Does anyone rollerset only through a stretch?

yeah... I'm just gonna bump this thread. More responses please

How deep into a stretch should ponytail rollersetting start???

if only stretching to 12 weeks and not really doing a deep stretch (3+ months) is it necessary to start the ponytail setting??

honestly I don't mind rough puffy new growth I just mind breakage.. I'm trying to retain as much as possible.. I mean the only way I can think to get the roots smooth and straight is to comb them through and through with the fine tooth comb.. and most times I'm scared to do that because I'm scared I'm breaking all my hair off lol.

@topnotch1010 @bebezazueta @sylver2 @klsjackson @danysedai shortdub78 and all...
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I find that French Perm Stablizer softens my new growth and helps it to lie flat when I'm rollersetting during a stretch. I DC on dry hair and shampoo with KeraCare detangling or Optimum replenishing shampoo; apply FPS for no longer than 2 mins (any longer it makes my hair very dry) and follow with my leave-ins, then rollerset. I have not had any breakage and I'm stretching 10 to 12 weeks now.
blackberry815 I don't ponytail rollerset. If I have problems detangling, I detangle with conditioner in my hair.

I rollerset like normal and use a flat iron on my roots if need be.
I am a little over 12 wks post and I rollerset yesterday with very little problems. Meaning I lost very little hair. It came out really good. The reason I rollerset yesterday is because I wanted to make sure all of the tangles are out so I can prepare to relax. When I bun, I'm not removing all of the tangles. I have rollerset up to 23 wks post.
I don't ponytail rollerset but I believe sunnieb does.

I still rollerset deep into a stretch (past 12 weeks) but i make sure to do an overnight DC prior to rollersetting. And use a light moisturizer on damp hair root to tip prior to detangling in preparation to set. I also use a tiny bit of a heat serum from roots to tip to seal in moisture (GVP chi silk infusion knockoff). I try not to use setting lotions or products that make hair stiff deep into a stretch to minimize breakage. But that's just me taking extra precautions.

I do think ponytail rollersets should smooth out new growth because of the tension from the ponytails. I achieve the smooth out new growth with the direction I set, tension I apply & super moisturized hair. HTH!
For me, roller setting is the only way I am not going to look like a banshee after 4-5 months of not relaxing. I can easily get my hair straight by using large rollers and flat ironing the new growth.

Using good deep conditioners and having my hair in sections before wetting the hair helps too.