Does any one use curl activator lotion as a moisturiser?

I have been thinking of using a curl activator for moisture. But I have some questions. Hopefully, you ladies will answer.

Do any of you ladies have problems with your hair staying wet and oily like back in the day when folk had those wet drippy curly kits and the juice/oil left stains on your clothes and sheets.

Are you able to touch your hair and not end up with hands wet with curl juice?

Do you use another moisturizer with curl activator or do you use the activator alone as the only moisturizer in your hair that day?

^ I don't know about the kits from back in the days, lol, so i can't comment on that. I last put this in about 5 days ago and when i touch my hair a shiny residue is left... But it's not greasy. My hair is not long enough to be resting on my clothes but i guess if it would make your clothes look a bit dirty.
This is the first time i used it. so after wash day i think i had a bit of protein overload, so i put growth lotion by profectiv in first but it just was not doing anything so a day later i put the curl juice in and i've been doing braid outs ever since. The first few days it looked perfect. The only negative about it so far, is because i'm transitioning i've been experimenting with braid outs but the last couple of days my hair has been falling flat at the front, i'm guessing because it's a bit over moisturised. I shouldn't have put it in the day after the first. Even though i re braid my hair at night it doesn't hold the curl as i would like, but i'll retry this after washday.
^ I don't know about the kits from back in the days, lol, so i can't comment on that. I last put this in about 5 days ago and when i touch my hair a shiny residue is left... But it's not greasy. My hair is not long enough to be resting on my clothes but i guess if it would make your clothes look a bit dirty.
This is the first time i used it. so after wash day i think i had a bit of protein overload, so i put growth lotion by profectiv in first but it just was not doing anything so a day later i put the curl juice in and i've been doing braid outs ever since. The first few days it looked perfect. The only negative about it so far, is because i'm transitioning i've been experimenting with braid outs but the last couple of days my hair has been falling flat at the front, i'm guessing because it's a bit over moisturised. I shouldn't have put it in the day after the first. Even though i re braid my hair at night it doesn't hold the curl as i would like, but i'll retry this after washday.

Yes that's one of the drawbacks of using curl activator. If you use it too much, your hair will be overmoisturized and not hold curls. So use it sparingly. If you use it this way, you shouldn't have a greasy feel or an oil slick left from whatever surface your hair came in contact with..

Oh and especially when you are transitioning, use it sparingly bacause it can weaken your hair and result in breakage.
I just swiped my hair against my mum's leather sofa and there was no oily stain. There is only shine when i touch and kind of squeeze the hair with my hands to answer your questions knt1229
I have that Smooth N Shine Curl Activator Gel and it wasn't doing it for me. :/ I may try again and see if there's a change.
I just swiped my hair against my mum's leather sofa and there was no oily stain. There is only shine when i touch and kind of squeeze the hair with my hands to answer your questions knt1229

Thanks Melissa-bee. I may have to give curl activator a try.
I have been thinking of using a curl activator for moisture. But I have some questions. Hopefully, you ladies will answer.

Do any of you ladies have problems with your hair staying wet and oily like back in the day when folk had those wet drippy curly kits and the juice/oil left stains on your clothes and sheets.

Nope. I apply it only on wash day and sleep with a plastic cap every night. Hair feels wet when I take the cap off and then by the time I undo my plaits and comb out my hair, it's no longer feeling wet. Just moist/cold but not oily, or sticky icky.

Are you able to touch your hair and not end up with hands wet with curl juice?

Yes. I love it coz I can even lean on walls and furniture w/o worrying about leaving marks on it.

Do you use another moisturizer with curl activator or do you use the activator alone as the only moisturizer in your hair that day?

I don't use anything else, just the curl activator. And I only apply it on the day I wash my hair. And with baggying nightly, my hair stays moisturized until the day I wash my hair.
I was at the BSS today researching color, and I decided to get some juice! I wanted Curl Free Gold or Wave Neveau, but I didn't know which one to get, so I just bought Hawaiian Silky, which seems nice so far. My hair is a different type of soft, not bad, just different.

I really want to try the other brands though, especially if this one doesn't work well for me. What is the exact name of the other brands of juice that you ladies are using? Thanks :)