Does anyone here think Joel Osteen is getting to be...

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a litte too charismatic and now his church has moved into a stadium so he can get a bigger congregation? Or am I being paranoid?
How can you tell? He is sooooo charasmatic normally. Usually, someone who is that happy and excited all the time would come off as fake to me. But for some reason, I think Joel Olsteen is really sincere. I'm from Houston and I've been studying him for a while and I really like him even though he is kinda "goofy." I've never been to Lakewood, but I said I was going to go once they moved to the Compaq center since that is much closer to me than the old church.

The preacher talked about him in church Sunday. He was saying how so many people were hating on Olsteen now that he's in a huge new church. He went on to say how he was glad to see Lakewood doing so well because he knew that the same God that blessed Lakewood was also blessing him...that God is doing big things and that Lakewood was only the beginning.

I'm not saying that you are hating on him. But around Houston lots of people are talking about Olsteen now that they are in the new building...and a lot of the talk is negative. It's so sad to see Christians tearing one another down.
I'm happy that he is in a stadium now & his congregation is HUGE!! But, my question is, what exactly is he teaching his congregation? Is it all prosperity/motivational?
Joel Olsteen seems to be very sincere and nice person. I remember seeing his dad on that pulpit and now he is at the helm. I think his dad would be proud of how he has grown the church.

His sermons have a feel good tone to them and are very similar but I never really learn something new. Yes, I would classify him as more of inspirational/motivational. He challenges you to be a better person and to do right.

For me, I prefer speakers who delve into the Word and challenge you to higher heights. People like Hagee, Bachelor, Buynumm,and Fred Price have what I call more spiritual "meat" for my thirsty soul. I don't get that for Joel.

MeccaMedinah said:
I'm happy that he is in a stadium now & his congregation is HUGE!! But, my question is, what exactly is he teaching his congregation? Is it all prosperity/motivational?
natalied said:
Joel Olsteen seems to be very sincere and nice person. I remember seeing his dad on that pulpit and now he is at the helm. I think his dad would be proud of how he has grown the church.

His sermons have a feel good tone to them and are very similar but I never really learn something new. Yes, I would classify him as more of inspirational/motivational. He challenges you to be a better person and to do right.

For me, I prefer speakers who delve into the Word and challenge you to higher heights. People like Hagee, Bachelor, Buynumm,and Fred Price have what I call more spiritual "meat" for my thirsty soul. I don't get that for Joel.

ITA with her and Mecca

I am very happy for Joel and his congregation. Lakewood Church was fairly large when his father was preaching, and now that he is preaching, it is very encouraging to see the ministry grow. I'm trying to beef up my Spanish, so some Saturdays' I even watch Pastor Dewitt and they have a good number of Hispanics that attend Spanish language church.

My only concern with him is not in the growth in his congregation, but the Word. I love listening to him b/c he always smiling and tries to lift up folks, but I haven't heard him preach anything else. Does he preach about casting down sin and challenge you in the word? I really can't answer that b/c all I see is the 30 minute clip that comes on doing the week. On average, you would only hear maybe 1/5 of the Sunday morning messages that are preached, so I don't know what he preaches the other 4/5 times. I guess I am use to hearing messages that are not going to always going to make u shout, but some are going to make you examine yourself and really repent.
I LOVE him! He has a way of lifting me up, just the right message at just the right time. It is indeed sad to hear people tearing him down.
I was just asking. I think I am worrying myself into a frenzy about the end of the world and such and all that nonsense. Thank you for clearing my mind.
Sweet C said:
ITA with her and Mecca

I am very happy for Joel and his congregation. Lakewood Church was fairly large when his father was preaching, and now that he is preaching, it is very encouraging to see the ministry grow. I'm trying to beef up my Spanish, so some Saturdays' I even watch Pastor Dewitt and they have a good number of Hispanics that attend Spanish language church.

My only concern with him is not in the growth in his congregation, but the Word. I love listening to him b/c he always smiling and tries to lift up folks, but I haven't heard him preach anything else. Does he preach about casting down sin and challenge you in the word? I really can't answer that b/c all I see is the 30 minute clip that comes on doing the week. On average, you would only hear maybe 1/5 of the Sunday morning messages that are preached, so I don't know what he preaches the other 4/5 times. I guess I am use to hearing messages that are not going to always going to make u shout, but some are going to make you examine yourself and really repent.
Why do you think its only 1/5? I doubt he would preach for more than 45 minutes. Even if he had multiple services, usually the pastor gives the same message at the different times.
natalied said:
Why do you think its only 1/5? I doubt he would preach for more than 45 minutes. Even if he had multiple services, usually the pastor gives the same message at the different times.

