Does anyone else just blow at styling their natural hair?


Well-Known Member
I am in awe at how much I suck at styling my hair. My hair is grazing my shoulder at certain points and past it at others so I should be able to do something with it. And it' very soft and malleable as well so dryness is not an issue.

I can't for the life of me get my hair in some sort of cute updo or style by myself. I can get the back to look decent but than I mess up the top. Or the top looks good but then the back is a mess. It doesn't help that I'm at that awkward length. Why can't I get it together?

I've been wearing a lot of hats lately :look: and am just going to get it professionally pressed next week so I don't shave my head again. :look:

Did anyone suck at styling their hair then turn into some sort of natural hair master? Because I've been in this natural hair thing for too long to not have gotten a handle on this thing.
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I had this exact same discussion with my friend the other day. I feel like I've been in the game long enough, I have a decent length and my hair is fairly healthy but I can't get a decent style out of it to save my life.
When it was shorter I had at least a 50% chance of producing a cute style but now, nothing seems to come out right. I have natural hair fatigue at this point and if I could get braids, I would but my hairline would likely suffer. I would flat iron but I've done that 3 times since November and my hair became really dry. So I'm just dealing. Hopefully its just a stage and will pass.
Just wanted to say I feel you girl.
I have never in my natural hair life been able to style my wet hair. I have given up. I now Rollerset weekly and enjoy having my hair done most of the time. Rollerset is a great base for whatever style I want to achieve.

But even at bsl I still can't wet style
I have never in my natural hair life been able to style my wet hair. I have given up. I now Rollerset weekly and enjoy having my hair done most of the time. Rollerset is a great base for whatever style I want to achieve.

But even at bsl I still can't wet style

I've been thinking about this but I need someone to teach me. Any youtube tutorials or methods that you can recommend would be awesome! TIA
Y'all I did not know how to do my hair when it was relaxed and in the beginning when I went natural too. YouTube taught me everything I know and now I can do my hair with confidence. Here are a few folks I recommend

Donedo- has great vids for how to do twist outs, marley twists and braids. Her videos are clean , clear and to the point.

Memoirsofkee-she has really good box braid tutorials. They are bit longer, but this is a plus for those who can't style their own hair.

I just finished installing box braids and they look fantastic and it was my first time too.
I've been thinking about this but I need someone to teach me. Any youtube tutorials or methods that you can recommend would be awesome! TIA

I posted some in the setting to success thread. There is a directory of links in post 2
I've been thinking about this but I need someone to teach me. Any youtube tutorials or methods that you can recommend would be awesome! TIA

I posted some in the setting to success thread. There is a directory of links in post 2
aww man i'm sorry. i can't relate at all-i'm pretty fantastic if i do say so myself. :lol:
a few tips (most of my tips are related to "out" styles)
-learn what to expect of your hair. say for example, i want a sleek updo. can my hair do that without being blowdried? will i need to lay my edges down or nah? (yes and yes)

-products that really work for your hair....but you seem to have a handle on that.

-precision. I see far too many tutorials on doing a twistout or something that are done so sloppily. if you want professional looking results, you need to be precise, e.g. careful sectioning and smoothing. i like to watch naturals who have this quality. i think Samirah Gilli has this down. watch the careful parting and smoothing she does.

-attention to details. do i want my hair to fall in my face? on the left? etc. plan that out ahead of time. baby hair and smooth edges really polish up styles for me personally, just gives it a finished look, imo. :look:

-practice and experiment. yes, so cliche, but there's no way around it. i liked doing half-on-halfs to figure out what styles i liked. e.g. half braid n curl, half twist n curl to see which turned out better.

final things to consider are shape and length. has your hair been professionally shaped? a good cut will have styles automatically falling and looking better. i also consider where you are to still be in the awkward stage for natural hair. give it a few inches, and you will see a dramatic difference in ease of styling.
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Great post rocky91, think I may need to copy and paste this post lol (for when I have hair again)
Thanks for all the tips ladies!
final things to consider are shape and length. has your hair been professionally shaped? a good cut will have styles automatically falling and looking better. i also consider where you are to still be in the awkward stage for natural hair. give it a few inches, and you will see a dramatic difference in ease of styling.

You know I really haven't had but one or two professional cuts/shapings as a longer haired natural since I've been natural. I get trims but never a true cut. Maybe that's something I should look into. This should probably be a thread of its own but do you recommend cutting on hair in its curly state or stretched out hair? I feel like stretched out would make more sense.

Great post rocky91, think I may need to copy and paste this post lol (for when I have hair again)

I so want to cut my hair off again but I don't want to deal with the growing out phase again.
Thanks for all the tips ladies!

You know I really haven't had but one or two professional cuts/shapings as a longer haired natural since I've been natural. I get trims but never a true cut. Maybe that's something I should look into. This should probably be a thread of its own but do you recommend cutting on hair in its curly state or stretched out hair? I feel like stretched out would make more sense.

I so want to cut my hair off again but I don't want to deal with the growing out phase again.

Harina, I recommend a good cut on straightened hair.

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I stay in a roll tuck and pin


This is the only style I can do.
I only need like 9 bobby pins.
No one at my job likes it. But you know what????

Other people's opinion about my hair is not my business!
Here's my two cents for the style impaired.

The greatest tools I use on my hair are spin pins, banana clips, small claw clips, curl formers for an occasional set and cut pantyhose for ponytail holders.

Any style you can do on your whole head, you can do on half your head. Try the same style you've been wearing, except try it half up half down. I love wearing the back of my hair down with a bun on top.

You don't have to wear your "out" or set styles loose. Pin up your braid out or twist out, especially if you're not satisfied with it.

Don't underestimate the power of a ponytail.

