doctor's Best Best MSM 1500


New Member
anyone uses this brand of msm, I just ordered it from, it says linguisil msm does that mean that it's pure msm.
I think I made a mistake by buying the 1500 mcg instead of the 1000 because the 1500 one is in tablet form which I don't like but the 1000 one comes in capsules.
Yes, for about 3 years now I've been using Doctor's Best MSM in either powder form or capsules (both give me the same effect). I've never tried the tablets. It's a pretty popular brand and is very pure so start small and work your way up to avoid rapid detox. Overall, I've noticed that it decreases my shedding and keeps my hair texture soft and a bit looser.
Yes, for about 3 years now I've been using Doctor's Best MSM in either powder form or capsules (both give me the same effect). I've never tried the tablets. It's a pretty popular brand and is very pure so start small and work your way up to avoid rapid detox. Overall, I've noticed that it decreases my shedding and keeps my hair texture soft and a bit looser.

Well I like capsules better and also looking at the ingredients it is different than the capsules, it's too late now since I already received it, cann't return it now, I will have to pay for shipping to do that.