Does anyone have an ITCHY scalp / Dandruff?!!


Active Member
I have recently started a new hair care regimen and I'm trying to lengthen the time between actual washes. The problem is that I have a very itchy scalp!! Usually by the time I finish blow drying my hair, I can see dandruff on the scalp (I'm assuming that's what it is...). I don't want to be a PJ, and my hair LOVES the products that I am currently using but what should I do about this??

I usually wear my hair straight (mostly b/c I'm a lawyer and can't do braidouts b/c of length) and also because I have short edges. If I bun my hair I feel like I'm stretching the edges too far and causing them to break, so I wear my hair down about 70% of the time.

Also, I'm assuming it's not ok for me to scratch my hair with my fingernails??
Right now I'm using Aloe Rid by Nexxus. I usually wash my hair once a week and I use this shampoo because I use the NTM line of products and it does a great job in clearing the buildup.

But even before I started using this shampoo I still had the same problem. I used Salerm, Nexxus Humectress, etc. For a while I actually used Nioxin because it was recommended by a dermatologist treating my skin condition. I've pretty much used it all, but I am open for suggestions!
No, not at all...the exact opposite actually. I have very oily skin, which can sometime cause breakouts if I'm not careful.
i use nexxus stuff too and love it but the aloe rid is a clarifying shampoo according to nexxus and i dont think u need to be clarifying that much i think thats what is causing your extreme dryness especially if you say the other line does a great job of claring up the buildup i would switch to the nexxus therappee moisturizing shampoo as your regular shampoo its good too. and most people on this site recommend clarifying like minimum once a month to up to two months you clarify more often if you have buildup and since you wear your hair straight i dont think you have that much buildup as say someone who wears their hair in a wet pony and applies a lot of stuff to keep it moist on a regular basis hope that helps. ps i have oily skin too so im careful with the oil but a lot of people here recommend light oils like coconut oil hope u fix the problem soon.
I've begun using KeraCare's treatment for dry and itchy scalp. It's been six days since my last wash, and I have no flakes yet...surprisingly enough! I use it only on my scalp since it's got sulfur and salicylic acid in it. I actually think it's stopped my shedding also.
I used to, but first the sulfur 8 worked then I couldn't deal with the smell so I stopped using it and the flakes came back, now between coconut oil and my shikakai no flakes here!
Thanks guys, do you put the coconut oil directly on your scalp and how do you feel about jojoba oil? I have that already and I'm trying not to be a PJ...if I need to purchase coconut oil though I will!
I struggled with this problem my whole life until I found LHCF. Now, I wash twice a week and I have no more itchy scalp or's like a miracle. I also use Garnier Fructis Anti-Dandruff shampoo-n-cond in one. I never scratch, I only massage my dry scalp, or massage with a little oil before washing.

I guess you may not be able to wash frequently with your schedule. I am trying to cut down to once per week, so I ordered some Bee Mine- not for growth, but for the sulphur for my scalp. Sulphur is the only other thing that helps me besides frequent washing. (I also used to use Sulphur 8, but the smell is ridiculous). HTH know, coconut oil probably does help too- I used to use Dax Kocatah and the main ingredient in that is Coconut Oil- I put it directly on my scalp.
I have recently started a new hair care regimen and I'm trying to lengthen the time between actual washes. The problem is that I have a very itchy scalp!! Usually by the time I finish blow drying my hair, I can see dandruff on the scalp (I'm assuming that's what it is...). I don't want to be a PJ, and my hair LOVES the products that I am currently using but what should I do about this??

I usually wear my hair straight (mostly b/c I'm a lawyer and can't do braidouts b/c of length) and also because I have short edges. If I bun my hair I feel like I'm stretching the edges too far and causing them to break, so I wear my hair down about 70% of the time.

Also, I'm assuming it's not ok for me to scratch my hair with my fingernails??

It's not good to scratch scalp with your fingernails or anything else. Some ppl may not agree with me but I use Boundless Tresses to manage my itchy scalp. I have suffered for many years with dandruff and itching and I've tried almost everything including Head & Shoulders, Selsun Blue, Denorex, KeraCare, etc., You name it, I've tried it. The itching can be downright unbearable. It wasn't until I came to LHCF and began reading the posts about Miconazole Nitrate and Boundless Tresses did I find relief. Both products have been like a godsend for me! The only thing you may want to remember is to stop usage of these before you get a relaxer. Maybe up to a week or two or three before retouch, otherwise you may suffer from extreme relaxer discomfort. :burning: