Does anyone else think that Grey hair is beautiful?

Mook's hair

New Member
Dang. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who thinks those grey hairs are pretty. Especially that salt & pepper mixed grey hair.

Strangely enough due to my genes I'll probably be the last person to get them. My grandmom just turned 80 and she's got a head full of black undyed hair with just a hint of grey on the front edges. My mom is another one. She's almost 60 and probably has 20 strands of grey hair.
click for a photo of Grandmom
click for photo of Mom

Oh by the way...I know I look like kid in these pictures but I'm 31 & grown. It's the genes I tell ya! The wonderful genes.

I always want to tell the older women in my husbands family to quit it with the dag-on black hair dye.

I hate that! I think silver/ Black & Silver/White hair is sooooo beautiful.

I can't stand seeing older women & men...65+ years old with jet black dyed hair. YUCK! And the dye seems to make the hair look so chemicalish. (not a word...i know)

I finally convinced my mother-in law to stop using hair dye and her hair is thriving. I helped my mother-in law grow her hair by keeping it in extensions for several months. The silver/gray kanekalon hair. It is so pretty on her. I'll have to post some photos soon when I find them.

Is there anyone else out there who loves the greys?
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Oooh, yes!! I can't WAIT til I go grey - I think it looks so gorgeous and STATELY, esp. on black women who tend to have gorgeous skin for a loooonnnngggg time.

However, it most likely won't happen all that soon, becaue my momma (just hitting 55), only has a few grays at her temples. :rolleyes:
I agree. Both of my grandmothers had the most goregous grey hair. my genes are fairly decent too. my dad is 61 and is just starting to have salt and peper mix. but it's stil mostly black. my mom does get rinses, but that's about it. i think she has grey around her edges.

I think grey hair is nice if it's uniform. I have 2 grey hairs and they're on opposite sides of my head so it looks kinda weird. I think I'm going to grey late also since my mom is 57 and is not completly grey and I'm 34.5 and just have 2 greys.
I think it's beautiful especially on a women who looks 10+ years younger than she really is. I doubt if I will try to change my hair color when I start to grey.
Well, yall can have ALL of my gray hairs ! :lachen:

Seriously, on anyone else, I admire gray hair. Even when I see it on people with a similar skin tone to mine, I can see it's beauty. But when I see it on MY head - I hate it ! They got to go !
I love grey hair...salt & pepper & even white......I hope to one day have a head full of gorgeous thick healthy grey napps!:yep:

Here are a few inspirational pics (sorry they are a little blurry):


Ooohwee, I LOVE that last style! Looks like flattwists going up into a pompadour? :yep: Niceee - can't wait til my hair is long enough to pull THAT off... - gorgeous!
I've seen some of the most beautiful women with that silvery salt & pepper AND it looks phenomenal. Sometimes they make me jealous! :grin:
I think greys are beautiful!

Esp. if they are white-white or that shiny silvery-grey.:yep:

The few I've seen in my hair are white, but I just AINT ready for them yet.:nono:

I'm early 40s, but would rather hold off on the greys untl mid 50s or so.
Then Imma get a fly hair cut so I'll look SASSY!!!

Right now, I'm still tryin' to be SES-SAY! :grin:
I think greys are beautiful!

Esp. if they are white-white or that shiny silvery-grey.:yep:

The few I've seen in my hair are white, but I just AINT ready for them yet.:nono:

I'm early 40s, but would rather hold off on the greys untl mid 50s or so.
Then Imma get a fly hair cut so I'll look SASSY!!!

Right now, I'm still tryin' to be SES-SAY! :grin:
ITA! You have to be careful though, it's very easy to turn grey hair yellowish, and that looks bad.
Grey hair is beautiful. My Grandmother on my fathers side had beautiful long salt and pepper grey hair (died at age 99). And, my Grandmother on my mothers side has a beautiful salt and pepper grey twa (she's 94).:grin:
My mother had beautiful thick white hair, and I would put it in a french plait for her and she had the end hanging down up to her bra strap.
when I get old, I want my hair to be WHITE! like storm's. It's gorgeous.

Yeah Boyee! That look is HOT!!
I'm glad I'm not alone in loving the grey.

Does anyone know how to eliminate that yellowish tint from the grey hairs?
Some of my mother-in laws hair has that weird yellowis tint and I'd love to fix that. I think it is from the mad dye job my sister-n-law did on her.:wallbash:
I think greys are beautiful!

Esp. if they are white-white or that shiny silvery-grey.:yep:

The few I've seen in my hair are white, but I just AINT ready for them yet.:nono:

I'm early 40s, but would rather hold off on the greys untl mid 50s or so.
Then Imma get a fly hair cut so I'll look SASSY!!!

Right now, I'm still tryin' to be SES-SAY! :grin:

I missed you girl. Welcome back

I love grey hair. I have alot of grey.
Does anyone know how to eliminate that yellowish tint from the grey hairs?
Some of my mother-in laws hair has that weird yellowis tint and I'd love to fix that. I think it is from the mad dye job my sister-n-law did on her.:wallbash:[/quote]

I use Roux 52 Mink. It is a rinse that you apply after you shampoo.
Some have had success with Pantenes Shampoo and Condition for Grey.

I can't wait to have all silver hair! I can't stand the one or two thing around the temple, but a head full is sexy... um... that didn't come out right.
I have been grey in about 50 % of my head and I used to rinse it black... Now as of about 2 months ago I have started letting it grow out... well it has now started turning yellow. I am thinking about dying it black again. I don't know... however its starting to bother me like I don't look as kept as I used too:ohwell:

ETA: I am 26
You are not alone. I have always loved salt and pepper hair. My mother and grandmother's hair is so soft and beautiful. People always compliment my mom's hair. I can't wait to catch up! :yep: Got my first gray in 5th grade.:grin:
I love grey hair but I am in NO rush to get it. People in my family begin to grey kinda early.
My familly has good hair genes meaning. the guys still have a full head of hair and we get no signs of grays. That is until we reach our 60's.
I am grey and have been greying since high school. I have to dye every month!!:ohwell:After seeing the article in this months essence about Silver Beauty's I have been considering letting the grey grow in. (Great article..) I actually met one of the grey beauty's at a New Years Day party. Anyway, I am 35 and I sometimes think thats just way too young to walk around with a head full of grey hair. Most ladies who replied to this post refer to their mothers and grandmothers:nono:. My kids are 5 and 6. I dont want to look like a grandmother just yet. I am very tired of dyeing my hair though. :ohwell:
Oh..yeah, Because I have died my hair so much, when my grey new growth comes in I look like Cruella Deville,:perplexed. I wouldn't mind the streaks so much but it would take forever to get there.