Does anyone use only one?


Well-Known Member
I am a member of the PJ challenge and I'm trying to minimize the number of products I keep in my stash. I was wondering does anyone use the exactly the same product/products from week to week. Specifically referring to using the same shampoo every week or however often you wash. You may also comment on conditioners, pre-poos, and other products as well. I know some of you use product lines exclusively too and I would definitely love to hear from you guys! TIA!
I would also like to just stick with one line ..Im new to the game so for me experimenting is the name of the game...then ill just stick to what i find is best
I only use NTM poo and daily con. For a dc, I use Queen Helene Cholesterol w/Ginseng. For moisture, Profectiv and Dove Moisture Mist. Oh, and plain ol casor oil :) BTW, what part of TX are you in? I'm in southern OK.
tiffers said:
I only use NTM poo and daily con. For a dc, I use Queen Helene Cholesterol w/Ginseng. For moisture, Profectiv and Dove Moisture Mist. Oh, and plain ol casor oil :) BTW, what part of TX are you in? I'm in southern OK.

I'm in Dallas. Are those the only products you use?
I don't use one product line exclusively but I do use the same products weekly. I love my BioInfusion Natural Rosemary Mint shampoo and Conditioner b/c it's all natural and gives me the tingle(stimulates my scalp)..I use this weekly as well as MTG and Scurl Moisturizer.
Yep, texasqt, those are all the products I use. But I forgot to add NTM leave in (I use it on wash days) and my new staple Motions CPR. I love BB moisturizer, but I just use it on my daughters hair now. I'm trying to simplify my regimen :)
My staple deep conditioner is ORS Hair Mayonaise with some olive oil mixed in for moisture. Ive also been using NTM Healing Shine Serum to to seal ends.
I try to stick to the same products but since i seem to run out fast i end up using whats on hand but if i had them all the time and didn't run out my pre poo would be dove intense conditioner wash with dove shampoo(intense)condition with dove intense than deep con with ntm mask

(i found out to-wards the end of my last stretch that dove works great for my hair type if i put evoo on my hair like DSD than put on the dove for at least an hour that stuff softened my new growth right up i found out that i will also have to co wash this way when I'm double digits post)

I'm also about to change my staples and get rid of the cones that i use am keeping the dove though
I only use the same shampoos. I use Kenra Clarifying and Porosity Control shampoos.

I switch up the conditioners though.
I don't use the same poo and con but weekly I use Phillip B Loving Leave in and Nixon Pure Shine Gel to style my hair.

Dreading the day my Pure Shine runs out...
I use Vo5 poo and conditioner, hemp hydrating condition, amla oil every week. I think I'm finally cured of my pj-ism.
I also use the same leave-in and moisturizers. The only thing I switch up is the conditioner, but even that I will use the same one for long periods of time before I change it for what ever reason.

Also, I always keep a protein and protein free on in rotation together.
I use the same shampoo, conditioner every week... I usually use all products from the same line as well. I'm in transition right now going to Nairobi products.
Letitia said:
I dont need to answer this huh Texasqt? :p

:lachen: I mean, you could if you want to but it ain't the first of April just yet :lachen:
We're going to get there one day!:yay:
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I've been wondering if this is possible. I know when I was in college I had one poo, con, and a leave-in but I really can't remember the state of my hair.

Thank you! to those of you who have responded so far. I would also like to know from you guys how do you maintain your moisture/protein balance using the same products from week to week?

Bumping for more responses...
texasqt said:
:lachen: I mean, you could if you want to but it ain't the first of April just yet :lachen:
We're going to get there one day!:yay:

I just loved the bolded! You are right. We will getting there! I am weeding out so much stuff that I know I will not repurchase. It's a great feeling.
I used to before I came to hair boards, and in a way I still do. Here's what I mean. I use a conditioner for CO, one for DC, a leave-in, and a moisturizer each week. What I'm doing now in order to try new products is when my leave-in (for example) runs out I'll replace it with a different one that I'd like to try. I think I'm honing in on trying to combine my leave-in/moisture into one step by adding oil, aloe, and some EO's to the leave-in. Using a lot of different products is too complicated, so I'm in the PJ challenge to use up what I have and simplify.

ETA: With regard to protein/moisture balance, the balance in most conditioners seems to be fine for my hair. I do use Aphrogee about every 8 weeks.
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Oh, if only:ohwell: !...Moving in that direction..then I do a pj dash and buy something else. My only staples seem to be the APHOGEE 2-minute and the 2-step {new and a keeper} and the Surge line: Woojee,
Lotion Motion #9 and Surge 14.
I pretty much use the same stuff every week...
I always use the same poos, Paul Mitchell tea tree followed by Design Essentials moisturizing poo...
For conditioners, I use Elucence MB or Kenra MC..
ALWAYS use the same leave in.. Giovanni Direct :love: .
I love moisturizing conditioners, if more of them agreed with my hair, I'd give it a go... but I have no desire to change my poos or leave in.
I have religiously used CON green poo before LHCF even and it has never failed me. And I have surely gone through tubs of LeKair Cholesterol. Rusk Smoother has been my staple post wash leave-in. Yet I go thru lots of conditioners as there are so many yummy ones to choose from. :p