Does a LHCFer wear twists like these?


Well-Known Member

please, i'm not trying to start a hair typing debate but i really am looking for hair inspirations. i love twists but i usually see mini-twists by members here. I love them, in fact do them once in a while, but at BSL it takes me 8 hours to do the really small ones. :ohwell: This girl's hair is different from anything i've seen:look: but i love her twists and would like to know if any of you have achieved cute twists that were medium/large, who also happens to have 'normal' hair:lol: meaning, type 4 hair that shrinks up.

i know, i know, i can just try the style but this hair is too much for experimentation. i'd like to see members' styles before i sit down and do it.

ETA: if you have done successful medium/large twists (that you would actually wear outside) can you tell me your reggie for twists. pics would also be really helpful :)
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Strange how I knew even before clicking the link that it was Chime...:ohwell:. I wish my twists would be thick like this they are gorgeous!! Go for it!!!


She is someone who stays wearing her hair in twists and big ones at that.
Nonie thanks for mentioning me. Mine are puny compared to hers. My dd's are nice an plump though. I'd definitely check out that thread for inspiration.

And yep ms-gg and mwedzi have luscious twists!
This is about as chunky as mine get. I prefer them smaller, but you are right, it's quite a task sometimes.


If you did do them, and didnt' like them, you could pin them up a few different ways though.
Thanks but I want thicker hair and big ole twists like hers! When my hair was thick as a child, I so didn't appreciate it. Now it's much thinner. I did a french braid today and my scalp showed through. YUCK!

I think I could handle thick hair now - what with all this LHCF knowledge! :)
Thanks but I want thicker hair and big ole twists like hers! When my hair was thick as a child, I so didn't appreciate it. Now it's much thinner. I did a french braid today and my scalp showed through. YUCK!

I think I could handle thick hair now - what with all this LHCF knowledge! :)

wavezncurlz - Well...your hair looks plenty thick in the pics. We have to work with what we got! I have thin hair too btw. It looks nice and full when it dries, but my twists are little stringies! LOL
I like! The first pic looks like the hair might be lightly blowed out and the second pic looks like the hair was twisted wet.

wet twists on me don't look good. my hair shrinks up then proceeds to stick out :ohwell: The first pic her twists are small but that looks like a 4 hour job which I could handle. I'd really love to be able to do 40 twist that i could rock hanging down. whenever i do that many twist the hair will have to promptly pinned up with maybe 2 or 3 hanging down in the front.



She is someone who stays wearing her hair in twists and big ones at that.
the first pic of T that I posted looks like the twisting method that Nonie always talks about where you twist each of the two individual pieces of hair first, then you twist them together. I think that is how they do the senegalese twists but I am not sure because I've never had them done before but that is what I would imagine it would look like...
Yep, I wear big twists. I think I have seen Mwedzi wearing bigger twists before too....

@Nonie thanks for mentioning me. Mine are puny compared to hers. My dd's are nice an plump though. I'd definitely check out that thread for inspiration.

And yep @ms-gg and @mwedzi have luscious twists!

Yes :yep: if I wear twists these days they are bigger because I have no patience anymore. I don't really like the way they look, though, so I almost always wear them in an updo.

These are on wet hair:

These are on blow dried hair:


These were done on wet hair, and you can see why I always put them in a ponytail or bun or something:


Blow dried hair again, about as small as I'll do them now. No more than 35 twists.

I used to do about 70, but haven't done that for a while.