Does anyone not believe the "No Revert" theory?


Well-Known Member
I'm still undecided.

I understand that relaxers break down the protein in the hair. In my pass experience, I've have maybe had about at most 1/2 to 1 inche of new growth at a retouch, in about a month or 6/7 weeks, the roots get thicker. however it'll be that 1 inch or more ( because it's straightened) hair I just retouched. How is it that hair can be straight for about a month, then get unmanagable?

Is it really the 1/4 inch of new growth interferring with the movement of my hair? But is not the tightly coiled part looking dry it's the 1 inche above it that's dry and thicker/ nappier. It's that retouched hair that when I sweat or gets damp that poofs, not the other 3/4th of the hair strand.

So is it reverting or no longer getting the oils from the scalp because of 4a/b new growth Is it more porous?
i became natural after my perm reverted under a years worth of braids. it looked like a year of new growth and a some quasi-straight hair on the ends-until i washed it, it all became nappy. i had strong resistant hair back then.