Practice a hair style on the weekend, then wear it everyday for a week. I don't have to be an innovative hair architect to look good everyday and be a certified natural. If you find an easy to achieve style, revisit it next week.

Everyone, no matter what length says they're in the "in between stage." Just enjoy your hair length now because when it gets longer or when you trim it, you'll miss the styles you did with your previous length.

If you would like to wear your hair down and loose in the morning, twist it up at night.

That's all I got for now. Maybe I have some more tips for later.
I am horrible at it. I look crazy after every style except pulling it in a bun with a side parting which I am so completely sick of. :(

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Here is the thing, I don't "blow" but if I were to grade my skills it would be a C-.

What I can do

Braids (poor parting skills)
Mini braids (take too long for me to do now)
Twists (poorly parted)
Mini twists (take too long for me to do)
Braidouts (signature style)
A single french braid on a set of twists (But, I can't do cornrows :spinning:)
Buns (on stretched hair)
Spiral buns
Pony puffs
Grecian ponytails
Pony tails
Bantu knot outs
Jumbo flat twists
Pinned up-dos

What I can't do

Roller sets ( No equipment, never practiced)
Flat twists (laughable) (unless its in the bang area they are never acceptable to wear outside)
Flat twistouts (I would have to learn how to do flat twists)
Cornrows (I have never even successfully completed one)
Cornrow outs (I would have to learn how to do cornrows)
Silk wraps (Ha! I can't even do roller sets)
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Styling my hair is my strong point and favorite area of hair care. I grew up with a lot of "kitchen beauticians". I used to be so intrigued watching them transform people. I learned to braid, add extensions, do updo's and all kinds of stuff. When I was in jr. high, my oldest sister went to cosmetology school and taught me how to roller set, relax, color and cut amongst other things on her mannequin head. She swore I was her student!

In order to get better you have to practice. You can't try something once and then give up when you don't get the results you want. You have to keep trying and eventually you will get better. You also have to just come to the point where hair is not a's just like any other area of your body. If you want it to look good, you have to put in the work.

It doesn't hurt to visit a salon every now and again and pay attention to their techniques. I have always loved going to the salon...I love chatting with the ladies and the entire salon environment. Once every 3 months or so just to kinda give yourself a break. Side note: I never get why people stop going altogether just to complain about the price however spend their entire paychecks on buying new products and have 50-11 steps in their washing routine...only to throw on a wig or put their hair in a bun. I mean that's cool sometimes but have to put that same energy into styling.
I am in awe at how much I suck at styling my hair. My hair is grazing my shoulder at certain points and past it at others so I should be able to do something with it. And it' very soft and malleable as well so dryness is not an issue.

I can't for the life of me get my hair in some sort of cute updo or style by myself. I can get the back to look decent but than I mess up the top. Or the top looks good but then the back is a mess. It doesn't help that I'm at that awkward length. Why can't I get it together?

I've been wearing a lot of hats lately :look: and am just going to get it professionally pressed next week so I don't shave my head again. :look:

Did anyone suck at styling their hair then turn into some sort of natural hair master? Because I've been in this natural hair thing for too long to not have gotten a handle on this thing.

This is sooo me! I have such a hard time coming up with different styles for my hair. It's pathetic...I can do a twistout but that's about it lol.
I have 4c hair and I can't really do twistouts and other out styles because they only last a day on my hair so I keep my hair styled in updos that keep my ends protected.

I've lurked here on this forum for years* blushes* but came out to say I understand your frustration. You asked for tutorial recommendations so here's one:
I have 4c hair and I can't really do twistouts and other out styles because they only last a day on my hair so I keep my hair styled in updos that keep my ends protected.

I've lurked here on this forum for years* blushes* but came out to say I understand your frustration. You asked for tutorial recommendations so here's one:


10 char
I am in awe at how much I suck at styling my hair. My hair is grazing my shoulder at certain points and past it at others so I should be able to do something with it. And it' very soft and malleable as well so dryness is not an issue.

I can't for the life of me get my hair in some sort of cute updo or style by myself. I can get the back to look decent but than I mess up the top. Or the top looks good but then the back is a mess. It doesn't help that I'm at that awkward length. Why can't I get it together?

I've been wearing a lot of hats lately :look: and am just going to get it professionally pressed next week so I don't shave my head again. :look:

Did anyone suck at styling their hair then turn into some sort of natural hair master? Because I've been in this natural hair thing for too long to not have gotten a handle on this thing.

I am the same way! I found when I try to do anything with my hair I have setbacks.
I'm really bad at styling too. I've tried Bantu knots, and they left a weird crimp in my hair that made me look like Madusa. I did research on three strand twists and people said they were better then two strand twists, because it makes the twists more defined. I tried doing that junk and my hair looked a mess. I tried doing a flat twist out, but when I took it out there were hardly any curls in my hair. Braids out look crazy I don't even waste my time with them anymore. Twist outs used to be my go to style but now every time I try them my hair sticks up and points in every direction. I've been resorting to buns a lot but it makes me look like an old lady. I look at these you tube hair tutorials and do the same thing they do and my hair never looks like theirs.
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I am also completely useless at curlformers. It looks good when I take the rods out then I can't figure out what to do with it and just straighten and, you got it, pull it into a bun. Lol.

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Thanks to everyone who responded.

I tried to make an updo of sorts yesterday. I'm not going to lie it looked like crap in person but managed to photograph well. I think it was the lighting. I need to get to locing my hair because ain't nobody got time for that.



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I go through phases where my styling is on point and those where its a hot mess. When its HAM for too long I cut it...I just did some mini twists and hacked them in 1/2. Fresh ends and my fro will be banging for the spring and summer! Considering a bigger chop but im thinking about it for a week or 2...ive been craving wash n go hair for that id have to cut back to twa
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