Does anyone know where to get Oyin products on the ground?


New Member
Sorry if this has been posted before... I have looked all over google but I can't find what salons or stores to buy it from.... I'm going to the NOVA/DC/MD area but I won't be there Saturday to go to the Oyin store :sad:

They have the locations on the website in the news section. When i used to use Oyin, i purchased them from Brooklyn.
I've never heard of it being sold in a store/salon.

When are you going to be in town? They take a WHILE to answer emails, so you might as well send it now.

I live in the DMV. If you want, I could pick something up for you. I've been meaning to visit the store myself. :yep:
I've never heard of it being sold in a store/salon.

When are you going to be in town? They take a WHILE to answer emails, so you might as well send it now.

I live in the DMV. If you want, I could pick something up for you. I've been meaning to visit the store myself. :yep:

Thanks for the offer!! I think I'll just wait for the next curtmart sale so that I'll break even on the shipping costs... I have enough to last me a little while... besides I don't need to enable your PJism :yep:.... thanks
Girl, no PJ here. No money for it. :lol: I'm trying to use up all my products first before I go crazy (and I will :grin:).

I've been meaning to go to the Oyin store for their fizzy bath milk (which is HEAVEN, btw) for the past four months. :lachen: You'd be enabling me to stop procrastinating.

I always offer to go to Oyin for people because a lot of people don't want to wait 2-3+ weeks for their products, you know? :yep: They also don't have the best customer service, but they have wonderful products, so if I can ease the pain a little, why not? I want people to have what they want without having to suffer through poor service for it -it's not fair. They're only about an hour away.