Does anyone not use a moisturizer?


New Member
If so, what do you use? I'm just wondering b/c i have yet to find that perfect moisturizer for my hair...either it feels too dry or too wet or too oily or too heavy. Or maybe i should be using different moisturizers along the way (lighter one after a perm, heavier when the ng starts coming in). Anyway i there anyone that maybe just uses oil, sheen, or a serum in their hair daily. How is it working for you? Thanx!!
I want to know too bc Im strongly considering only washing or cowashing and then deep conditioning every 3-4 days and only using a tiny bit of chi silk infusion on my hair in between. I love how light and fluffy my hair is with such little product on it. And it smells good and it has swang! I did this yesterday because I want to flat iron my hair for my graduation tomorrow but didnt want to rewash bc its nice and smooth already from my rollerset/silk wrap. I didnt want to weigh it down with any product so Ive only used a dime size amount of serum on it so far and plan to do the same tomorrow. It still feels really soft and smooth.

I will caution you that I live in FL though so I could still wear flip flops if I wanted....I think the heat and humidity makes the hair hold more moisture by itself. I might test this theory for a couple of weeks.
Naw..I don't use a moisturizer. I can always tell when the protein/moisturise balance is off with my hair-it feels like straw. IMO, moisturizer are a waste money--they will not restore the natural moisture balance to most peoples hair. Now on occasion for shine or to keep your ends moist, I can see them being effective. But as a whole, if your hair is well conditioned, the need for moisturizers starts to diminish. Please note, I can not speak for naturals and I use a creamy leave-in conditioner for rollersets weekly. If I don't rollerset, then I spray my hair with a liquid leave-in every few days.
I don't. I just wash and DC once a week. I don't add an extra moisturizer. Sometimes I use a leave in condish but thats it.
I don't use a moisturizer because I no longer have issues with dry/brittle hair. I never found that "perfect" moisturizer either. I got tired of looking and decided to attack the cause of my dryness instead of trying to find something to put in it every day. After trial and error, I discovered that my hair just likes to be washed and DC'd weekly, and that ultimately is my solution to softer hair that holds moisture and less breakage.

I shampoo and DC my hair once every 7-10 days. I use Giovanni Direct and seal it, and I don't have to bother with moisture or shine until the next wash. As long as I don't let more than 12 or 14 days past, moisturizer is not necessary.
I usually don't use moisturizer. Like the other ladies, I d/c once a week. I will apply a small amount of serum or kemi oil to my hair mid-week if it starts looking dull. I have fine strands, and moisturizer weakens them and causes me to get a lot more hair out in the comb. My moisturizer is my weekly d/c. The cleaner my hair is (meaning product-free), the less breakage I get. I will use moisturizer if I have a lot of NG and I want to make it lay down. My fine hair plays by its own set of rules.
I want to know too bc Im strongly considering only washing or cowashing and then deep conditioning every 3-4 days and only using a tiny bit of chi silk infusion on my hair in between. I love how light and fluffy my hair is with such little product on it. And it smells good and it has swang! I did this yesterday because I want to flat iron my hair for my graduation tomorrow but didnt want to rewash bc its nice and smooth already from my rollerset/silk wrap. I didnt want to weigh it down with any product so Ive only used a dime size amount of serum on it so far and plan to do the same tomorrow. It still feels really soft and smooth.

I will caution you that I live in FL though so I could still wear flip flops if I wanted....I think the heat and humidity makes the hair hold more moisture by itself. I might test this theory for a couple of weeks.

Oh yeah, so do I--humidity helps.
i never really concerned myself with moisturizers until i joined her. i dont really see a difference in my hair using it either. actually i think i prefer using a serum like chi silk or aveda smooth infusions daily or every other day on my hair. thats what i always used for years and was alright:look:
yeah, no moisturizer for me either

just my deep conditions, leave-in (right now i'm using kenra mc as a dc and a leave-in) and chi silk infusion.

i'll probably just spray my hair w/ water to "reactivate" moisture throughout the week and put on a little more of the chi silk infusion when i feel i need it

but i dont really use a separate moisturizer
havent really found any that do me that much good anyway.
I have not recently. I have been really letting my stylist do all the work every week. I blow dry and flat iron every week (I know, I know!) and I find that I only need a sheen spray or serum through the week. I find that the ionic dryers and flat irons seal my cuticle and as long as my hair has been conditioned well and I am not dehydrated, that my hair feels great and never dry. I will see how I do with this through the winter. The jury is still out as to weather or not the weekly heat will still get me to my length goals.

also, a humidifier is a must!
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i used to moisturize daily with garnier fructis curl & shine or cream of nature nourishing conditioner, and seal with coconut oil, but now that i'm washing every other day and airdrying a braidout, i don't want to risk moisturizing, and mussing up my kinks :ohwell:

so i think i'll start it back up after my next touch-up. until then, i think my hair's getting enough moisture with the co-washing.
I don't either. I don't like a lot of products in my hair. I will use fermodyl or Salerm21 or Lacio Lacio as a leave-in, and then oil my scalp and that's it!

Once I comb my hair, the oil from scalp gets distributed to rest of hair and ends and it stays pretty moist and sealed to me so that I don't need to add an extra bottle or 5 of something else.
I don't use a moisturizer or leave-in either, except when I plan to wear my hair out when I use SCurl to make combing easy. But since I rarely wear my hair out (it's in extension braids now), I only wash, CW, DC and ACV rinse as my way of moisturizing my hair. I'm DCing now as I type this.
I don't think I use a moisturizer. I just don't completely rinse out my conditioner (Regis Olive Oil Conditioner or Mask). I apply a bit of Fantasia IC gel later. Co wash every day. Shampoo once a week. Works well for me. I don't like my hair to feel coated and everything else just seems to sit on my hair. And its cheap.