Does anybody wear a shower cap to bed???


Well-Known Member
I was on another site and they were talking about "baggying" but to the extreme. A lot of naturals were wearing a shower cap to bed under their wrap.:eek: Is this something that is happening and I just missed it?? Is any here doing it and if so does it help with moisture?
Yes, there are quite a few threads on baggying. A lot of people on this board are doing it. As a matter of fact there is a 3 month baggy challenge going on right now. Do a baggy search and you will find loads of info about it.:)
sweetnlow06 said:
Yes, there are quite a few threads on baggying. A lot of people on this board are doing it. As a matter of fact there is a 3 month baggy challenge going on right now. Do a baggy search and you will find loads of info about it.:)

Thanks but I thought that baggying was just the ends of the hair not the entire head.
It's the way I sleep 99% of the time and have been doing this for years. I actually thought most people that did full head baggies slept in plastic caps at night, unless their baggying was done under a hat or wrap during the day (<--I do that when I wear a wrap or hat...shshsh!)
even though i am relaxed, i sleep with a shower cap most nights. it seems to help protect my line of demarcation and has really improved my moisture level.
Yes, I sleep with a shower cap on under my scarf every night. :look: This is for baggying purposes, and also because my hair is so oily from the BT and other moisturizers, and i wouldnt want to stain my linens.
I'm natural and I have individuals with extensions now (doing the crown and glory method) and I'm still baggying 2 or 3 nights a week!
I wear a shower cap to bed on Sunday cuz I apply Amla Oil to my entire head and leave in overnight
soun said:
I'm natural and I have individuals with extensions now (doing the crown and glory method) and I'm still baggying 2 or 3 nights a week!

I'm glad you said this because I never thought to baggy while having braids in but I guess I will do this for the remaining 3 weeks of my kinky twists and in the future. I do baggy my whole head (natural) when I'm wearing it out! In the winter, it kept me from having to cw every morning and exposing my head to the cold weather. Very moisturizing!
Nonie said:
It's the way I sleep 99% of the time and have been doing this for years. I actually thought most people that did full head baggies slept in plastic caps at night, unless their baggying was done under a hat or wrap during the day (<--I do that when I wear a wrap or hat...shshsh!)

I've been doing it for a couple of years myself. I think I may have gotten the idea from you...
KiniKakes said:
Yes, I sleep with a shower cap on under my scarf every night. :look: This is for baggying purposes, and also because my hair is so oily from the BT and other moisturizers, and i wouldnt want to stain my linens.

That's why I started this years ago, didn't realize there were benefits until DarkEmpress showed her results. Now I sleep with a plastic cap for both moisture and to protect my pillow case.
Wow, if you're using enough BT or other product to fear staining your pillowcases, isn't that a bit much? I've been using BT for a couple of months now (every other night), and it doesn't make my hair oily at all.
preciousjewel76 said:
Wow, if you're using enough BT or other product to fear staining your pillowcases, isn't that a bit much? I've been using BT for a couple of months now (every other night), and it doesn't make my hair oily at all.

For me, not in terms of BT because I no longer use it, but I grease my scalp in the morning and at night I put JBCO on my hair. When the JBCO first goes on it's rather heavy and thick...if I tie on my scarf right at that moment it will seap through and leave grease stains on my pillow case. In the morning my hair is not oily or greasy just moisturized. I hope that makes sense.
I do. I baggy my whole head. Then put a scarf over it. I have been doing it for a while now that it just feels so natural to me. It doesn't bother me and I am a rough sleeper.
preciousjewel76 said:
Wow, if you're using enough BT or other product to fear staining your pillowcases, isn't that a bit much? I've been using BT for a couple of months now (every other night), and it doesn't make my hair oily at all.

My scarf is generally on the oily side because i dont wash it that often, but i wear it nightly.... so i sleep with a towell over my pillow case so as not to stain it.

But in my experience, whether you are using a lot of the product or a little, the oil based growth agents (ie, BT or MTG) are oily enough that they will leave oil stains if you're not careful. I personally wouldnt dare sleep on my good linens without a towell over them, just to be extra cautious. Id be furious at myself if i ruined them, lol! :)
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if i do an oil treatment, i sometimes sleep with the shower cap. i have a hard time keeping it on all night though.

usually i don't like sleeping with it though because i sweat bad in my head. i smell like a wet puppy when i wake up in the morning. :lol:
what caps do you ladies use?

i use the cheap 10 in a pack for 99 cents as shower caps. but they are ridiculous too tight. even on for only a few minutes, you can see the line left behind from the elastic band on my forehead.:perplexed
nvybeauty said:
what caps do you ladies use?

i use the cheap 10 in a pack for 99 cents as shower caps. but they are ridiculous too tight. even on for only a few minutes, you can see the line left behind from the elastic band on my forehead.:perplexed
On my last business trip, I left my scarf at home!!! what did I do? I used my shower cap!!! It protected my ends from the cotton sheets and pillowcases.
nvybeauty said:
what caps do you ladies use?

i use the cheap 10 in a pack for 99 cents as shower caps. but they are ridiculous too tight. even on for only a few minutes, you can see the line left behind from the elastic band on my forehead.:perplexed

Yep, those are the ones I use. I even throw them a couple of times into the washer for re-use (Yep, I'm cheap like that. LOL But I hate how loose the elastic gets after a few washes.) When I'm out of them, that's when I turn to Saran Wrap.

I don't mind the band and I don't get that line. I usually pull some of the plastic under the band so that it isn't directly on my skin and that prevents it from marking my forehead. Put another way, lift the band and fold it back over the plastic, (like you'd fold cuffs). HTH
lmjenk67 said:
I'm glad you said this because I never thought to baggy while having braids in but I guess I will do this for the remaining 3 weeks of my kinky twists and in the future. I do baggy my whole head (natural) when I'm wearing it out! In the winter, it kept me from having to cw every morning and exposing my head to the cold weather. Very moisturizing!

thank you:)
Nonie said:
Yep, those are the ones I use. I even throw them a couple of times into the washer for re-use (Yep, I'm cheap like that. LOL But I hate how loose the elastic gets after a few washes.) When I'm out of them, that's when I turn to Saran Wrap.

I don't mind the band and I don't get that line. I usually pull some of the plastic under the band so that it isn't directly on my skin and that prevents it from marking my forehead. Put another way, lift the band and fold it back over the plastic, (like you'd fold cuffs). HTH

Thanks! I didn't know you could wash them. I will try that to loosen the band.
I don't know if it is the washing that loosens it or the drying (I have one of those washer and dryer in one units and I don't always remember that I have them in there so I forget to set it to only wash and hence they get dried too. Some have melted in parts and stuck together too :lachen: .)

How about wearing a headband so the elastic isn't against your skin if you find pulling the plastic through doesn't help?
I tried but the constant crunching and rippling of the bag kept me up so I ripped it off , through on a scarf, and went to sleep.
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i tried the fulll head baggy but my head feels so wet in the morning. if anyone has the same issue, what do you do about this?