Does anyone use a silk towel????


The comb is stuck.
Since silk and satin are the best things to cover or hold our hair with, I wonder if the cotton towel could do harm?

Does anyone use a silk towel?? Is it good at preventing breakage?

This is info from the website:

Our silk towels are revolutionizing the towel industry. It's made of natural mulberry silk, therefore, giver you an entirely new conception and sensation.

Our towels contain many types of amino acids similar to the structure of human skin. That is why our towels, when applied to your skin, can give you skin a delicate massage , absorb and help to excrete the secretions on the skin as perspiration, keep your skin clean and healthy, and much more.

Smooth as silk: tender loving care will help your silk last.
Silk has symbolized luxury and elegance for thousands of years. It is a lovely fabric, but it is also delicate and expensive...

The glutamic acid, threonine and serine existing in the silk can improve blood circulation, delay the aging of skin and aid to kill the skin diseases.

SILK silk sil, fine, horny, translucent, yellowish fiber produced by the silkworm in making its cocoon and covered with sericin, a protein. Many varieties of silk-spinning worms and insects are known, but the silkworm of commerce is the larva of the Bombyx mori, or mulberry silkworm, and other closely related moths. Wild silk is the product of the tussah worm of China...
--The Columbia Encyclopedia, Seventh Edition
I've never used a silk towel before. I generally don't put a towel on my hair. I just squeeze dry and then do the ponytail thing.

The towel sounds interesting. Could you post the website please.
i dont used towels for my hair anymore,id like to see the website though. its an interesting thought
Hmmm... that looks interesting. I do use a very absorbant cotton towel but I only squeeze the water out of my hair very briefly. Thank you for the website and pic.
Yeah, thanks for the pic, but I never towel dry my hair, though, just squeeze out. This towel sounds much better than any cotton, though. Hopefully someone's used it so we can get a better review.
That sounds interesting

As everyone else has said, I don't use a towel on my head. I drape a cotton (terry) towel around my shoulders and let the water drip down.

A silk towel, that sounds interesting AND perfect!! hmmm......maybe I can buy just ONE more thing, lol!

P.s. I LOVE that pic you have and your quote underneath it!