Does Anyone Notice A Difference Between the Voice of God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit?


New Member
I have a question and it may seem kind of weird. When God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit talk to me I can tell the difference often times. For instance, God usually talks to me in dreams (or so that's when I really can hear Him) and His voice is usually more booming sometimes. Like I can't really explain it but when Jesus talks to me, it is more quieter and when The Holy Spirit talks to me, it's also more like a still, quiet voice but when He wants me to do something then it becomes more stern.

When I was in church two weeks ago, Jesus came up and asked me, "What do you want from me?" And as I was praying, I told Him. And God speaks to me alot, like He tells me to tell people stuff that I wouldn't even know about them. Then The Holy Spirit tells me when God is laughing at me and that I am also the apple of God's eye. I was like, "whoaaa." Some of the things God tells me I don't even know can be found in scripture until I look and say, "Hey, God said this to me." Then The Holy Spirit says, "Your daddy is proud of you."

Okay, I'm done cause' I can go on and on.
Re: Does Anyone Notice A Difference Between the Voice of God, Jesus and The Holy Spir

Do you have scriptures to explain that?
I believe in your sincerity. Could it be possible that it is just your feelings?

I John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
Mat. 12:28 But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you.
John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
Mat. 3:16 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: 3:17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
[FONT=&quot]Is. 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Re: Does Anyone Notice A Difference Between the Voice of God, Jesus and The Holy Spir

I read a book called The Shack. Your post reminds me of that book. In the shack God was an old southern black woman, Jesus was a Middle Easter man, and the Holy Spirit was an Asian woman.

I think the way you have broke down the 3 is just the way you connect with God. I THINK.

For me it's all just God. But, that's the way I connect with Him. Now, I do talk about Jesus said..and the Holy Spirit moved on me to..and when God said to Moses etc...etc..But, I don't usually interact with them as separate.
Re: Does Anyone Notice A Difference Between the Voice of God, Jesus and The Holy Spir

No, I have never experienced anything like this. Very interesting, waiting to hear if anyone else has this same experience. It might be that this is the way that God has chosen to communicate with you, HE created us to be unique and i believe he communicates with us in that same way.
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Re: Does Anyone Notice A Difference Between the Voice of God, Jesus and The Holy Spir

God talks to you? I've been praying for someone up there to talk to me but I seriously just get ignored. Maybe this is for the truly spiritual individuals?
Re: Does Anyone Notice A Difference Between the Voice of God, Jesus and The Holy Spir

I know what you mean OP. Your descriptions are similar to mine. There is a distinct difference and I've always wondered about it and never asked.
Re: Does Anyone Notice A Difference Between the Voice of God, Jesus and The Holy Spir

While initially I raised my eyebrows at the question, in thinking about it, the Father, Son, and Spirit do manifest themselves in different ways in Scripture. The Father is the voice booming from heaven, like in Exodus or the Gospel when the Father says, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Christ is the express manifestation of God, as the Angel of the Lord, as Jesus of Nazareth walking this earth. And the Spirit is the voice and power that moves us.
Re: Does Anyone Notice A Difference Between the Voice of God, Jesus and The Holy Spir


I would so thank you but yeah, I can't lol. I never thought of it that way before. :yep:
Re: Does Anyone Notice A Difference Between the Voice of God, Jesus and The Holy Spir

God talks to you? I've been praying for someone up there to talk to me but I seriously just get ignored. Maybe this is for the truly spiritual individuals?

No, but for those with ears to "hear." It might not be physically audible when He speaks to you...but He hears and sees you....I've been there...and on a sucky day, I'm there again...for you:rosebud:
Re: Does Anyone Notice A Difference Between the Voice of God, Jesus and The Holy Spir

While initially I raised my eyebrows at the question, in thinking about it, the Father, Son, and Spirit do manifest themselves in different ways in Scripture. The Father is the voice booming from heaven, like in Exodus or the Gospel when the Father says, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Christ is the express manifestation of God, as the Angel of the Lord, as Jesus of Nazareth walking this earth. And the Spirit is the voice and power that moves us.

