Does Anyone DC w/Creme of Nature Conditioner


Well-Known Member
I DC'd last night using CON conditioner(i think it had a purply label....not the new stuff) and I really liked it but couldn't find any raves about it here. Only raves for the shampoo. Does anyone use CON condish as a dc? Is it even supposed to be used as a dc?
Also, this lady, mentioned that she'd tried the Jojoba & Olive Oil deep conditioning treatment from the new line and was pleased with the results but she's white and I wanted to know if any of you ladies have tried it and what were the results?

Just trying to decide if I should go to the 4 BSS in my 'hood and buy up the rest of the white-bottle CON condish:perplexed

I've used CON conditioner (old formula) as a deep conditioner with heat. IMO, it worked well on my hair (soft and easy to comb through hair). On the bottle, it indicates using it two ways (as a regular conditioner, and as a deep conditioner). HTH.
I have only used the new formula conditioner but for rinse outs. I have a deep conditioner already that is my staple, but its not Creme of Nature.
I'm curious about this too. I need to make a run to the BSS and pick up some more ORS Replenishing Con. Maybe I'll get some of this too?
I :love3:CON, personally.
I used it after I did my first henna and was pleased.

I'm sure there is a thread about CON. In fact I know there is--because THAT'S why I went out and bought it in the first place! :grin:
The sistas in here are usually on point with their suggestions concerning good poos and conditioners....

I think it's in one of those 'best conditioners' topics. Don't think someone dedicated an entire thread to CON.
I used the new formula for dc and i didn't like it. All we use in our house is CON shampoo and Condish lol so now we have to look somewhere else since the formula changed! I miss the old formula
The purple label is GREAT as a DC.

I don't like the perfumey smell, but it always left my hair very soft :yep:
I love this conditioner its great thet I can still find it in the UK. I have stocked up since its being discontinued.