does ANYone use GARLIC for hair health


New Member
hey ladies

so ive been sick lately.. due to a low immune system and someone told me garlic pills were healthy.... but then another person told me they actually use garlic CLOVES.. chop one in two.... and take that as a pill. nothing better than the ACTUAL thing right?!

does anyone else on this board do anything similar?.. i know there are many threads on garlic pills being good for the hair... to stop shedding.. so i would be in a WIN WIN :grin::drunk: situation right..... healthy hair.. boosted immune system :) ... hopefully not bad breath :nono::ohwell:

any advice anyone?
should i just use pills? are they as effective?

i kind of do both. i've always loved garlic in the dishes i make at home. but when i learned from the research on this board that garlic helps stop shedding (i am a big shedder), i bought garlic supplements and i also stepped up the amount of garlic i use in my food. i use about three cloves in every dish i make with garlic. i have definitely noticed a big reduction in shedding in the three weeks i have been doing this.

haven't had the halitosis. i brush twice a day and gargle a lot though with handy dandy vanilla listerine! hope this helps and best of luck.
I cook with garlic pretty regularly, it is good for a lot of things. I love to infuse olive oil with it. Fresh is always the best. I have tried mincing a couple of cloves and infusing it into oil and used as overnight scalp prepoo treatment. It does work as well as the Alter Ego treatment I use. I would rather take supplements than swallow garlic by itself though.
I've been using garlic pills for over a month now. I have seen a dramatic reduction in shedding. But to be fair, I have changed my hair handling techniques as well so that may be part of it.
I love the real thing too, but its not always practical. I can take my pills with my cereal every morning; I sure as heck ain't adding minced garlic to my Captain Crunch.
I drink garlic water when I am sick...I submerge a clove of garlic into warm water and sip away. I don't swallow the garlic though..that may lead to garlic breath. They sell garlic capsules at whole foods that don't give you stank breath. I'm not sure of the effects on hair though...garlic is really good for us so I'm sure that it's a positive effect
I do*smile*
I use Queene Helene unscented garlic shamp. once a week.
I've been looking everywhere for that. I really don't want to have to buy it online. The shipping will probably be more than the cost of the product.
I take the odorless garlic pills. I ran out 3 days ago and haven't gone to the store yet. BIG mistake. My hair is shedding again. First thing tomorrow I'll run to the store to buy more.
the real stuff is DEFINATELY the best BUUUUTTTTT i dont do it anymore......i took a whole garlic clove (uncrushed) and regretted it coz of the smell. i wish i could look past that but cant!!

so am just taking the pills daily. not necessarily for hair growth ....general well being
I have been using garlic and I can already feel growth. I just cut my hair thursday. Is that normal? If it is, I am glad for it! I don't like short hair.