I guess I was basing it on my old church. My former pastor preached about 90 minutes, so on tv they would break his sermon up into on average 2 to 3 parts on tv. He preached 2 services, and they weren't the same messages most of the time, so I would say tv wise, they maybe showed about 1/10 of what is preached every Sunday morning when u added in reruns, and specials, so I just divded that in half, so I guesstimated about 1/5 for the average preacher. But u do have a point, for Joel it might be a little more, I'll give him 1/4 then.
90 MINUTES???!!!???:eek: Oh my goodness! Sermons at my church are between 25 - 45 minutes. A few churches I've been had pastors who preached between 45-55 but I have never seen anyone preach for 90 minutes straight unless it was a seminar or tent effort.

Back to the topic:

As I said b4, I think Joel is a great guy but it concerns me that so many pastors are going down this road of preaching only inspirational messages/feel good messages. I understand the need to want to get people in church. But let's not forget what the Bible says in Revelation about the Laodicean church.

Revelation 3
15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 17You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.8I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. 19Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.

Sometimes the best messages are the ones the make you squirm in your seat!;)

Sweet C said:
I guess I was basing it on my old church. My former pastor preached about 90 minutes, so on tv they would break his sermon up into on average 2 to 3 parts on tv. He preached 2 services, and they weren't the same messages most of the time, so I would say tv wise, they maybe showed about 1/10 of what is preached every Sunday morning when u added in reruns, and specials, so I just divded that in half, so I guesstimated about 1/5 for the average preacher. But u do have a point, for Joel it might be a little more, I'll give him 1/4 then.
Sweet C said:
ITA with her and Mecca

I am very happy for Joel and his congregation. Lakewood Church was fairly large when his father was preaching, and now that he is preaching, it is very encouraging to see the ministry grow. I'm trying to beef up my Spanish, so some Saturdays' I even watch Pastor Dewitt and they have a good number of Hispanics that attend Spanish language church.

My only concern with him is not in the growth in his congregation, but the Word. I love listening to him b/c he always smiling and tries to lift up folks, but I haven't heard him preach anything else. Does he preach about casting down sin and challenge you in the word? I really can't answer that b/c all I see is the 30 minute clip that comes on doing the week. On average, you would only hear maybe 1/5 of the Sunday morning messages that are preached, so I don't know what he preaches the other 4/5 times. I guess I am use to hearing messages that are not going to always going to make u shout, but some are going to make you examine yourself and really repent.

I felt that :) I totally agree, especially as a "baby" Christian. I need that.
I for one loooove me some Joel Osteen :) I don't agree with some that say all of his messages are inspirational/motivational. In my opinion, Joe's messages go by the saying "KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID." I watch him every week and I think all his messages may seem to be inspirational/motivational because of his delivery, but if you can look deeper, you can really get a lot out of his messages. I have watched him many a night and have cried because he has shown be so much about myself through the word. I think it's sad how some Christians are tearing down Joel. Why can't people look at the bigger picture? Just think about how many people have or will be led to Christ because of his ministry. I think people need to realize that we as Christians are ALL on the same team working toward the same goal "WINNING SOULS FOR CHRIST."
pearlygurl said:
I for one loooove me some Joel Osteen :) I don't agree with some that say all of his messages are inspirational/motivational. In my opinion, Joe's messages go by the saying "KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID." I watch him every week and I think all his messages may seem to be inspirational/motivational because of his delivery, but if you can look deeper, you can really get a lot out of his messages. I have watched him many a night and have cried because he has shown be so much about myself through the word. I think it's sad how some Christians are tearing down Joel. Why can't people look at the bigger picture? Just think about how many people have or will be led to Christ because of his ministry. I think people need to realize that we as Christians are ALL on the same team working toward the same goal "WINNING SOULS FOR CHRIST."

There's a difference between tearing down and not agreeing/critiquing.
The former is what I have a problem with also.

I like F.K. Price but there were some times I was like HUH??? Wher the heck did he get that from!!!???!!!! Let us remember, men are falliable and not all messages preached from the pulpit are of God. Many times preachers/pastors put their opinions and feelings in their message. That is why we must read and know the word for ourselves!

