does anyone


Well-Known Member
ever get mad at the fact that we have to learn how to take care of our hair?
i mean its fun but come on, most of us were relaxed at such a young age that we never had the time to know what our real texture was. i often get mad at the fact that it took me until 21 to learn not only what my hair type is but how to properly wash, detaingle, use what comb, what products. i think its crazy that now we have to go back and teach our mothers that should have taught us.
i am enjoying learning and love to teach others but its backwards. anyone else ever feel like this?
i always think about how big,thick, and healthy my hair could've been if my mother had known how to take care of my hair when i was younger.. sometimes when i think about it i'm like ugh! :ohwell:
I don't blame mothers because they were only doing what they were taught to do with our hair, Most of us had long natural greasy hair back in the day, with cotton ribbons and bows and barrettes LOL!! Even though the method they were using was considered bad we had hair! My mother and grandmother still use royal crown grease and get they hair pressed and it still looks beautiful! But I understand what you are saying.
Yes, that's why I'm passing everything I learn on to others.
Especially my future daughter, if I have one.
I am glad to be learning now, I just wish I'd knew sooner. My mom didn't know much either but now her hair is looking so much better. I never had much patience with my hair anyway, there were times I would throw my brush at the mirror in anger (and that was when I was relaxed :blush:) but it was mostly b/c I lack styling skills. LOL. Now I know how to better care for my hair. still working on the styling.
It doesn't make me mad, it makes me sad. Really, really, sad. How to properly maintain our hair should be something so - natural - so innate to us, as a people with a history going back so many years.

I really think that in a lot of ways, Diasporic descent peoples interaction with their hair will be one of the deepest and longest lasting scars of slavery. :nono:
I get mad, but not at my mother. She took good care of my hair and even after I had a relaxer, she took me to the salon regularly for maintenance and my hair was healthy. She told me NOT to get a relaxer or dye my hair or get highlights and all that jazz in the first place.

It was after I went to college and wanted to have "trendy" styles that I started messing up. I am mad that I didn't find LHCF sooner.

I think that a lot of women, not just AA have a hard time caring for our hair/ skin b/c so many companies keep trying to sell us crap.
It doesn't make me mad, it makes me sad. Really, really, sad. How to properly maintain our hair should be something so - natural - so innate to us, as a people with a history going back so many years.

I really think that in a lot of ways, Diasporic descent peoples interaction with their hair will be one of the deepest and longest lasting scars of slavery. :nono:
my thoughts and feelings exactly. i feel like it should come so naturally to us. i feel like we are learning so late and thaat it will take YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRSSSSSSSSS to correct this problem.
I get mad, but not at my mother. She took good care of my hair and even after I had a relaxer, she took me to the salon regularly for maintenance and my hair was healthy. She told me NOT to get a relaxer or dye my hair or get highlights and all that jazz in the first place.

It was after I went to college and wanted to have "trendy" styles that I started messing up. I am mad that I didn't find LHCF sooner.

I think that a lot of women, not just AA have a hard time caring for our hair/ skin b/c so many companies keep trying to sell us crap.
i understand. im not mad at my mother, just mad at the fact. the fact that mothers are doing what their mothers and their mother's mother did and it all is not healthy practices.
Y'all know Mama did the best she could with what she knew..besides I bet many of our mothers had a whole lot on their minds..probably working a job she hated, trying to keep her children fed and safe. Little girl hair was something she never learned so she could not do better than she did...I cannot blame my mom any more..she was wrong in many ways but right about fighting me not to hot comb it....broke the mess out of my hair by allowing some nasty beautician without her consent to burn it alive-I know now the overly hot combing rat did it on purpose..