Does anyone else use moisturiser when flat ironing?


Well-Known Member
Yes another thread!

I watched Sparkling Flames YT video recently and she DCd, put a hair cream moisturiser on THEN the heat protectent.
I see a lot of people saying they just use the CHI or serum but I'm 4a/b and my hair just feels dry when I do that:ohwell:

Usually when I wash my hair, regardless of DCing I need a lot of moisturiser over night to get my hair feeling good again so this flat ironing my dry hair isn't working for me! I don't think my hair is damaged or have any split ends, I use sulphate shampoo because I like to see the dirt:look:

I'm starting to think some hair just isn't for heat because my hair feels soft when its natural but when I put a blowdrier to it with the protectant, just feels crispy.

Does anyone else use moisturizer or oil and what do you reccommend?
I do, i air dry and when it's like 50-70% dry I put on a moisturiser.
Really, you are supposed to make sure your hair is well moisturised by deep conditioning but sometimes i don't realise untill it's drying.
Yes, I use moisturizer before flat ironing.

I lighlty moisturize with Hawaiian Silky or NTM leave-in and then apply a little heat protectant to each section.
I do the same thing. TAD bit of NTM leave-in, heat protectant over that and then flat iron. I've never done it any other way so I can't really compare - this way works perfectly for me.
Sometimes I use Silk elements megasilk leave in cream when my hair is wet because it's not too heavy and then I would blowdry. The directions say you can use it before thermal styling to protect hair
I’m relaxed, and I rarely flat iron my length (roots only after roller setting), but when I do, I wash & DC, before detangling I use a little bit of leave-in (dime size) and follow it with a bit of moisturizer (pea size). BTW I use an oil based moisturizer when I plan to wear my hair straight. I air dry 100% and just before I flat iron I rub 2 or 3 drops of CHI infusion thru. Once my hair has been straightened I moisturize every other day, ENDS ONLY. This is what works for me, but then again I prefer to roller set, flat iron roots and then wrap to keep some volume…..HTH!
Depends on what result I want, I use Lacio Lacio as a leave before I flat iron.

I tried, HE LTR it is just too heavy

Sometimes I just use Silk infusion and Argan oil thats if I want it really light. Doesn't feel dry because I make sure I deep condition with a really good conditioner. I guess the trick is to find something really light and/or get a really moisturizing deep conditioner.
yeah as a fellow 4a-er

the key for me is to use the moisturizer, leave-in or etc while my hair is wet-4a hair soaks it up and your good to go- going fwd in your hair drying/flat-ironing process
Thanks so much!

I have tried flat ironing for over a year and knew something must be missing:lachen:

I have heard that anything containing glycerin is a nono? Thats the problem, most of my moisturisers contain it but I will have a look in the BSS
I use chi straight gaurd (kind of like a moisturizer) then heat protectant to blow dry...then I use chi silk infusion
I'm natural 3c/4a and I always use a moisturizer before I flat iron. I air dry about 40% then moisturize w/ HE LTR, then I let That air dry 90% and start sectioning for my flat ironing. Then I use olive oil lotion as a heat protectant/moisturizer. I think the heat helps to lock in the moisture from your products as well so i say always use a moiisturiser.
I'm natural 4B and wet-to-dry flat iron first using John Frieda Heat Defeat protectant which is where my moisture comes from. It's description is "This protective spray straightens strands for up to 24 hours; helps block humidity and rehydrates." Then I use John Frieda Frizz Ease Serum Thermal Protection to seal in that moisture. My hair stays soft for days.
Absolutely. Moisturzie first then seal with heat protectant. I really believe the best results are achieved when you moisturize before.
I just wanted to thank OP for this thread. I have a similar problem and honestly thought that my hair did not like heat. So I have been rollersetting only for a while now. Next time I am in a hurry to be cute and decide to flat iron I will moisturize first. Thank OP.
I've gotten great results w/o using a protectant. I DC and then airdry. But if I add extra stuff I get crunchy hair nd the flat iron doesn't take. If my hair is feeling extra moisturized, I just use protectant on my ends.