There are many false prophets who claim they are "winning souls for Christ". I do not put Joel in this category. But just b/c someone claims Christ and grows a church does not mean they are of God.

1 John 4:1
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
natalied said:
That is why we must read and know the word for ourselves!

Amen! In addition to local pastors, there are many others who really delve into the word on television.

Dr. Price don't play. He'll make ya crack open that bible and examine every word. :lol: Lately I've been watching Perry Stone's teaching. I like his biblical references from a historical Jewish/Christian perspective (maps, props, lessons in Israel, etc.) .


I like Joel Osteen's inspirational/motivational messages too. I like the way he draws references between God's Word and everyday experiences. Some of his stories are funny, but the meaning behind them goes deeper than the laughs.

His recent message on Submitting to Authority was good. I had to check a few of bad attitudes and habits. :o Simple changes do make a big difference.

I don't know if they have additional bible study services though.


If anyone else wants to watch his messages online, here's a link to his website:

Here's a link for Lakewood Church also:

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I like his style of preaching and sometimes variety is needed in saving souls to Christ. Everybody can't be a Juanita Bynum, or a Billy Graham, or Fred Price. God gives people various gifts to lead others to Him. Who are we to judge?
levette said:
I like his style of preaching and sometimes variety is needed in saving souls to Christ. Everybody can't be a Juanita Bynum, or a Billy Graham, or Fred Price. God gives people various gifts to lead others to Him. Who are we to judge?

Amen to that! I live in NJ and the when he came to NY last year it was such a blessing and encouragement for me and my husband. When he came to Phily 3 weeks ago, we drove 2 hours with the kids to hear his message. He's simple, honest, and sincere with a faithful heart and that's what God looks for a humble heart.
How is critiquing = to judging?

We should go around and just accept everyone who professes Christ and therefore assume they are of Christ?

We are to TRY every spirit. That means to examine.

I preach at my church. I want to grow in Christ and learn to speak more bodly for Him. I personally don't want my sermons to be the same week after week. When people (esp preachers who are more experience than I) make suggestions or critique my message, I welcome it and use it as an opportunity to grow. Just b/c someone has a million dollar church does not mean they should be above scrutiny.

Here is an excellent article on judging. I just thought I would share (in love of course!:)) The word judging is used very often and very liberally on this board.
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natalied said:
How is critiquing = to judging?

Natalied, here is the def. of critiquing in the merriam-webster dictionary:

1 : to consider the merits and demerits of and judge accordingly : EVALUATE
2 : to find fault with : point out the faults of

I haven't fully read the post but I think we are heading in the wrong direction. Mega churches are all made of God's body. He puts the desire in the hearts of men to go there and no money or fame can hide the darkenss of people.

God's blessed theses preachers with mega churches because he sees their heart and where they are coming from. They were willing to die to themself and put others first so that they can live. I'm not saying your not but some sacrifce more for the glory of God's kingdom w/ or w/o money.

I think we Christian sometimes like to crique others but we have to realize that we will be crique in the same way we do to others according to God's Word.

Rather then making it an issue I think every preacher that is blessed with a congression that big should have our continous prayers because these churches are being used as vessels to bring in God's lost sheep. Whether the message is the same over and over again and whether people get bored with it, is irrelevant because God's Words in His scriptures have been the same for centuries and I never get bored of hearing it over and over again :)

With Love :)
Miosy said:
natalied said:
How is critiquing = to judging?

Natalied, here is the def. of critiquing in the merriam-webster dictionary:

1 : to consider the merits and demerits of and judge accordingly : EVALUATE
2 : to find fault with : point out the faults of

I haven't fully read the post but I think we are heading in the wrong direction. Mega churches are all made of God's body. He puts the desire in the hearts of men to go there and no money or fame can hide the darkenss of people.

God's blessed theses preachers with mega churches because he sees their heart and where they are coming from.
They were willing to die to themself and put others first so that they can live. I'm not saying your not but some sacrifce more for the glory of God's kingdom w/ or w/o money.

I think we Christian sometimes like to crique others but we have to realize that we will be crique in the same way we do to others according to God's Word.

