Does anyone know what kind of mild relaxer....


Well-Known Member
Wanakee has? I remember reading in her practical guidebook that she has a mild relaxer I just don't know what kind. She used heat (curling iron and flat iron) to straighten her hair. I'm thinking seriously about putting a mild relaxer in my hair to tone it down some. The reason why i started going natural was because i wanted a wash and wear relaxer by Jazma but a texturizer is just the same. I will be using a lye vs. no-lye. Does anyone have any suggestions as to the best relaxer to get. A year or more ago i put an elucence mild relaxer in my hair for about 5 minutes and it did nothing for my hair. I want to try to do it myself doing one section at a time. That way I will have better control and be able to get through each section within the timeframe (3-5 minutes). I love my natural hair, but as it's getting longer it's becoming more difficult to manage. I thought a texturizer would make it a little easier to manage as well as making it prettier (I love that slick back waves look) Please, can someone help me out, please.
I use Mizani mild relaxer. I have been natural all my life except for the last 4 months. I got my first relaxer in December. I like Mizani. My hair still looks the same as it did when I was natural it's just a whole lot easier to manage
. I think the relaxer made my waves a little looser.
Wasn't she the spokesmodel for Gentle Treatment? I don't think she ever said what brand relaxer she used... From her site:

Q. - Does Wanakee use a relaxer in her hair? If so, what kind does she use?
A. - "I relax my hair so that it's not such a titanic struggle while I'm styling it. At this time I have not added a relaxer to my product line and I don't have one particular brand that I recommend. As you know, relaxers are very personal, and in speaking to people, I've found that one person's favorite brand can be the source of another person's worst relaxer nightmare story. I can tell you, however, that I have been using the same 'type' of relaxer for years; which is a lye relaxer in a 'mild' strength. If you have a trusted stylist who knows your hair well, it's always a good idea to ask which relaxer may be best for you.

[/ QUOTE ]
I was natural until this past month when I texturized. I loved my natural hair too, but wanted to have more options. Now I
my texturized hair! I had a PhytoSpecific Index 1 (mild), done professionally. My hair looks pretty much the same too, with much improved manageability. I haven't noticed any more shedding, breaking or dryness either. I think I'm loosing less hair b/c it's not tangling and I have freed myself from heat!
Wannake's hair looks more like a 3b/3c to me. This is most likely the reason why her hair responds so well to a mild relaxer. I believe she classifies her hair as a 4a/b. It definitely makes a difference with a mild relaxer. If you have more ' coils' or ' naps' in you hair, a mild relaxer may actually end up being more damaging than a regular relaxer because there will still be several angular turns in the hair shaft where all of the sulfur bonds have not been broken consistently (this leads to more breakage with everyday combing). At least, this is the way several stylists have explained it to me. In other words a mild relaxer may result in managability in a 3c/4a's hair and in frizziness and more breakage in a true 4b's hair.
Speaking of Wannake, what happened to the pictures of her own hair on her website?
I have worn a mild relaxer for several years, and I have managed very well with it. My hair is naturally fine and thin, but there is anabundance of it! (hee hee)

I wear the Affirm Mild relaxer.

What would give you the impression that Wanakee has type 3 hair? Just curious. I've never seen any natural photos of her.
the damage due to angular turns in coily hair makes alot of sense.
But isn't it 3c and 4a hair that has coils where as 4b hair is z-shaped/very little curl/coil pattern (which is why 4b hair straightens more easily than curly/coily types) ?

So wouldn't it be safer for 4b's to get texturizers?
also since 3cs have coils aren't they just as susceptible to this type of damage?
