does anyone wash their hair in the sink?

I wash my hair in the kitchen sink because it's much easier for me that way. I part my hair down the middle, rinse each side for @ least a minute or two then I sit down and clarify, cond, etc.. (not @ the same time). I can take my time and let the conditioners sit on my hair for as long as I want, no in and out of the tub. It works out even better because I don't get as tired. My hair gets clean with no residue or water in my face (unlike in the shower). I love it. :)
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i wish i was flexible enough, its hard enough having to look after my hair on a day to day basis and then attempting to do gymnastics in the sink too. no thx
I wash my hair in the sink sometimes, and do the conditioning and detangling in the shower. I prefer the shower-just not cold ones, so I break it up this way.
I rinse out my DC in the sink after I get out of the shower. Everything else (CW, poo, etc.) I do while I'm in the shower.
I use a shower attachment so that I don't have to get in and out of the shower. You can sit on a stool or lean over the side of the tub. Much easier.
I wash my hair in the sink. I have a special cup that I use to rinse my hair. I also use a hair catcher in the sink. I stopped washing my hair in the shower a while ago because I couldn’t deal with all of the water splashing in my face.

My back used to hurt from all of the bending over the sink & tub. It was so bad that I used to scream when I had to stretch. I even had to buy Icy Hot packs. I fixed that problem by bringing a high chair (with a backrest) into the bathroom. Now, I sit in the chair and take breaks during the wash process. It makes the process take longer, but having a pain-free back is more important than how long it takes for me to wash my hair.

Amoreofcurls: That shampoo and color rinse sprayer looks neat. I think I'm going to look for it the next time that I'm in Sally's.
I wash my hair only in the sink. I take a long time to wash it so that is the only option for me.

I no longer flip my hair up as it causes my hair to tangle as it has gotten longer.

I part my hair down the middle and shampoo both sides seperately.

I shampoo in the sink and rinse out the DC in the shower. I only wash my hair once a week, so I schedule the rinsing part as a part of my daily shower that day. I make sure the water heater is a little higher and no one is doing laundry so I won't run out of hot water. In, the summer, I co wash in the shower but don't mind if the hot water runs out.
I wash in either sink or shower, the shower has the filter but whatever the mood and time is where I'll wash. I have enough conditioners to soften my hair.
I haven't washed my hair in the sink I was a kid. I'm too nervous about my hair getting caught in the stopper or going down the drain. And being tall it's uncomfortable to bend over and make sure i'm getting my head under the sink.
I wash in the sink (I have the detachable spray nozzle) and it's better for me. I have sensitive skin and full body exposure to something I could be allergic to is a no go.
When I was relaxed I did, now I only wash in the shower. Washing in the sink equals a head full of stubborn tangles. Occasionally I will rinse my DC out in the tub.

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I haven't washed my hair in the sink I was a kid. I'm too nervous about my hair getting caught in the stopper or going down the drain. And being tall it's uncomfortable to bend over and make sure i'm getting my head under the sink.

I'm also disturbed by the thought of my hair growing down the drain (literally and figuratively). I only wash in the sink after I texlax cause I don't want the perm rundown on my skin.
No ma'am just horrible eczema :sad:

:lachen: Me too:sad:

I now have to wash my hair in the sink, because my bath tub drain does not like me:perplexed
When i did wash my hair in the shower, i would only shampoo while in the shower, get out, DC, then rinse my hair by kneeling into the tub(not getting back in). Saves time & Lotion..
i wash my hair and rinse in the shower, but i run out of hot water too. i think when i shampoo and dc, i will use the kitchen sink.
When I was relaxed I did, now I only wash in the shower. Washing in the sink equals a head full of stubborn tangles. Occasionally I will rinse my DC out in the tub.

Sent from my HTC EVO using LHCF App

When I was relaxed and after my BC I could get away with washing my hair in the sink.

Now that it's longer, it would be a tangled mess--the shower allows the water to run down my hair and prevents that.

I don't run out of hot water because I detangle by spritzing with oil or putting conditioner on my hair and detangling before I get in the shower in 4 sections. Once I'm in the shower, I quickly wash my scalp with shampoo, brush the conditioner through while the water is running on my hair, rebraid and I'm out. It takes about 15 minutes once I'm in the shower.

I use to do all my detangling in the shower, and that was just too much water running for over 1/2 hr.
I wash in braids so I wash in the shower and rinse out my dc in the tub. I don't get back in the shower after my DC. Last time I tried in the sink my hair was a hot mess and was getting caught in the drain.
Yes I do, I only wash in the shower if I am doing a cowash or rinsing out by DC. I cant DC properly if I wash my hair in the shower, I hate getting in/out.
I only detangle in the shower. If I'm doing an ACV rinse, or washing out clay or henna than definitely the sink. My fiance almost killed me when I had to explain why the bathtub was clogged with "healing clay".
I do sometimes....especially in the's so cold to jump in and out of the shower. I've learned how to do it without my hair getting tangled, but I think it's much better in the shower. I'm wondering if my breakage area in the middle back of my head could be due to washing my hair in the sink....hmmm.