Does anyone have a W shape due to breakage?

Yeah, relaxers really did a number on my hair-- and it was almost always the back left side that I would lose. However, now I don't have a relaxer at there is something more going on.

I think its like @hola_lo2002 said, I was too harsh w/my hair -rough detangling/manipulating, tight hair clips/holders always near that spot at the crown, lack of moisture. Im working on a moiisture routine to conquer this. Hola_lo2002, what is your moissture regimen like, and thanks for sharing your story shows there is hope! Are u relaxed or natural?

@Chrissmiss As for your question, the difference is - with filling in, you just don't cut the hair at all. With the other options, you can chop to the length where your thickness is --all one blunt length; or you can slowly trim the longer hair as short spot grows in.

Ok yea I think that is the best way to go. I am very careful with manipulation now. I only use a wide tooth comb on my hair except on wash day when I use my denman to detangle small sections b4 I blow dry. This is the first time that I have had a regimen that I can consistantly stick with because I only mess with my hair every 2 weeks instead of every 5,7, or 10 days. I now spend 6 hours on my hair a month instead of 10-12 hours. When I have to do too much too often I start slacking on important things like DCing and being gentlew/ my hair. Also I work with my hair in 5 sections on wash day so I am able to focus on and be gentle with each part of my hair instead of trying to get through it all at once. My routine has been working great so far but we'll see how it goes long term.
virtuenow : I moisturise morning and night now + I do a light protein treatment weekly and I steam my hair once a week. Oh, and I also take daily hair vitamins. I'm 100% natural
@Chrissmiss, I tried the more minimal route of wash/detangle once per month and I ended up still suffering the crown breakage that lead me to this "W" thread. Now I found a gentle detangling routine using the Tangle Teezer, the only thing that can meet my hairs coils w/o tearing them (including my fingers). Denman also ripped it out.

I do oil rinses (w/castor oil) for maximum moisture and wash/detangle once per week. I cut shampoo out of the mix and do co washes for my hair and diluted shampoo for my scalp. I do my wash/cond routine in twisted sections. Its a moisturizing and gentle routine that is very different from my previous reggie.

This way I can monitor my hair more-- I never even noticed it was breaking (crazy huh?). Cutting to one length is out of the question b/c my crown is way too short. I'm just praying for it to catch up--I know, trying not to thinka bout it too much. I am also incorporating more heat into my regimen. my tight coils are more moisturized and less likely to snap and break when I straighten/stretch:yep:

Thanks @hola_lo2002, I just started doing a protien/moisture balanced conditioner weekly to deep condition/co-wash (Aubrey Organics Gpb), so that lets me know I'm on the right track. I saw you on the Hairfinity thread and I'm researching that right now. Do the women taking those consult w/a doc first or just replace your daily multivitamin w/the supp?
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I almost wish it were from breakage b/c then at least I could correct whatever were causing it. Unfortunately my hair grows in a lopsided "W" b/c the right side grows fast, the left average, and the center slower. I have previously trimmed b/c I like the look of blunt ends but I'm trying to reach my goals of MBL and WL. So I'm gonna try to hold off trimming until I reach them. It doesn't bother me until I flat iron but that's not too often but when I do I add a clip-in (pics in fotki) which gives the illusion of evenish ends w/o a trim :drunk:
Yea, my lft side grows faster than the right- I'm just all messed up! But I'm nt cutting- ill just tilt my head or somethg!

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I am battling my w at the moment and know the devil is my Ponytails pinned in and then I sleep on them so the tension and roughness are breaking my hair. So I am wearing side ponytails since I sleep on my back! or stomach.

I always deep trim, this time I did a normal trim and how the w will fill in. I cut from Grazed hip to the length in the pic due to a w!