Does anyone use Design Essentials Products? Which ones?


New Member
Hi everyone. On Wednesday, I got a much needed trim. The stylist who did my hair recommended a silicon based product called silk essentials by Design Essentials. It reminds me of BioSilk Silk Therapy. I really like the fragrance. Well as all pjs know, if you find a product that seems to be good, it makes you curious about the entire line --Soooo, I checked out the website and they offer packages of products for particular concerns (dy hair/ itchy scalp/etc.) Now I am trying to be good *she says with fingers crossed behind her back* and not go crazy so wanted to get a little help from my LHCF sisters before I made a move. So, if you will give me a review of the prducts you like and don't like. Products that worked for you and those that didn't? Pleeeease. TIA

BTW, my hair came out super nice if I do say so myself.
I like their leave-in. It can be used on wet or dry hair. I do NOT like the Silk drops (I THINK that may be the product you mentioned) because of the high alcohol content. It smells very much like isopropyl to me.
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balisi said:
I like their leave-in. It can be used on wet or dry hair. I do NOT like the Silk drops (I THINK that may be the product you mentioned) because of the high alcohol content. It smells very much like isopropyl to me.

Hmm, I didn't think of the alcohol content, what should I look for on the label to clue me in? Good point, I'm glad I asked the question. Thanks for the reply.
I don't recall what the label says, since I gave the product away. Some products actually contain isopropy alcohol and/or other non-fatty alcohols as one of the main ingredients. gives a good breakdown on the use of alcohols in products, as not all are harmful.
My stylist uses the entire Design Essentials line except for the relaxer. The Silk Essentials has SD 40 alcohol. But, it is very similiar to the Biosilk. So, if the Biosilk works for you, the Silk Essentials should be okay. I like the Moisture Retention Shampoo, the Herbal Complex 4, and the Therapeutics Leave In Conditioner. I love the Reflections Liquid Sheen. I have been using this product for 3 years now. I spray it on every morning to refresh my style. It seals in the moisture from the products used on the previous night.
vickyd said:
Hi everyone. On Wednesday, I got a much needed trim. The stylist who did my hair recommended a silicon based product called silk essentials by Design Essentials. It reminds me of BioSilk Silk Therapy. I really like the fragrance. Well as all pjs know, if you find a product that seems to be good, it makes you curious about the entire line --Soooo, I checked out the website and they offer packages of products for particular concerns (dy hair/ itchy scalp/etc.) Now I am trying to be good *she says with fingers crossed behind her back* and not go crazy so wanted to get a little help from my LHCF sisters before I made a move. So, if you will give me a review of the prducts you like and don't like. Products that worked for you and those that didn't? Pleeeease. TIA

BTW, my hair came out super nice if I do say so myself.

:wave: My beautician uses this, and so far I like it. I have worked to combat my dry hair, so I like the idea of relaxing with the Conditioning Relaxer. The company is on to something, because they understand that our hair needs moisture. I can't speak for the entire line, just relaxer, stimulating shampoo, and conditioner that she uses, however, I haven't purchased anything of my own..good luck..
I have used the following:

Silk Essentials- does have high alcohol content but I still like it. However, I now only use it on my quick weaves because I know SD Alcohol is suppose to be bad.

DE Stimulations: Excellent moisturizing conditioner. One of my top 4 :) .

DE 6n1- Great reconstructor!! Although the bottle doesn't suggest you follow up with a moisturizing conditioner, I would suggest that you do. I can leave the hair a little dry.

DE Moisture Retention and Deep Cleansing Shampoo- They were just okay to me. I wouldn't repurchase.
I had one stylist that used both the Silk Essentials and the Botanical Oils on my hair at different times. I liked both of them a lot, I even purchased the Botanical Oils. The Botanical Oils are a little heavier as they are oils...but if your hair needs oils I think it's a good product. I live the shine and the silkiness that both products give and they smell great. I agree that the Silk Essentials is comparable to Biosilk, but I personally prefer the Silk Essentials.

Here are some pics of my hair having used the Silk Essentials (pw: tresses):
...and the first 4 pics in this album, I'm pretty sure she also used the Silk Essentials:
Botanical Oils (not the best pic):

I also absolutely LOVE the Therapeutics RX Leave-in Conditioner!!! As soon as I finish the leave-in that I have and get some money, I will be purchasing it. I think it is the best Leave-in ever! I had tons of new growth and the stylist used this and it detangled my hair like nothing I've ever seen. My hair was shiny and soft and very light.

The first three pics here are some pics after I got my hair done and she used the leave-in (pw: tresses):
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I too am in Georgia and I started using the Silk Essentials at the insistence of my stylist. It works pretty good and I like the gloss it gives w/o the oiliness (because it has no oil), but since reading someone else's post and looking closer at the bottle, I have just noticed that it contains SD alcohol too. It lasts a very long time too b/c you don't have to use a whole lot of it. I will be laying off it and changing up my entire routine and taking a break from my stylist for a while and will go back to using Dudley's Total Shine. That product has worked well in the past for me. (only stopped using it b/c my stylist suggested the Silk Essentials) My hair is very fine and I can't stand to put anything on it that will weigh it down and the Dudley's stuff goes a long way. It it in a spray/spritz bottle and I just spray a tad bit in my hands and rub on hair.