Rather then making it an issue I think every preacher that is blessed with a congression that big should have our continous prayers because these churches are being used as vessels to bring in God's lost sheep. Whether the message is the same over and over again and whether people get bored with it, is irrelevant because God's Words in His scriptures have been the same for centuries and I never get bored of hearing it over and over again :)

With Love :)

This is where we will have to agree to disagree. :) Satan can use ANYBODY. That's why we have to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Even with pastors of small congregations and pastors of mega churches.

Matthew 10:16
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

Shoot....even Peter was rebuked by Paul. And Peter preceded Paul.

No one should be above rebuke or reproach in the body of Christ. We all strive to be like Christ, but we are all human, from the pew warmer all the way up to the pastor. All humans can err and fall.

I used to attend a church who focused on love. Everything was love love love. Jesus love you. Love everybody. That was all nice and good but guess what happened? Leaders were divorcing their wives, members and leaders where doing things that were clearly contrary to the word of God, drug addiction was creeping in to those who had previously overcome.

Now, the head leader was a nice guy, and loved his family dearly. You could not find fault in his character. But he never addressed the issue of sin and the need for obedience. (and a whole host of over biblical principles and messages) DH and I loved that church, but we couldn't stand there while only a portion of the gospel was preached. God gave his people the ENTIRE word. We cannot just focus on a portion or we will be lost. I cannot just study the gospels and expect to know God's entire plan for me. Every word in the Scriptures is there for a reason.

2 Timothy 3:16
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

Again, its okay to disagree. ;)
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It really annoys me that people cannot express an opinion without being labeled judgemental, critical or my least favorite term, a hater!

Why can't we just feel the way we feel? Why does everyone have to view everything the same way or else you're a tearing someone down? Please. I have'nt read one negative post about Joel. We all seem to agree we like him.

I love Joel. I loved him from the first time I saw him, mainly because he was SO corney and charismatic that I was SHOCKED that I liked him. Normally that would turn me off. I don't think I could take it from anyone BUT him. But I love how he's always smiling and calling everybody "friends". However, I'm from an apostolic background so yeah, to me he's a light hitter. I need to be hit below the belt to keep me in line! That doesn't mean I don't like Joel for what he does, but it all depends on what you're looking for. When I want lighthearted safe entertainment I turn to Joel. When I want to be fed, chastised and convicted I turn elsewhere.

Oh yeah, the mega church thing bothers me about any church. Only because it feels so impersonal to me and $$$ seems to play too big of a role once you get to that level. IMO IMO IMO IMO ;)
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sprungonhairboards said:
It really annoys me that people cannot express an opinion without being labeled judgemental, critical or my least favorite term, a hater!

Why can't we just feel the way we feel? Why does everyone have to view everything the same way or else you're a tearing someone down? Please. I have'nt read one negative post about Joel. We all seem to agree we like him.

I love Joel. I loved him from the first time I saw him, mainly because he was SO corney and charismatic that I was SHOCKED that I liked him. Normally that would turn me off. I don't think I could take it from anyone BUT him. But I love how he's always smiling and calling everybody "friends". However, I'm from an apostolic background so yeah, to me he's a light hitter. I need to be hit below the belt to keep me in line! That doesn't mean I don't like Joel for what he does, but it all depends on what you're looking for. When I want lighthearted safe entertainment I turn to Joel. When I want to be fed, chastised and convicted I turn elsewhere.

Oh yeah, the mega church thing bothers me about any church. Only because it feels so impersonal to me and $$$ seems to play too big of a role once you get to that level. IMO IMO IMO IMO ;) captured my feelings on Joel.
I guess u can't please everyone. Everyone did not agree with Jesus's teaching. Some where happy others where critical. A kingdom divided against itself destory itself.

God Bless everyone and I'll pray for us to get a better understanding of this situation :)
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Miosy that was a backhanded insult. I hope you didn't mean it like that but that's how it came off.

Please do not compare disagreeing with the divine (Jesus) and man (Olsteen, Price or any human!) I love my husband dearly but there are times I disagree with him and critique him. I submit to him as his wife when he makes a decision but I can be (and have been) used to point out error. I NEVER DISAGREE WITH CHRIST! His word is true ALWAYS.

As Christians, we believe Jesus was infalliable. Man is not.

Once again, I point you to Peter and Paul in Galations! Paul criticized Peter because he loved Christ AND loved Peter.

Please quote scripture where we shouldn't critique, challenge or evaluate each other!

