Does Anyone Else Experience This?


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

I am sorry to have to bring up this topic, but I am quite desperate over here. I have tried to use MTG several times over the past couple of months, but for some reason, this stuff makes my scalp ITCH SO BAD!! I cant even describe it. The itch is so bad that I want to snatch my scalp off. I will be at work, and I have to go to the bathroom and scratch my scalp with BOTH hands. :eek: It is terrible. I have been following the effects of this product and have even found a way to get over the smell, but I cant remember reading of anyone who has experienced this. I have never had this problem before, and when I stop the MTG, the itching stops. I dont know if this is a good thing, like if it helps my scalp and growth, or if I am just wasting my time with MTG. Also when I use MTG, in addition to the itching, I notice that my scalp flakes terribly after I wash and rollerset to the point that flakes fall like snow. When I dont use it, again, I dont have any problems. I feel tortured because I want to get a touch up this weekend, so instead of scratching with my nails I am rubbing my scalp. I have been rubbing so hard and so often that the joints in my fingers hurt!!! Any advice or guidance would greatly be appreciated.
My advise is stop using it. i think you already guess that this is not for you. You could be allergic to the Sulfur. I'm having the same experience with the Biotin. I post a thread about it today. it was making me itch like crazy. it's either the doe it too high or the straight biotin is not for me.

i know how much you wanted to use this product, because i feel the same about the biotin. But i can't stand the itching. i will have to find an alternative.

good luck:)
Sometimes the itching that you describe could be a "blessing in disquise" telling you...."girl, this is not for you". I say this, because all of that intense scratching could lead to a scalp infection if you start to draw blood or damage your hair follicles, or something worse. I knoe of one woman who had this intense itching reaction to getting a relaxer...and her hair ended up coming out like plucked chicken on three occasions, using different product...and this lady had some serious, long strong hair. If it were me and this was happening....product would have to go...before My Hair and health did. Hope this helps. Bonjour