Does applying oil everyday clog your pores?


New Member
Hi ladies
its been a long time since I wrote you guys but I just have a small question. If I apply oil everyday on my scalp exp: JBCO will that clog my pores? Also has anyone used JBCO everyday and gotten great results? well I can say it has thicken my hair and made it longer I will post pics soon, but plz help me on this. TIA
JBCO is a thick oil so it may clog your pores after awhile. Light oils like jojoba(closest oil/wax to scalp sebum) absorb into the scalp better. HTH
It's my understanding that if its a natural oil that is easily absorbed by the skin it will not clog the pores. However before reapplying any oil to the scalp I would feel the scalp to see if it really needs it.

I apply oils regularly to my scalp, but if it feels smooth, soft and conditioned, I do not reapply, if it feels on the dry side I reapply and if feels oily, I wash my scalp/hair or lightly spray Ojon revitalizing mist to my scalp to remove some of the oil.

Since the scalp naturally excretes it's own oil, our job is to only assist and or feel in with oil when necessary. :yep: