing us to believe).
Some believe aliens helped the egyptians build the pyramids. some believe that the angels in the bible were actually aliens.

I'm not sure about all that but I know that I never want to see one.:nono:
I thought the nephilim were aliens.

The Nephilim (fallen ones, giants) were the offspring of sexual relationships between the sons of God and daughters of men in Genesis 6:1-4. It is some scholar's contention that the “sons of God” were fallen angels (demons) who mated with human females and/or possessed human males and then mated with human females. These unions resulted in offspring, the Nephilim, that were "heroes of old, men of renown" (Genesis 6:4).
Some believe aliens helped the egyptians build the pyramids. some believe that the angels in the bible were actually aliens.

I'm not sure about all that but I know that I never want to see one.:nono:

I know right!? We just watched Alien Vs. Predator 1 and 2 back to back (the second one was terrible:ohwell: All that cussing and sexual stuff, they should've just left it alone, but that's Hollywood:ohwell:) and I don't ever want to meet none of them thangs!:eek: (though I do favor the ones with the dreads:lachen:) LOVE Sanaa Lathan and her gorgeous hair:love: She was gangsta in number 1, wish they'd have brought her back in 2 instead of all them white people:ohwell: I'll stick to Disney movies from now on:lachen: