Does anyone else hate setting their hair?


Well-Known Member
My roller sets are so pitiful and I don't like the way my hair comes out... that is why I do to the Dominican salon weekly...right now my hair is wet in rollers and ready to be dried... I have no clue how my hair will come out. I used

L'anza shampoo
Modern Organic Products Moisture conditioner mixed w/ Revlon's porosity control with a little Weleda's Rosemary Hair oil thrown in..

Then I used the Fantasia leave in w/ aloe....

I hate roller setting too. But it's worth it because after the set, I do a doobie wrap that lasts a full 5 days. I have never had a style that lasts that long.
I feel u on that Vevster!
My roller sets are not the greatest but I keep doing them. If you could see my hair now! I am about 2 months post relaxer and my hair is VERY thick. I curled my hair last night and decided since my hair is BIG to wear it BIG and curly.....LOL it certainly is BIG and curly!
GOOD LUCK ur hair will like u in the long run for the roller set SMILE
I love the results of roller setting, but I hate doing it myself. I'm looking forward to visiting Ms. Tracy in NY for a roller set one of these days. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I hate roller setting too. But it's worth it because after the set, I do a doobie wrap that lasts a full 5 days. I have never had a style that lasts that long.

[/ QUOTE ] Same here!
I hate to do them too, but my new hair resolution is to do more of them. I know they're better for the health of my hair, but the time it takes to do it is too much!!! /images/graemlins/frown.gif
I don't really hate them, I just don't have the time. I usually wash at night after the gym. I wrap it and air dry over night. There is no way I could sleep on the rollers.
yes, very much so!! i haven't tried it since my last disaster, and i can't afford to lose more hair trying. once the shedding subsides, i'll try again. allandra talked me off the ledge from throwing the rollers and the rest of that crap in the trash...

My rollersets take me ten minutes tops and they come out great and I STILL hate it! LOL!

So for those of you who are thinking as you get faster it gets better, and as it begins to come out nicer you are happier - THINK AGAIN! LOL! If you are a lazy me you're ALWAYS going to hate it. /images/graemlins/shocked.gif

The saving grace - I LOVE the results on my hair and I LOVE how much healthier my hair is than when I styled it differently.
Sometimes I feel like I'm pampering myself. But most times my arms just hurt and I I DREAD the hour and a half under the dryer....

But it's worth it overall. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
LOL! It takes me about 10 minutes to but I hate the drying time. Too long and I hate my Conair hooded dryer.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
It takes me about 10 minutes...

[/ QUOTE ] How do you do it so fast?
Practice. Doing the very thing we dread - over and over and over....LOL! Sounds fun right?

I can do mine in front of the TV with no mirror now. Or talking on the phone. Just gimme some pins, some rollers and a rat tail - and ten minutes. The more you do it (twice a week now for 7 years in my case) the faster you get.
Now Tracey that is some serious skill girl! I have to use a mirror or else my rollers would be all crooked. I'm not gonna even try it either! lol
I hate setting mine too. My arms usually get tired before I even get halfway through it. There is so much hair that I am constantly having to rewet it because parts of it are dry and won't lay smooth. Its not fun.
What I have started doing is putting my hair in the ponytail method for air drying and then rollersetting the next day. I am so tired by the time I get to setting my hair that its best if I wait for the Sunday to roll it. Then I don't get as frustrated with it and I only have to sit under the dryer long enough for the setting lotion to dry.
Setting Post Mortem

Yuck, my hair is pouffy w/ kinky roots and frizzy ends and DULL. I am so glad I am getting my hair done on Friday..

But I guess practice makes perfect I will get larger rollers and try again... /images/graemlins/mad.gif /images/graemlins/frown.gif
Re: Setting Post Mortem


I told BRH this as well - and I think the same is affecting you re: the dullness....

You are using too many conditioners at once. Shiny hair is hair with no build up. Clarify and use ONE conditioner, unless you are doing a protein treatment. Once you get the setting method down the trick to shiny flowing bouncy hair is simplicity.

ALso - BRH had toruble with the Fantasia making her hair dry and crispy. My advice - take it to your favorite Dominican salon the next time you go and have them rollerset with it and see how your hair comes out different than normal when it's done "professionally". Just to make sure that's not the trouble - unless you already know that it works fine on you.
Re: Setting Post Mortem

Which pins do you use and howndo you get them to hold tight? Before i found the boards I was very good at roller setting now i can not get my rollers tight anymore. /images/graemlins/frown.gif
You're not alone! They're a pain so most of the time I just wash and let my hair air dry. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Setting Post Mortem

Tracy, what are the Dominican salons spraying on our hair before the roller set? What do you put on your hair before the rollers go in?
Re: Roller Setting

I don't particularly LIKE roller setting...but I don't mind it as long as I'm not tired.