Thank you....:) This is how I look at it as well. Although the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit is One they manifest themselves differently.

Just like an egg. You have the shell, white (albumen), and yolk but it's still an Egg with distinct functions.
Re: Does Anyone Notice A Difference Between the Voice of God, Jesus and The Holy Spir

You know, now that you mention it -- YES, there is definitely a distinction.
Re: Does Anyone Notice A Difference Between the Voice of God, Jesus and The Holy Spir

I'm thinking pretty quickly here but I venture to say yes b/c I can think of a few instances for myself.
Re: Does Anyone Notice A Difference Between the Voice of God, Jesus and The Holy Spir

I think it could be that as Christians God allows us to have this revelation and truly that is just His grace. It's wonderful though.

For instance, if The Holy Spirit tells me to pray for someone named Mary but there are three different Mary's I know how would I know which one he is talking about. But I always know when He instantly says it. I could know 500 Mary's but at the same time The holy Spirit speaks that person's name, I know which Mary of the 500 He is speaking about.

A seasoned Christian woman once asked me, "If there is one God, then how can there be God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit?" I said, "Well, God, Jesus and The holy spirit all have the same focus, purpose, will." She was a manager at a restaurant and said, "Well, don't I as the manager and this young manager over here and this cashier have the same purpose; to give people the best service and increase the revenue of this establishment. But aren't we all different people?" Paraphrasing. I said, "Well, yeah. So I guess that's not the answer.":ohwell: She said, "The best way it can be described is that I'm a mother, a wife, a sister, a friend, a.... but I am still the same person." So basically she is saying that yes, there is one God but that there are different roles. Like, what you would say to your child you might not say to your best friend or the role you play for your sister, you might not encompass for your friend.

But I was thinking of this and it made sense and if I took time to look up scripture, it may bring it together for some who may have difficulty understanding. When she told me this I just had to go home and say, "Wow, God. I really get it now. You are awesome." I had a good little worship time just thinking about it.:grin:
Re: Does Anyone Notice A Difference Between the Voice of God, Jesus and The Holy Spir

I've never thought about it before, but yeah I guess there is a difference when I hear God speak to me. And yes, I have heard God as clear as day speak to me on numerous occasions. But, when the Holy Spirit speaks, it's more calming, and if you're not careful and strong in faith you can mistake as your "inner voice". But when God speaks there's no denying what you heard or who you think said it.
Re: Does Anyone Notice A Difference Between the Voice of God, Jesus and The Holy Spir

I've never thought about it before, but yeah I guess there is a difference when I hear God speak to me. And yes, I have heard God as clear as day speak to me on numerous occasions. But, when the Holy Spirit speaks, it's more calming, and if you're not careful and strong in faith you can mistake as your "inner voice". But when God speaks there's no denying what you heard or who you think said it.

Yes, you can miss it sometimes but I was reading something on the internet and it said that basically, you have to train yourself to hearing the voice of The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will never say anything that is contrary to the will of God, He will be able to confess that Jesus is Lord and will teach you in all things. I am now in trainning and it is getting easier and easier to distinguish it from my own voice. Now, I find that He speaks to me alot but what it takes to notice His voice is prayer, quiet time, fasting, filling yourself on the Word. And He told me to just turn off the radio sometimes while I am driving. I'll do that and those are the times where I'll go into prayer language for only God knows what. But the key is to spend quite devotional time after prayer and worship.:yep:
Re: Does Anyone Notice A Difference Between the Voice of God, Jesus and The Holy Spir

^^^^ Exactly! John 10:27 says, “My sheep hears my voice; I know them and they follow me.” Now, I never trained myself to hear and recognize that voice, but it was through prayer,devotion, and worship. The more time I spent with him, the more I recognized his voice.
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