Everything I've said, I've backed up with scripture. Yet you accuse those who do not care for Olsteen's sermons in its entirety of being divided in the body of Christ?

Letting sin run rampant in the body tears the body of Christ apart. Turning a blind eye, as people go against the word of God tears the body apart. Spewing hate instead of love tears the body apart.

Challenging others to grow and progress does NOT tear the body of Christ apart it makes it stronger.

We can agree to disagree without the accusations.

Miosy said:
I guess u can't please everyone. Everyone did not agree with Jesus's teaching. Some where happy others where critical. A kingdom divided against itself destory itself.

God Bless everyone and I'll pray for us to get a better understanding of this situation :)
I have been attending Joel's church for over a year and I find him and the services to be wonderful. I think that a lot of people tend to view big churches period in negative light. If his ministry is reaching a lot of people who didn't know Christ why should we look at this as a bad thing?
The bible uses "judge" positively and negatively. When the bible uses the word judge in the negative sense, it means to condemn. No one here is condemning Joel. In fact everyone stood up for him and the original poster gave thanks for clearing her mind over the matter. It also uses it in a positive sense, where we are to judge (examine, evaulate) our thoughts, beliefs, prophets, doctrine. As Christians we are called to judge. We arent to accept every single thing because the source says it is of God. I believe the posters here, if you must say they are judging, are doing it in the postive sense.

I too like Joel, and Fredrick Price. I learn a lot from them. One of my all time favorites is Mac Machammond. He is a military man and has the carriage of one. Very commanding. (First and only preacher I actually ever lusted over. I just knew I was gonna go to hell watchin his show. Had to repent after every episode. :lol: ) I dont get TBN any more so I dont watch his show but he is one of the ones that every sentence has something that feeds your spirit and challenges you to grow.

I also like Casey Treat.

I havent searched streaming faith in a while but if you want to watch ministry on line will let you do it all day.
Let my start off by saying that I think it's WONDERFUL that there's church in America that large. Think about it--a MAJOR landmark in the city of Houston is now a house of WORSHIP!!! That's AWESOME! What's even better, the church isn't only large but DIVERSE! It's a picture of what Heaven's going to look like. I think it shows how hungry people are-black, white, yellow, and red for God's WORD! I'm encouraged.

I think Joel Olsteen is an amazing evangelist. I also think it's unrealistic for an evangelist to have the "all in one" message...In other words, I believe God places specific burdens on different evangelist. For instance, there are some evangelist that press a message of repence. Others that have a message of hope. Others of family and reconciliation. Others preach the message of perseverance. I believe God works that way-placing specific burdens on specific people so He can accomplish HIS ultimate purpose. We're called the BODY of Christ for a reason! A body works together! Joel Olsteen may be the foot--while T.D. Jakes is the arm--and Billy Graham is the ankle. Am I making sense? lol Anyway, let me stop. I'm rambling and it's my bedtime. :lol:
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I think that works fine on TV. Different worship styles, different delivery styles, different spiritual gifts etc. That is a blessing.

But when you are leading a flock, it is the pastor's/pastorial staff's/elder's responsibility to teach the entire gospel. I pray this is happening at his church and at every Christian church in the world. I hope his members are getting the full gospel. I pray they don't have to go to visit TD Jakes church to hear one part, a K. Price's church for another part, etc etc.

JuJuBoo said:
Let my start off by saying that I think it's WONDERFUL that there's church in America that large. Think about it--a MAJOR landmark in the city of Houston is now a house of WORSHIP!!! That's AWESOME! What's even better, the church isn't only large but DIVERSE! It's a picture of what Heaven's going to look like. I think it shows how hungry people are-black, white, yellow, and red for God's WORD! I'm encouraged.

I think Joel Olsteen is an amazing evangelist. I also think it's unrealistic for an evangelist to have the "all in one" message...In other words, I believe God places specific burdens on different evangelist. For instance, there are some evangelist that press a message of repence. Others that have a message of hope. Others of family and reconciliation. Others preach the message of perseverance. I believe God works that way-placing specific burdens on specific people so He can accomplish HIS ultimate purpose. We're called the BODY of Christ for a reason! A body works together! Joel Olsteen may be the foot--while T.D. Jakes is the arm--and Billy Graham is the ankle. Am I making sense? lol Anyway, let me stop. I'm rambling and it's my bedtime. :lol:
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