Does anyone have months where their hair doesnt grow as much as usual?


Well-Known Member
I know I shouldnt be measuring my hair every month but I do especially if I get new products.

Last month was extremely good because I was usuing BT and Viviscal and I got more than 0.75 - 1 inch in places but it seems to have slowed down since then. I usually get 1/2 inch without aids but it doesnt look like Ill get that this time:perplexed

Do you have faster and slower periods or does it grow really consistently?
I know I shouldnt be measuring my hair every month but I do especially if I get new products.

Last month was extremely good because I was usuing BT and Viviscal and I got more than 0.75 - 1 inch in places but it seems to have slowed down since then. I usually get 1/2 inch without aids but it doesnt look like Ill get that this time:perplexed

Do you have faster and slower periods or does it grow really consistently?

with BT and the other products you have to stop for maybe two weeks and shock your hair and try them again.

I've heard kinikakes say this I believe. It's just like your body when it goes on a plateau after losing weight or working out. your body gets used to it.

I would try switching it up monthly. Like one month you do MN, the next month you do BT, the next month you do Cayenne/peppermint oil washes for stimulation. Just switch it up.
I don't measure and so long my new growth comes in nice and thick, I know I'm good -- growth variables from month to month is prolly normal, especially during seasonal changes and/or when under lots of stress . . .
I think most of us have periods where our hair grows slower, and periods where it grows faster. That is perfectly normal. Although I don't measure, my hair grows fastest from about Sept to Dec, and slowest from Jan to May. My hair doest get it's growth spurt in summer like many ladies do. We all vary widely in growth patterns, and amount. :yep:
I am in a slow growth period after experiencing my normal growth spurt from June to the end of September.
I think hair always grows, just slower some months, and then there's a matter of retention. In my case I've had a spurt this fall, but I also noticed I had one last fall. So I think each person's hair has a pattern of growth (just a theory), unless they use growth aids, that changes it.