Does Aveda make a clarifying shampoo?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Based on the name, I figure Shampure is clarifying, but it doesn't say so anywhere on the product.

I've been anxious to try Aveda and also try find a new clarifyer . . . any input?

Aveda Hair Detoxifier is the name of their clarifying shampoo. You can find info about it on the product website - listed under Extra Treatment.
Aveda Hair Detoxifier is the name of their clarifying shampoo. You can find info about it on the product website - listed under Extra Treatment.

This is what I use to clarify. Some say it's very drying but my hair tends to bulid up products really fast so I need it. I just make sure I use a deep conditioner afterwards.
I believe Brilliant is their "lighter" clarifying poo. The bottle says it "washes away product build up and debris."
I think all their products are great and i'm sure you'll find the right one for your hair. I always go to the salon or the store in the mall so i talk to a consultant to make sure i find the right products!