Does anyone here use Queen Helene products?


New Member
They have that new line Royal Curl, which I would like to hear more reviews from but Im just wondering if anyone here uses the cholesterol cream? See, my hair like heavy heavy conditioners and uh.....the natural stuff just isn't cutting it. I think my hair might like the "bad" stuff :perplexed I know it has mineral oil in it but I thought if I were to buy it I would just add some of my natural oils that I have at home inside of it along with some aloe vera gel. Natural conditioners are just too thin and Aubrey Organics is almost non-existent in the part of the country Im in for the summer. So just wondering if anyone uses the cholesterol cream and if you add anything to it and how do use it.
Queen Helene Cholesterol has been my staple since 2009!
I use it as a base for my DC's and protein mixes.
I love it b/c it's thick.
I've tried more expensive moisturizing DC's, but they couldn't compare to my Queen Helene mix.

My hair is on a low cone diet and I couldn't find a good moisturizing DC w/o cones or mineral oil. So I feel okay using it b/c I rinse it out.

Hubby used it as a leave in w/no problems though.
I have some of my clients and my children and I and sometimes my husband use the garlic shampoo. That shampoo actually helps your hair get out of the stunted growth faze. My youngest daughter hair would not grow on the sides and back. Now she has enough hair in those spots for me to braid. She uses only that shampoo. I saw the miracles that God was doing with that shampoo and now I use it.
@MzSwitft I'm loving that fro!!!

I love the QH cholesterol, I actually buy it in the large tub size. It leaves my hair moisturized and soft. I use it alone when lazy or mixed w/ olive oil, castor oil, and honey for an extra hmph.
@MzSwitft I'm loving that fro!!!

I love the QH cholesterol, I actually buy it in the large tub size. It leaves my hair moisturized and soft. I use it alone when lazy or mixed w/ olive oil, castor oil, and honey for an extra hmph.

Yes, it works so well mixed with oils and honey :yep: The moisturizing definitely gets a boost from those.
I used it back in 2003 and i remember it worked very well for my hair,i didnt like the smell but it was good. ..then the mineral oil "scare" arrived where using products containing mineral oil was a big no no so I stopped using it ,i was in serious pj ism aswell ,that didnt help .
QH is one of my favorites!!! The Cholesterol has been a staple of mine for years. I just don't buy the hype that mineral is the devil.....I used to rely heavily on heat styling and never really had any issues with breakage or heat damage and that was the only product in my regimen that I was faithful about using. (not that I even kept track of what my regi was)
@MzSwitft I'm loving that fro!!!

I love the QH cholesterol, I actually buy it in the large tub size. It leaves my hair moisturized and soft. I use it alone when lazy or mixed w/ olive oil, castor oil, and honey for an extra hmph.

Where do you purchase this cholesterol ? Caster oil? How much honey do you min in QH? And how long do you leave it on for?
The cholesterol is so thick. It's one of those products that has been around forever and still works. I use it for me co washes sometimes.

Side note: I have been using her cocoa butter for years and I love it. It keeps the ash away.
I use the cholesterol as a DC mostly in the winter. It gives me great slip. I use it when caring for my mom's & DD's hair also.

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I used it back in 2003 and i remember it worked very well for my hair,i didnt like the smell but it was good. ..then the mineral oil "scare" arrived where using products containing mineral oil was a big no no so I stopped using it ,i was in serious pj ism aswell ,that didnt help .

Yes! But you know I think Im going to pull away from all of that. The natural/organics products I've purchased do nothing for my hair. They're not helping my hair and they're hurting my still in school! So until Im out and I can make organic products my incentive, I am switching back to the products my mom used when I was young......and my sisters and I all had long hair.
When I had pretty bad color damage, I think the cholesterol helped my hair to not crumble into little pieces. But it's too heavy for my hair w/out the color damage.
Where do you purchase this cholesterol ? Caster oil? How much honey do you min in QH? And how long do you leave it on for?

Unfortunately it's not an exact science, I kind of guesstimate but I scoop as much QH condish to saturate and I mean saturate my hair (I apply like relaxer style but from root to tip). I mix about 2 spoonfulls of EVOO, 1 spoonfull of honey, and 1 spoonfull of castor oil. Now mind you if I plan to flat iron I skip the castor oil b/c I've found that it weighs the hair down.