Does Anyone Keep The Sabbath?


Is anyone here a keeper of the Sabbath or "Shabbat?" I want to start keeping the Sabbath and I want to try talking with people about God and those types of things as He commands us to do in Isaiah 58, but the lack of companionship/experience is a little daunting. Is there anybody else?
:welcome: @Israellabaht :rose:

While I am not one who keeps the Sabbath, I am honored and I'm happy to know and to learn of and from those who keep the Shabbat. I live in a Jewish community and the one thing that has always stood out to me is that they are faithful to their worship, to each Shabbit that occurs throughout the year. They follow their faith.

I'm hoping that you will be abundantly blessed with those to share your love for the Saturday Sabbath. God will bring them, He will lovingly place you in each others paths.

God bless you richly and Happy New Year to you and yours.

In Jesus' Name, Amen. :love2:
How interesting that you should post this now. I've felt led to start "keeping" the sabbath in 2017. I lead a very stressful lifestyle and I'm perpetually tired and I feel like God has been leading me to Isaiah 58 a lot.
How interesting that you should post this now. I've felt led to start "keeping" the sabbath in 2017. I lead a very stressful lifestyle and I'm perpetually tired and I feel like God has been leading me to Isaiah 58 a lot.

Thank you so much for posting. God bless you. God didn't waste any time bringing a response for @Israellabaht.

Wishing you a Happy Shabbat...always. :rose:

I'm sda though I haven't been practicing. We keep the sabbath and that's one of my goals in 2017, as wel . Feel free to pm me anytime, it would be great to have a friend who is working towards the same things spiritually.
Is anyone here a keeper of the Sabbath or "Shabbat?" I want to start keeping the Sabbath and I want to try talking with people about God and those types of things as He commands us to do in Isaiah 58, but the lack of companionship/experience is a little daunting. Is there anybody else?
I'm a seventh day Adventist and we are a Sabbath keepers pm me if you have questions..

I'm sda though I haven't been practicing. We keep the sabbath and that's one of my goals in 2017, as wel . Feel free to pm me anytime, it would be great to have a friend who is working towards the same things spiritually.
ANother sda.. why did you stop going if you don't mind me asking
How interesting that you should post this now. I've felt led to start "keeping" the sabbath in 2017. I lead a very stressful lifestyle and I'm perpetually tired and I feel like God has been leading me to Isaiah 58 a lot.

I'm sda though I haven't been practicing. We keep the sabbath and that's one of my goals in 2017, as wel . Feel free to pm me anytime, it would be great to have a friend who is working towards the same things spiritually.
I'm a seventh day Adventist and we are a Sabbath keepers pm me if you have questions..
Ladies, thank you so much for coming in to share and support @Israellabaht .
God bless each of you. :love2:
ANother sda.. why did you stop going if you don't mind me asking

The church I really loved closed down. It was a small church and we just didn't have the funds to keep it going. I never found another church in the area that I liked as much. I became a member at a "mixed" congregation but just never really felt fully at home. Then got off track with life, and eventually faded out.

I do study at home and still try to adhere to the doctrine somewhat. I've been getting back into the doctrine and praying to go deeper this year and to hopefully stick with it. I miss the fellowship and sense of community I had at the church I loved.

I found a church that live streams twice a week, Saved to Serve, so that's what I've been using lately as somewhat of a structure. They are on YouTube.
Sabbath Keeper here, I do not go to service as often as I use to and its a real thorn in my side, I live to far to go, I have a SDA church in my neighborhood and one about 15 mins away, but the closes one do not practice the same teachings. So thats a no, the other the Pastor has a strong accent and I have no ideal what he is saying so, I worship at home. its a total drag. I miss the fellowship so much. My church home has apostasy way to much, no point of even going back. You can hit me up with any questions here on the forum or private either way is fine. The world is changing rapidly and many have no ideal what is coming up on us. I must tell you I do not come on the CF much at all. The atmosphere here is much different then it use to be. I'll pm you my email address.
I'm trying to be consistent with it. I visit a Sabbath keeping non denominational church or a Hebrew Pentecostal church. This year I'm going to try and get better with keeping the Sabbath.
What do Seventh Day Adventists believe? Its hard for me to find a church because I live in an area with mostly pagan churches. And I also believe in studying the Torah but most of these churches just believe in the "New Testament." I've been keeping the Sabbath for a few months now but I just started trying to really dedicate that day to a day of rest for YHVH and not a day that I watch TV/eat pointlessly. I'm really interested in a lot of things but I don't know who to ask.
How do yall keep the sabbath
The Sabbath is kept on every seventh day. In actuality, the day ends and another one begins at sundown. In the modern day world, people base the new day off of when 12:00 hits, but the LORD based it off of the sun. So from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown is the seventh day, and during that time you're supposed to not do any work or cook. You're supposed to prepare on Friday to make food for the next day. And then on the Sabbath you're supposed to rest from your works by ceasing from your work, staying away from sins of the flesh and spirit, and also pray. Studying the word is recommended on the Sabbath as well. We're also supposed to keep from speaking idle words and seeking our own pleasures, which is why its good to have someone to talk to who is of the faith on that day. It gets hard to follow the Sabbath otherwise.
What do Seventh Day Adventists believe? Its hard for me to find a church because I live in an area with mostly pagan churches. And I also believe in studying the Torah but most of these churches just believe in the "New Testament." I've been keeping the Sabbath for a few months now but I just started trying to really dedicate that day to a day of rest for YHVH and not a day that I watch TV/eat pointlessly. I'm really interested in a lot of things but I don't know who to ask.

I'm a Seventh-Day Adventist! I have been one all my life, and I attend church every week. SDA's believe that Jesus came to earth in the form of a baby, to live a sinless life and to die on the cross to save us from our sins. He was a human being on earth, and after dying on the cross, on the third day of being buried, he was resurrected. So....many people believe that he rose on a Sunday (Easter Sunday), and the bible says this is the first day of the week....hence Saturday being the seventh day of the week. The catholic church also has taken responsibility for changing the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, which proves that the change isn't biblical. Because of Jesus' perfect life as a human being (he was sinless) we now have an advocate in heaven that can stand up for us if we sin and we ask for forgiveness from our sin. We take on Jesus' righteousness, and is considered "clean". We also believe that Jesus will come back for his children that lived their life according to his promise.....hence the "advent" in our name. In the bible it says that there will be famines, and pestilences, wars and rumors of wars, etc.....and when these things happen, we are living in the last days. I don't think anyone denies that the world is getting more and more wicked.

We also believe in eating certain things, and dressing modestly, but this is another post altogether.

If you go to, you will find many sermons from SDA pastors. Also, their is an APP with our lessons on it. Just search for "Sabbath School Quarterly". I hope this helps!
I will be going back over a class I took on Shabbbat from a messianic synagogue last year. It had some nice ways and Jewish traditions that helped to make the day feel set a part. I have incorporated lighting candles and saying a prayer at sunset. Many times I would let the Sabbath sneak up on me and work to the last second to get things done. Making time to light candles and say a prayer causes me to stop and welcome the Sabbath with purpose.