I like caring for my hair! BTW- practice makes perfect...rollersetting gets easier and easier the more you do it. Yet, I STILL can't do it without a mirror. Dang, Tracy, you GO GIRL!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif

I have to sit under the dryer for 1 1/2 hours, too. I used to read, but recently I found a way to dry my hair under my hood dryer IN FRONT OF MY COMPUTER!! Now, my drying time is "LHCF TIME". I tell you that 1 1/2 hours just flies by!
/images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif (I actually look forward to sitting under the dryer now.) /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: Setting Post Mortem

L.A.W : /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Dominican salons use a variety of leave in's when they rollerset. Some use Fantasia when I bring it, some use Infusium, my favorite salon uses a leave in of their own that they mix themselves (prolly just conditioner diluted in some water to be honest) that my hair loves! It really depends on the leave in "they believe in". /images/graemlins/smile.gif

At home I use Motions, or Fantasia most often. I find my hair responds best to watery leave ins for rollersets. Anything else creates too much weight.

What you put (as long as you know your hair likes it) is less important than how much. A medium amount will do - I'd say if you measured it MAYBE a 1/4 cup.....I just turn the bottle upside down and squirt or spray. I focus on my ends and add only a little around the scalp area.....
Re: Roller Setting

I do hardcore LHCF time while under the dryer as well girl! /images/graemlins/grin.gif

I've been doing it for years so if I ain't got it by now I should be ashamed /images/graemlins/tongue.gif - but you also have WAY MORE hair than me - I don't think I could ever rollerset mirror free with your volume of hair! /images/graemlins/cool.gif
Re: Setting Post Mortem

Thanks for the tips tracy.... I will try this again!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I am so feeling this thread! I have a <font color="red">love/hate relationship with rollers setting</font color> Like Tracy I can roller set in ten minutes flat. I always gets great results...I'll never blowdry again but I HATE rollersetting. I am 40+ years old and I've done this for a lonnnng time..and I've hated it for a lonnnnng time... but my hair looks so much better and is growing so much better than when I blow dry and use the curling iron... I try to find ways to make my hair dry faster! Right now I'm sticking to the professional wire mesh rollers(Diane)...but I'm always gonna hate it.

Blkmane I do the same thing you do and get on the computer while I dry. I refuse to get on the computer, the days I set until I'm ready to dry my hair. That way I won't run out of stuff to 'surf' while I'm drying....or I'll take a nap.
Yeah, I simply hate roller setting, but absolutely love the results.

I think that I'm getting better at it; it's not taking as long to roll; I'm now at 30-40 min rolling time, but that's if I go straight through without a break &amp; consistently do it for about a's torture, because my arms get soooo tired!

Lately, I've been wearing a "braid out" to give me a break from rollersetting. I know that when I return to the rollers, I'm going to be back at my usual 45min -1 hr, then another 2 hrs to dry. What a treat to look forward to!
Rollarsetting has def. got better with practise for me. And now I can finally do the silver clips too that Dominican salons use. It took forever to master once but now I can do it /images/graemlins/grin.gif I've also upped my rollar size from purple to grey which is much faster. I'm done in approx 20 mins (not at Tracy's record yet).

I have also started using just one conditioner instead of a 'concoction' of 3 at once which I used to do. I just maybe add a touch of olive oil which makes the wet hair much smoother for me. Also, adding Keracare silken seal also helps make the wet hair much smoother so the hair lies flatter on each rollar so it dries straight. No frizzies.

Mostly I don't mind doing rollarsets as I actually look forward to wash/conditioning although sometimes I'm like, oh geez there has to be an easier way.... /images/graemlins/crazy.gif
I have been roller setting my hair for more than 30 years. Back then you rolled your hair a few days after your pressed curls started to droop. So the wet set is no big deal for me. I put in about 30 rollers in my hair in less then 10 minutes, curl up on my reading chair with a cup of green tea and a book and I am good to go. The noise from the dryer drown out the world and I enjoy my book! Even sleeping on rollers with a dry set is no problem cause I did it as a kid. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Re: Roller Setting

Black Mane, I do some of my deep conditioning under the portable hooded dryer at my computer to. I put it on the table behind me. Small world. But that is cool, and yes the time does fly! Bonjour.
Hi Sweetcocoa!

Setting questing for you (Or anyone setting natural 3c/4a and yes some 4b hair)!

How DO you set it? /images/graemlins/grin.gif

I've got my rollers (all different sizes); got some pins; the tiny silver kind and the roller pins that look like large bobbi pins; I'm borrowing my Mom's Lady Dazey dryer (I need to invest in one); my own shea butter/mango butter concoction for my ends and my instructions someone posted on this site for rollersetting. I guess I need to get some type of setting lotion huh?

Any more tips?