Does anyone put absolutely nothing on their scalp?


New Member
Like oils, greases, etc. If so, do you find that your scalp gets itchy, and how often do you wash your hair? Does your hair tend to grow faster because of you not greasing/oiling your scalp? Just curious.
I don't put anything on my scalp. My scalp is naturally very oily on it's own. I wash my hair every few days. I don't think my hair grows any faster by not putting anything on my scalp.
I can't put anything on my scalp. Trying to grease or oil my scalp just makes it itchy and sore.
During the summer I don't put any thing on my scalp. Even in the winter time only occassionally. I massage my scalp daily and that keeps my scalp lubricated. I shampoo once weekly and condition wash or rinse daily. I don't now if my hair grows faster because of it, but I do know with the daily washes and scalp massages my hair is growing like a weed.
I put nothing...nada! I don't even oil my scalp when I do a hot oil treatment.

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Neither do I.
I do the same as sweetcocoa. I only put EVOO on my scalp when I do a pre-shampoo hot oil treatment and that alone has taken care of all my itchies and flaking.
I think grease is what made my scalp itch!
I spray Hairobics Leave-In on my scalp. Not because I "need" it, though. I just like the way it tingles. I haven't greased my scalp in over 20 years (when I started doing my own hair). My growth rate hasn't gotten any faster or slower, but my hair sure looks and feels better! And I've never had an itchy or dry scalp.

I still put light pomades and oils on my hair sometimes, but not on my scalp. I shampoo once a week and do conditioner washes at least 5 days a week.
I don't put a single thing on my scalp. I haven't for years. My scalp doesn't itch because of that. Ironically, the only time my scalp itches is if anything comes into contact with it and I leave it there. For instance, when I used to use a holding spray to hold the my style (like when I'd curl my braids all the way with a curling iron
), I'd itch like crazy. I'd hold the spray above my head and spray away, and for that I'd pay!
It wasn't terribly bad, but it was enough for me to get irritable. Lately, I've noticed that if I spray Dew without hanging my head down so the spray hits only my hair and not scalp; or if I don't hold my hair up in sections at a time to spray, my scalp will itch too. It just seems so much happier with nothing on it...and so am I.

I wash my hair twice a week, but this practice I only started a year ago after reading Brenda's report ( in which she encourages washing more often to combat dryness. Even when I washed my hair just once a week, my scalp didn't itch from having nothing on it.

In my younger days, used to believe you'd get dandruff and itch if you didn't apply something on your scalp. (Heck, my back itches if I don't put lotion on my legs.
Go figure.) But someone told me that putting oils etc is what causes dandruff. I thought it was the most ludicrous thing I ever heard, but I gave it a shot. Took a while to get used to it. I may have itched a bit during the experiment. But I persevered till it was time to wash my hair. Before I knew it, I'd forgotten all about the itching. And I've never looked back.

Hey, I wonder if itching can also be caused by not rinsing out all the conditioner and/or shampoo?

Does my hair grow faster because of nothing on the scalp? It's hard to tell for sure, since I started doing this about the same time I started wearing braids, which work well for me. I've heard it said that putting grease on the scalp does slow down growth, but that might just be an old wives' tale.

Oh, if I wear synthetic hair extensions and the ends touch my scalp when I'm trying to be frighteningly creative in styling, then I'll itch too.
I just massage my scalp a few times a day. Though when I used to oil my scalp with vitamin E, i noticed no difference in growth rate compared to now.
I havent been putting anything on my scalp these past couple of months. i have been spritzing my hair and scalp with distilled water inbetween condition washes and felt that was sufficent enough. when the hair felt dry i spritzed. God bless you all.
Nada. No longer at least. Use to grease it but that did absoulutely nothing, but make my scalp look wet and weird. My scalp is dry but kept under control with massages and washing twice a week. In braids, I do mist a little of braid spray on my scalp because it's dry from air exposure. Other that that, nothing is necesary and I always want a clean scalp.
I have psoriasis and I used to put sulfur 8 on it, but it would burn more. My doctor just said to wash more often with a shampoo for itchy scalp. He said that putting oil on an itchy scalp makes it worse and that most people have dandruff from infrequent washing or too much grease on scalp. I use keracare dry itchy scalp once a week and I'm fine. Although I want to change to an organic shampoo but I haven't been able to find 1 with tar here. I don't think that grease can make your hair grow faster, hair is dead so its not like watering a plant, I don't think. But I think it can clog up pores and make hair look worse.
Maybe once a month, I put tea tree oil on my scalp..Just cuz I like the tingling feeling! Other than that, I don't put anything on my scalp.
Absolutely nothing. However, last night a friend ask me if I put the castor oil on my scalp. She clains as well as many women in St. Lucia that castor oil gorws hair longer and faster.
Absolutely nothing. However, last night a friend ask me if I put the castor oil on my scalp. She clains as well as many women in St. Lucia that castor oil gorws hair longer and faster.

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Really? I'm going to ask my Mum and some relatives that...I can imagine it working best though on natural virgin hair that's braided. On relaxed hair its alot harder to use because of its thickness.

p.s I don't use anything on my scalp.
Re: Does anyone put absolutely nothing on their sc

Funny you should ask because I was just thinking..."hmmm I haven't put anything on my scalp this week, only once last week and my scalp is fine!"

For almost two weeks (one week I just did conditioner washes) my scalp was itching something terrible, but my scalp and hair looked fine.

Since I hadn't put anything on my scalp in awhile I decided to oil it with my carrot oil. Didn't help! Then I decided to spray it with my scalp moisturizer. Well that didn't help either! In fact my scalp itched even more from both of these things! As some of you have experienced. I shampooed my hair Saturday and so far no more itchies! Guess it was just dirty or something. lol!

I think I'll still need something SOMETIMES, just not on a regular basis like I used to.
I was putting oil on my scalp and man was it itchy!!! No more scalp stuff other than massages to stimulate and distribute my natural oils.
i sometimes leave oils on my scalp but not regularly. i usually just put some during pre-shampoo treatments. the only thing i leave on my scalp lately is the Olux foam that i use for the psoriasis.
I gave in last nite and applied some Profectiv Phase oil on my scalp, after spritzing water on it. My scalp felt okay this morning. I've only scratched once. After my next shampoo on Friday or Saturday, I am going to try putting absolutely nothing on my scalp for a week, other than water. I'll see how long that can last...
I don't use anything other than tea tree oil occasionally. My scalp feels cleaner without all that stuff on there.